Title: Shining Star (Chapter 2)
Paring: Kangin/Leeteuk
Genre: Drama
Rating: R
Disclaimer: I don’t own them, only the plot.
Summary: It all started when Jungsu and Youngwoon were still the trainees.
Note: Chapter 1 of this series can be found
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Comments 20
and teukie - dont feel bad, he feels the same way, i promise!
can;'t wait for more!
thanks for leaving a comment, I'm always nervous how people react (or not react) to my fic!
but aside from that....
T.T i want to go to a bubble gum party!
and i love kangin protecting teukkie :D
I thought bubble-gum is the best word to make it sound like stupid! XDDD
kangin being jealous n protective over teuk me like ^__^
me too..when i see that pict i was like "OMG he's cheating with minho!"
if kangin see that pict,,minho will suffer..*im sorry minho fans *bows**
this rly good..i like this so much..
waiting for another update *hugs*
I can't help grinning like mad imagining how kangin would react to that picture!
thank you for your support~!*hugs back*
And thanks for adding me to your friends, I added you to mine, hope you don't mind :D
I totally loved this chapter!
the scene with KangIn licking Leeteuk's back in the dance studio - it nearly killed me!<3
God, now I really can't wait for the next chapter! xD
.. I'm going to read this chapter one more time, right now!<3
(I really like Minho, but it's no secret that he's like that d: )
it's so funny everybody calls minho hyung whore XDDDD
now I'm convinced that I chose the right one for the character XDD
I just love this chapter i:
Haha, well he is xD
- you really did! and I dig it :D
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