Knights of the Round...

Jan 07, 2006 23:33


Name/Alias: Kat. Occassionally Rena.
Age: 22
Gender: Female.
Would you prefer to be voted as a boy, girl, or no pref: I usually like knowing both because I'm a nerd, but I suppose I'll go for no preference.
Where you heard about this community: Can't remember. I join these things and then procrastinate on filling them out. It is perhaps a bit of a bad habit...

About You

Favorite Color: Silver and cerulean blue.
Favorite Food: Tiramisu.
Favorite Song (and why): Lately I've been listening to Radiohead. There's something I like about "Bulletproof... I Wish I Was" and "Fake Plastic Trees." I really can't say what it is. They just sound nice. Also Depeche Mode's "John the Revelator." I love the religious connotations. They amuse me.
Strengths: I personally consider my stubbornness to be a strength and not a weakness. I can be pretty ambitious about a lot of things. I'm creative, open-minded, and I suppose I'm a good listener. I'm brutally honest. But at the same time I am an excellent liar. I've been working on my poker face.
Weaknesses: I have a pretty bad temper, explosive at times. I can be scatterbrained as well. I hold grudges. I can be really narcissistic at times.
What you love: Family. Friends. Writing. Cats.
What you hate: Liars. People who think they're better than everyone but in reality have nothing to show for it. Stupid people. Oh, God do I hate stupid people. And I'm not talking book smarts. You can get a phd and be a complete moron. Bad drivers as well. Oh, my list could go on and on and on.
Hobbies & Interests: I enjoy sketching, rping, playing video games, intellectual discussions, silly, sleep deprived discussions, baking, travelling, and people watching.
Your dream: Me and my big pile of money, several published books and a movie deal, basking in my gorgeous mansion. *coughs* I'll settle for love and happiness though, I suppose. As long as there's enough money involved. ^_~


Optimistic or Pessimistic: I go with realist. I like to see the good in the world but don't forget about the darker side of things. In my mind you can't appreciate one without the other. I tend to weight both sentiments separately and at the same time. Plus it all depends on my mood at the moment anyway.
Mature or Immature: I think I'm rather mature about most things. I like to have fun and act like a moron but I don't forget my responsibilities or anything.
Summer or Winter: Winter. I like to wrap myself up in coats and scarves, stare at the rain and sip coffee. Alas... I get no snow here.
Morning or Night: Night. I'm lucky I'm awake during the morning hours.
Outgoing or Shy: I'm shy when you don't know me. After a while, though, I open up and I'm as loud as anything.
Conservative or Risky: I prefer taking risks and trying new things.
Lead or Follow: I'd prefer to lead and myself most of all. If I'm not leader in a group I tend to do my own thing or sit back and see how things go. I just hate to follow unless it is absolutely necessary.
Confident or Modest: I have a lot of insecurities but I think I'm generally more confident, however if I'm new to something and just not sure? I'll be a bit more modest. So I guess I'm both.
Logic or Emotion: Logic. I always listen to my emotions but I would never base my decisions solely on them since they're quite insane.


Can you put your trust in people? Why or why not? I have a pretty big problem trusting too many people. Let's just say that I'll trust only my close friends and family to be there and not turn against me... but I'll always have my eye on them. I've just been screwed with one too many times by close friends. And while I forgive, I don't forget.

Do you prefer working with a group or alone? Why or why not? Alone. I can rely on myself much more than on an entire group where one person can screw everything up.

Do you: Help people whenever you can; Wish you helped people but walk away anyway; or believe people get what they deserve? It depends on the situation. Of course if someone's being held up in an alley I'll run away and call the police or something. But if I can I tend to help people. Usually after a lot of complaining I cave in.

Do you act on impulse and instinct or do you take time to think things through?

I usually think things through... I plan like crazy for as many possibilities I can think of before I make any big decisions. Little ones I still tend to think through. If it isn't important I'll be spur of the moment and I have been known to surprise myself but other than that... yeah.

What is your choice weapon and why?

I'd prefer to go long range. Something graceful like a bow and arrow or magic. I usually enjoy seeing things from far away, taking a step back from the action but still participating. Plus I wouldn't want to get messy.

What is one thing you believe in more than anything? Would you fight for it?

It would have to be a tie between my own personal beliefs/morals and love. As for how much I would fight for something... well, that would depend on how important I deem it. Some things I can let slide while some I will become fierce and ruthlessly protective of it.

If there was one thing you could change about yourself, what would it be?

I quite like myself, flaws and all thank you. Although, if we're talking anything a job might be nice. Perhaps a bit of money to pay off the student loans and credit card bills. I want more things as well. I'm really itching to move out and get out on my own... do the whole independent living sort of thing. But if we're talking me as in me... no. I like me.

(If you have three (3) clear pictures of yourself, provide them. If not, provide a detailed description of yourself)

*coughs* Don't mind me...

I am not drunk.

Who do you think you're looking at?

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