Knights of the Round

Jan 17, 2006 17:56


Name/Alias: Michelle

Age: 20

Gender: Female

Would you prefer to be voted as a boy, girl, or no pref: Whatever suits me best.

Where you heard about this community: No clue.

About You

Favorite Color: Oh I don't really have a favorite color: it's not fair to the other colors if I choose just one.

Favorite Food: Rice. It's the staple of almost all my meals at school. It's also one of the few things I don't mind being prepared in more than three different ways.

Favorite Song (and why): Ah... well I think that would be Bittersweet Symphony. It's a song that I've liked for a couple of years now and it has good memories attached to it of friends, family, and road trips.

Strengths: I'm rather loyal if I think someone deserves it, I help almost anyone (when I feel like it, which is when no one else is looking who would make a big deal about it). I have my clever moments at times and I can almost always make a person laugh (for whatever reason). I am also great at sharing.

Weaknesses: As if I'd ever give that away online. But I will say a fake one just to throw you all off, so... I'm vulnerable to kryptonite. Or buckets of water. Pick one.

What you love: George Orwell novels, napping on floors/porches that were warmed by the sun, watching movies, going for walks, anime, graphic novels, video games, irony, psychology, sociology, your mom and warm autumn nights.

What you hate: Aggressiveness, obsessive people, little girls wearing revealing clothing, deep dark bodies of water, wankers & people who watch you eat.

Hobbies & Interests: My hobbies are drawing, debating, jogging, watching movies, walks, online stuff, catch & sleeping. My interests are the way people socialize, different cultures, and the environment.

Your dream: Sorry, that's a secret, once so cleverly hidden that even I couldn't possibly tell you if I wanted to. (Which I won't anyway!) Ahh, but I will tell you that part of my dream is to join the military, get my Ph.d and work to protect the environment and people. I want to help my country be happy and healthy and do the same for people who live in less fortunate situations(ha ha, that reads like an eight year old's picture "report" on Earth Day).


Optimistic or Pessimistic: Overly I'm optimistic. Something that falters but is easily remedied by pet store kittens and string.

Mature or Immature: Mature... deep deep deep down. Cleverly concealed by a childish preference for whining and thumb wars.

Summer or Winter: Fall. Yeah I know it wasn't a choice, but I like to have the best of both worlds.

Morning or Night: Definitely night. It's so much quieter and peaceful... usually. I live with several individuals who believe in giving the occasional nightly performance of drunken singing. Which isn't too horrible as they take requests from any dorm windows.

Outgoing or Shy: Shy really. I know I will say that and then go out and be completely loud and friendly when necessary, but really I prefer overall to be quiet. I feel like I need to monitor what I say a lot so I'm rather quiet because of that as well. Otherwise I'm on the table imitating a duck in front of strangers to get them to laugh... or I say something witty rather quickly and possibly insult someone.

Conservative or Risky: Conservative. I don't like to take risks unless I know I am sure to win. Normally that wouldn't mean they were a risk at all, but I have a very twisted view on things I can do versus what I can do in reality. I have the scars to prove it.

Lead or Follow: I'll lead unless I know someone else can do a better job of it... then I'll drop the work into their lap and let them do it. (I like to share!)

Confident or Modest: Modest in my confidence - I know I am awesome at some things, but I don't let pride get a hold of me. Likewise a cocky attitude can put a lot of people on edge, so I try to keep it on the down low and be humble. But I still rock. Yup.

Logic or Emotion: Depends! Mostly logic though. Emotions can get you in a lot of trouble and I rather avoid the misunderstandings.


Can you put your trust in people? Why or why not?
I like to give most people the benefit of the doubt. But full blown trust? I doubt it. Everyone has their limits on how much they will do for another and I respect that. I honestly trust only a handful of people.

Do you prefer working with a group or alone? Why or why not?
Normally I would say I love to work in a group as I challenge myself to keep up and do better with them... but lately I would have to say working alone is preferable. I do worse alone but I don't have to deal with incompetent partners (just incompetent me!). Of course groups are more entertaining and enjoyable when they do work... so... well I

Do you: Help people whenever you can; Wish you helped people but walk away anyway; or believe people get what they deserve?
I'm a sucker for people who need help and would cut off a limb if I thought it would help. Needless to say, I try not to volunteer too much anymore. If a person is willing to ask me for it, then they got me and I will help them as best as I can. (Which is annoying but just the way I live).

I don't believe people get what they deserve. It really grates me when people say things like that because they are stripping away all freedom of choice in our lives. It's some sort of twisted logic that we live in a "just world" - it keeps anyone slightly well off from lifting a finger to help another. Not everyone gets the same chances in life and it is our duty to help those around us.

Sorry, I'm rather passionate about that (apparently). I hear it a lot around here at school where there is a fairly large difference in people economically and culturally.

Do you act on impulse and instinct or do you take time to think things through?
Normally I think things through way before the situation happens. Just passing thoughts and strategies so when something does come up, I'm ready to make the "best" decision. It works and it doesn't work - because when I am caught unprepared I'm very indecisive.

What is your choice weapon and why?
My words (as they can be very blunt or sharp). I figure it's a win/win situation if I can get out of a situation using words without having to resort to weapons (as I have bad aim and a need to scream "not the face!" the moment it gets physical... which tends to make people laugh and forget they were about to punch you). But if that fails then a very very long pole. The farther I can stand away from someone and beat them senseless, then the better off I be. Sure I could use a gun or magic and almost completely remove myself from a battle, but where is the love in that? A pole is so much more satisfying to swing anyway.

What is one thing you believe in more than anything? Would you fight for it?
I don't really believe in one creed or way. So no, I wouldn't fight for it. That's silly.

If there was one thing you could change about yourself, what would it be?
Oh, I'm perfect just the way I am!


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