Knights of the Round

Jan 09, 2006 11:17


Name/Alias: Rose
Age: 16 but I'm about to turn 17 in a few days.
Gender: I'm a girl.
Would you prefer to be voted as a boy, girl, or no pref: I would rather like to stay a girl but I have been told I can act like a boy...
Where you heard about this community: From onewingedmoogle.

About You

Favorite Color: Silver and purple.
Favorite Food: Asian food. Ramen mostly.
Favorite Song (and why): Ouch... hard one. *thinks* Nightwish - Wish I Had An Angel. Because it has more meaning to me then anyone could ever know.
Strengths: Opiniated, if I believe something then I'll stand up for it but I know when to except when I am or was wrong about something. I'm told that I'm very kind, sweet and giving. I'm good at keeping secrets and things to myself although that has caused many people to call me a liar. I am a very honest person. I refuse to lie about many things but that doesn't mean that I won't omit the truth. If I didn't tell them the truth it's still not lying. They amuse what they will. It's there own fault for not asking more detailed questions.
Weaknesses: Can be a bit navie at times but I'm mostly over that now. I can get jealous at times. I can very easily at times get absorbed in something and not notice other things or forget things that I was supposed to do.
What you love: My finace. The few close friends I have. A good book. Music. To write. Flowers. To dress up, sometimes.
What you hate: Attention whores. Posers. Rap. Tangles in my hair. The few friends I have being mad at me for some reason. My father-in-law... He's a prevert.
Hobbies & Interests: Journal, Reading, Writing, Music, My garden, Gaming, My finace...
Your dream: To be remembered... To have a family... To make sometimes of myself...


Optimistic or Pessimistic: Optimistic
Mature or Immature: Mature
Summer or Winter: Summer
Morning or Night: Night
Outgoing or Shy: Shy
Conservative or Risky: Risky
Lead or Follow: Sorta a middle man thing.
Confident or Modest: Modest
Logic or Emotion: Both.


Can you put your trust in people? Why or why not?
Well, that all depends. If I know the person is untrustworthy then no... I doubt they ever will. I tend to give at least a little trust to a person when I meet them but once you lose my trust (depending on how you lost it in the first place) it can be hard to earn it back. I've had a hard time in my life with trust and by now I know it's an important thing that shouldn't be thrown around like a toy.

Do you prefer working with a group or alone? Why or why not?
I've been alone all my life. I'm very used to working and doing things alone. Until the end of middle school that is. Then I met a best friend who would eventually betray me to get a boy... The boy I loved. I'm engaged to him now but what she did still hurts. I don't have many friends but I have him and that's fine by me. Like I said, I'd grown used to being alone but being without him at this point would destroy me, I'm sure of it. He's all I have left, in this whole wide big world. I prefer to work with him and nothing else.

Do you: Help people whenever you can; Wish you helped people but walk away anyway; or believe people get what they deserve?
When I can I will help people, but I have a limit. I work and I deserve to enjoy the spoils of that work. Sometimes but I'm timid with most things. Being a teenage girl makes me a nice target and I know that so I step lightly. I believe if you just sit there and do nothing you will get no where.

Do you act on impulse and instinct or do you take time to think things through?
I try to follow my heart as often as I can but sometimes I just truly know that it wouldn't be the wise thing to do so I suck it up and do what's right.

What is your choice weapon and why?
Magic. I'm not the most fit person but I'm not a coach potato either. I've always preferred magic. As I said, I'm timid and that includes in battle. (If I were in an actual battle.) I'd be in the back making sure that everyone was healed and allright and casting magic.

What is one thing you believe in more than anything? Would you fight for it?
True love. I'd die for it.

If there was one thing you could change about yourself, what would it be?
A year ago I would of had a long list of things for you... but a certain special someone has shown me that I'm perfect in my own way.


I'm obviously the girl... In all white... >_> If you couldn't tell and that's my fiance sitting next to me... I boy in all black... >_> Also if you couldn't tell. (Pervert father-in-law is on the far left.)

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