Contacts/glasses: glasses
Do you play any sports?: uh. nope!
Where are you? comp. room
What time is it: 5:22
School name: Danvers High School
Colors: royal blue, none of this navy shit, &white
Favorite Subject: baaaand
Least favorite subject: women's history
Have you ever failed a class?: no, i'm pretty much a genius
If so what?: n/a
Favorite teacher?: corkery, no doubt.
Least favorite teacher?: morey
If you could have any teacher fired who would it be?: mr. baker, what a jackass.
If you were a teacher what subject would you teach?: history
Are you going to college?: effffff yeahs
What do you plan to major in?: political science
Color: purple
Song: depeche mode "dream on"
Group(s): i am in love with duran duran soooo eff mike doyle (coheed. coheed!!!? c'mon.)
Video: stand by me
Place to hang out: zee back lawn
Holiday: thanksgiving i suppose
Season: fall
Day of the week: saturday, duhh
Sport: tennis!
Sport to watch: gymnastics
Family member: idk!
Smell: moist towelette (lemon only)
Food: pizza! cha i'm authentic, thnks
Name: michelina, clearly a wickeddd cool name. actually my children are josephine &bianca
Sandwich: blt
Favorite joke: uhh. "They either loved us or hated us. Or they thought we were okay." -mitch hedberg
Poem: "johnson's cabinet watched by the ants" by robert bly
Word: clearly
Animal: hm. ardvark.
Radio Station: jammin 94.5 (obv, because i am not a racist. unlike some people. that are racists.)
Television station: food network/travel channel
Thing to do on a hot day: be where it's airconditioned. for example, the library. the library is great during the summer. great.
On a cold day: easy. on cold days i drink cocoa. &on snowy cold days, i go SLEDDING.
On a rainy day: try to see how long i can hold out on the windshield wipers
Number: 47
Color of m&m: the brown ones are icky
Type of tree: pear
Disney movie: the lion king, what else??
Soda: cola
Magazine: cosmo
Perfume: clinique happy heart
Coin: quarters.
Gum: eclipse polar ice
Jolly Rancher: i dislike jolly ranchers intensely
Weather: slight breeze, in the fall. cool enough for a cardigan, but not much else. ohhhh.
Vegetable: green beans
Fruit strawberries
Shape: rhombus
Actor: kevin bacon
Actress: ...undecided. most movies blow.
Computer game: tetris, amazing.
Ice-cream flavor: mocha chip
Board game: the game of life. clearly.
Cereal: special k
Language: well, since i'm authentic &all... italian
Are you going out with anyone?: no, i'm a single susy (&me saying things like "single susy" probably contribute to that)
How long: n/a
Do you have a crush: yup
If so, who: welllllllll. i'm shy, so i'll refrain. teehee!! haha oh gosh lolz
How long have you liked him/her: stop being evasiveeeeeee. this is not a colonoscopy! um, a while while.
Who was your first boyfriend/girlfriend: well, well.
Who was your first kiss: again, well. i want to puke now.
Have you ever been dumped: nope!
Have you ever dumped: no
Do you want to get married: i'm uncertain
If so, what age: probably like, whenever i think i want to? i'm not on a timeframe here
If everyone was single and everyone eligible who would you go out with?: well, it's not jimmy carter, i'll tell you that much.
:Do you know anyone who:
Drinks underage: yes
Smokes: uh huh
Does drugs: mmyeah
Lost their virginity: sure
Worships the devil: no. like, sure, i'm alternative, but i'm not that alternative
Hates slurpees: oh gosh, ME! disgusting, really.
Is a compulsive masturbator: pretty much everyone i know
Is crazy (really crazy): um. nope. wait. yup.
Hates you: EFFFF YEAHHH. i'm soooooo hated. i hope i'm most hated, otherwise it's pathetic.
Like to watch porno: i think so.
:Would you ever:
Eat bugs on purpose: what kind?
Commit a crime: depends on what it is, like running a stop sign when no one's around is like my favorite thing. ever. honestly, 11:30 on a thursday night. try it.
Change your religion: possibly
Lie to your Parents: hahahh! no.
Jump off a waterfall: like, suicide? or for fun?
Dress up as the opposite sex: yeah, i'm more attractive as a boy i think
Sing in front of a lot of people: oh sure. but not with expectations.
Tell a much older person that you like them: well, this pretty much happens on a daily basis.
Eat dog/cat food: what flavor! &wet or dry. wet's nasty.
Swim in shark infested waters: well, triangles are pretty hot...
Go to school naked: nope. it's not like a pizza eating contest, where it's written in the rules. that's just... inappropriate.
:Have you ever:
Had your life threatened: yes! in gym class. she never followed through.
Stumbled across top secret documents: no
Stayed up until the morning chatting online: yeah, i especially love talking to cassie at two in the morning. soooo funny.
Read a Shakespeare play: i faintly remember romeo &juliet
Performed in a Shakespeare play: nope, i'm not that artsy
Written a play: no
Written a book: nah
Stole someone elses book and said you wrote it: everyone plagarizes freshman year. ¬ even intelligently
Written a poem: yes
Stole a poem and said you wrote it: nope!
Sung at a karaoke bar: no, i've never been to a karaoke bar actually.
Looked something up online you were told not to or know your not supposed to look up: once corkery was like the answer's on sparknotes but don't look. i looked.
Been run over: i wish!!!
Wanted someone you couldnt have: damn work rules!!!
Taken incriminating pictures: no i don't think so
Been in incriminating pictures: nah dood
Blackmailed someone: not really
Number one on your bang list: i don't even know. mr buckhoff i suppose.
The person you talk to the most online: audrey? no wait, walt. from torrington. hahahahz.
On the phone: i hate zee phone!
The person you talk to least online: eric
The least on the phone: everybodyyyz
The person that you talk to at least every other day on the phone: my mom. she always calls to remind me to lock the car
The last person you talked to on the phone: amanda
On-line: cassie
In person: tony
Never home: um. i guess. um. kelsey.
Always home: i'm home a lot!
Need and isn't there: pass
:Which one:
Carpeted or wood floor: woood. i loves my wood.
Paint or wallpaper: paint. wallpaper is tacky.
E-mail or snail mail: email
sunrise or sunset: sunrise
Lake or ocean: ocean
Walk or run: amble
Water-skiing or regular skiing: neither, please
Golf or mini-golf: mini golf is amazing while golf is shitty
Gold or silver: gold
Phone or computer: computer
Black and white, or colored: this question is racist!!
Knock or doorbell: just walk in
Vanilla or chocolate: vanilla
Laugh or cry: i like that thing i do where i'm clearly doing one, but which, no one can tell.
Whisper or scream: scream, always
Happy or sad: happy
And now what time is it?: 6:22
So how long did this take you?: an hour. exactly. good thing i'm not retarded...