Peer-pressure is a powerful thing my friends. ;o)
(In case you don't already know the drill by now) Comment to let the question/answereing begin, oh and don't forget to repost this in your journal too.
a) Tell you why I friended you,
b) Associate you with something - fandom, a song, a color, a photo, etc.,
c) Tell you something I like about you,
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Comments 8
b) recipes and every time I hear the word, "faster!" spoken as its own sentence. (specifically while in a wagon. lol.) XD
c) You're a crazy, no-nonsense type of gal and I love ya for it.
d) .. our whole, me as a stalker conversation, especially when LJ "forbid" it. ::giggles:: I still need a banner for that actually. Hmmm...
e) I'll be lame and ask two. :P Deal. 1- what was your first piece of fanfiction and 2- is there any time you're gonna be heading up towards the Raleigh area? ::wink wink:: I have our coffee shop all picked out and everything. :D
f) your "smiling" icon. ::pouts:: You took a bunch of your C&H down.. otherwise those would be the epic win. :D
As for the questions... First thing I wrote was 'Trust' for Inuyasha. As for Raleigh, I have no idea. With school for the summer, I doubt it would be now. Fall school will keep me homebound as well. :( I want to go to Raleigh to see my sister too.
Hurray for icon space!! I'm too cheap to get it, even though I'd definitely use it. Rotating icons can get annoying sometimes. ::sigh::
b) ::snort:: It's your own fault for this, but... The Muppets (ma-nam-ana. Do-do-dee-do-do ...) XD
c) You're super easy to get along with and encourage my love of hug-giving.
d) ... Muppets.. ::proud grin::
e) What's your favorite childhood classic book/movie?
f) ::points up:: The Sesshoumaru blue, actually. Yay!
b) Drabbles and constellations
c) :unrolls scroll that creeps out doorway:: Let me see. Besides you being a sweetheart there's the fact you live in Canada and take the playful crap we give you because of it, you're my french outlet, you as well as demonlord_lover accept my love for Jaken...with banners even.. but to be brief, what I like about you is this: you're a blast to talk to when I need the chance to express my fangirling, anime-loving side since I can't let loose in RL. :D
d) Late-night roleplaying with Safire.
e) Other than Ryuuki and Sesshoumaru, any other favorite males in fandom? :D
f) It's a tie between your saimono and brotherhood.
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