Hope Halloween was fun for you guys! I had a neat time. :) I really didn't upload any pictures yet, but there's one that I found on facebook that this girl uploaded. You can see my Coco-Rocha-inspired-french-clown costume, but that'll come later.
Lots of things to-do this week. Please, school, slow down. :(
- Study for Michelangelo midterm
- Do Vis112 Reading Outlines
- Do Vis112 Paper Outlines
- Do Vis112 Bibliography
- Michelangelo midterm
- ALL Vis112 junk due
- Physics pre-lab + conclusion
- Physics Pre-lab + conclusion due
- Do OutReach Thru Art logo over again
- Compile Fashion Quarterly portfolio
- Study for Physics Quiz
- Seriously fill out Fashion Quarterly application + portfolio
- Physics Quiz
- FQ App due
- Work @_@
And did I mention I register for classes in about 2 weeks? Argh! On my lineup I have 5 and a half classes to take! That's...well 21 credits! That's LITERALLY the cap for credits I can take. :S But it sucks because I need to take all of them. I'm going to be declaring a Literature Minor, so I need to start taking Lit classes that are available not too often.
So far I'm signing up for Japanese Art History, Structures in Art, Film & Cinema in 20th Century French Society, Popular Media and Literature in Culture, Physics Lab, and I have to sign up for Physics when school starts because I'm not allowed to sign up for more than 19.5 credits at once. D: D: D: wtf am I doing...
Too much all at once in one week. D: I'm putting together a styling portfolio for Fashion Quarterly (formerly Secret Scholar magazine XD) so I was hoping if you guys could help?
Give me styling prompts, such as "Dress ___ who is going to ____" or "Dress ___ with ____ and make it look good" type of thing. I'm probably going to put it together in a pdf. layout format just to impress them again. XD
I really really really really really want to be a stylist for their photoshoots instead of just a dinky ol' writer for their occasionally stupid spreads like last quarter. So I'm crossing my fingers for that, but if not...I'm happy and content just being a writer for them like last time. :p