Knights of the Round...

Jan 03, 2006 04:45


Name/Alias: Lisa
Age: 23
Gender: Female
Would you prefer to be voted as a boy, girl, or no pref: No preference
Where you heard about this community: Just found it somewhere when I was looking at rating communities.

About You

Favorite Color: Black
Favorite Food: Pizza
Favorite Song (and why): Street Spirit (Fade Out) by Radiohead. It has an incredibly dark, depressing mood, and beautiful melody/lyrics that I manage to find oddly comforting.

Strengths: I'm understanding and a loyal friend after someone has finally won my trust... I also loosen up considerably when I get to know people. My intelligence and secretiveness are further strong points of mine. I'm strong-willed and intense; when I at last set my mind to do something, I'm stubborn enough to believe that it always will be done. I'm unstoppable once I gain momentum. I'm very passionate about my interests. I also have the strangest sense of humor in the world, and use it quite freely when the mood arises. Humor is my first defense against life's many absurdities!

Weaknesses: I'm terribly shy. I take forever to open up to people, and until I do, I have a hard time even making small talk. When I don't know someone, or just don't feel comfortable, I'm insanely quiet, almost a different person entirely from what close friends get to see. I'm too secretive and paranoid for my own good. Ditto for my stubbornness, possessiveness, and obsessiveness. Sometimes I think too much and don't "do" enough... I seem to have trouble with starting things. I don't deal very well with change, moving to new places, or with any other situations that feel like they're too far out of my control.

What you love: Science fiction, all things paranormal and supernatural, mountain dew (it's the elixir of life), cats, music (especially alt. rock), Russian language, folklore, and literature, humor, sarcasm, time to myself, night, snow, winter, science, philosophy, being a total geek, eccentricity.

What you hate: Morning, heat and humidity, pink, floral patterned anything, public speaking, mood swings, leaving things unfinished, intolerant/ignorant/stupid people, making first impressions, attending social events with people I don't know well, unnecessary prying into my personal business.

Hobbies & Interests: Writing, reading, roleplaying, staying up until insanely late hours on the computer, playing the guitar and video games

Your dream: World domination! Mwahahaha... (Actually, in all seriousness, I tend to keep this sort of thing to myself).


Optimistic or Pessimistic: I tend to be pessimistic, but I really try to balance myself and just be realistic about life.
Mature or Immature: Mature, with my occasional moments of immaturity.
Summer or Winter: Winter, I love the cold.
Morning or Night: Night. It's dark, quiet, there's no chance of being interrupted if it's late enough.
Outgoing or Shy: Shy.
Conservative or Risky: Hm. I'm a little of both. More conservative, with the occasional risky moment.
Lead or Follow: I prefer to just do my own thing. I'll lead only if I have to and even then I prefer to do so from a more background position.
Confident or Modest: Modest.
Logic or Emotion: Logic, I feel more in control if I can reason things through.


Can you put your trust in people? Why or why not?
That depends. I have absolutely no trust in strangers, or anyone I don't know well enough. But I am able to open up to trust very close friends and family.

Do you prefer working with a group or alone? Why or why not?
Working alone. I do my best work when on my own without anyone else around to slow me down- I like keeping my own pace. Also, I know that I'll get everything accomplished if it's up to me. I find it much less stressful, on my own.

Do you: Help people whenever you can; Wish you helped people but walk away anyway; or believe people get what they deserve?
People get what they deserve for the most part. But I'll certainly help those I care about, or who I truly felt were worth helping.

Do you act on impulse and instinct or do you take time to think things through?
I think things through.

What is your choice weapon and why?
A sword, I just love the notion of being able to be strong enough to swordfight. Very exciting and engaging.

What is one thing you believe in more than anything? Would you fight for it?
I believe in tolerance toward people, regardless of their background and beliefs. People who don't hold this type of respect for other human beings are just pathetic. It would probably take a lot to get me physically fighting, but I would certainly defend this view in words, first.

If there was one thing you could change about yourself, what would it be?
I would try to be more outgoing, and less intimidated by social situations.

(If you have three (3) clear pictures of yourself, provide them. If not, provide a detailed description of yourself)
No pictures handy, but here's a basic description: I have wavy/straight-ish light brown hair that's currently cut to about chin length (I never let it go past my shoulders as it's quite thick). My eyes are hazel... I'm very nearsighted, so glasses are a must for me at all times. My clothes include a lot of black, but I do integrate color, too... usually blue or green. I generally wear jeans or corduroys, with a t-shirt or sweater... I'm very low maintenance with appearance. I despise dresses, skirts and make-up, so those are all a no.

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