
Jun 03, 2012 16:20

Everyone who knows me, knows that I was a huuuuuuuuuuuuuge La Femme Nikita fan. Like, totally obsessed with the show and Michael and Nikita, played by Peta Wilson and Roy Dupuis. Now, this weekend, out of boredom, I have decided to give this new "Nikita" interpretation a try. My GOD, what a JOKE! I mean...that man is NO Michael!! I used to be in love with Michael and Roy Dupuis, and I used to loooooooove M&N together. The man playing this Michael...uhm...just...NO!!! I mean, come ON! He's not even remotely like the 'original' Michael, the dark and silent, sexy type! And Nikita...LOL! Peta Wilson was gorgeous, this Nikita impersonator is not even CUTE! Sorry, but I don't think she is! And Peta and Roy together created MAGIC, like fireworks magic! No one could ever re-create that and no one could ever re-create the chemistry and the magic that the original Nikita cast brought together.

So, Section One is "The Division", working for "the man". How very "stick-it-to-da-man" of them! Would that make Mr. Jones the man, or Operations is "the man"? I'm confused. The Operations here DOES have a name, though, it's Percy. He's not nearly as intimidating as Eugene Robert Glazer was. Or at all, really! This whole "Division" things looks like high-school, but with weapons. The recruits' meal area sure looked like a high-school cafeteria, complete with girls bitching around, picking on the new girl. Is THIS what Section has been reduced to? Recruiting high school kids? It's probably for attracting younger audiences and since Nikita is at its 3rd season it probably worked? I don't know, Section would probably just wipe the Division off the face of the earth in a week, or you know, a 42-minute episode. They wouldn't even have to send in their top operatives, they'd just have to gather those kids Michael and Nikita trained back in season 4 :) Also while Section's methods were cruel and unjustified sometimes, they were fighting for the greater good. I'm not sure I like them being  just some government agency gone rogue in a quest for power, always thirsty for more!

Now, Maggie Q plays "Amanda", a.k.a. Madeline. She is no Alberta Watson, but she, along with Alex (played by a young kid I recognize, but I just can't remember where from) are the only ones who seem to be at least remotely interesting. Alex reminds me of OUR Nikita (awww!) in the way she acts and thinks and she is quite cute, just like Nikita used to be, before she morphed into HOT! Also...*************SPOLER*************** having her work as a spy for "Nikita" was a nice twist, I'll give the show that! And Amanda, so far, is the most interesting face of the division. She also pulled off Madeline's 'quiet, nice and innocent till I kill you' demeanor. Like I said, these two have been the only characters I liked/am interested in so far.  
  • Birkoff calls Nikita a "bitch" and "Niki" and that just made me go...WTF!!!!!! Can't muster more than that! Birkoff used to have this cute crush on Nikita and she always regarded him like a little brother so...seing them portrayed like that was just...weird!
  • "Nikita is a complication" says Percy. Yup, that's about right, she always was, always will be. DEAL with it! 
  • "I trained her to be a ghost. Finding her when she doesn't want to be found is next to impossible." Michael to Percy and then, Nikita just APPEARS and says..."hi, I had a feeling somebody was talking about me". LOL! Gotta admit, I liked that one! And I DO like how she TOTALLY played Michael's emotions. Small revenge, after all the years the REAL Michael toyed with Nikita's feelings (before he fell hopelessly and helplessly in love with her).
  • WTF is the pig's head from the end of the episode? Some weird Lord of the Flies symbolism?

OK, I'm intrigued/bored enough that I'll watch another episode. We'll see if I still have anything to say/if I will still watch it. The Pilot wasn't that strong, IMHO.

nikita, la femme nikita

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