Knights of the round.

Jun 13, 2006 02:40


Name/Alias: Sinclair / Sin
Age: 16
Gender: femme
Would you prefer to be voted as a boy, girl, or no pref: no pref :D
Where you heard about this community: looking through the affiliates of keybladerating

About You

Favorite Color: gray. Neutral, sleepy and kinda 'blah'.
Love it none the less.
Favorite Food: I don't really have a favorite food. Just simple stuff; really.
Favorite Song (and why): I have a ton. Right now is "Pilgrimage" by Nine Inch Nails. Unfortunately,
it doesn't have any lyrics [so I can show you all my TORTURED SOUL. ANGST.] but its a very violent song. There's
a lot of chanting, along with the sound of someone yelling and marching. I really can't describe it besides being
powerful and violent, and it personally makes me think of history and what people have done throughout it.
Hitler, namely. But, if you feel like taking a less serious ear to it, its just powerful.
Strengths: easily starts conversation // 'funny' [or so I'm told] // creative-ish // Can justify being pessimistic.
I hate people that say 'life is bleak' just because. I can back it up; damnit. Human nature my friends, human nature.
Weaknesses: my 'sense of humor' comes from being scared in social situations // I'm quite a hermit & anti-social
usually // as I said...I'm pessimistic which usually irritates those silly happy folk.
What you love: I love writing everything down, and writing stories and complicating them in my spare time.
I love listening to music and listening to one song several times just to pick out every detail of every lyric and interment.
I love thinking and pondering. I love sitting and being able to marvel at the simplest thing just because it is,
and I love being able to laugh at how fucked the human race is :D
What you hate: I hate idiots who think they know everything about the world, I hate people who think that
the world is sunshine and rainbows all the time. I hate it when you forget to wash the cheese grater and cheese gets
stuck in those little nobs, and I hate it when its summer, and you have the AC on so you don't melt and end up freezing.
I hate ignorance and I hate stupidity. I'm all for goofing around; just don't drill it into your brain that you have to be
a stupid meat bag to fit into your piece of the puzzle that is human nature.

Hobbies & Interests: writing; pretty much. Photography, too.
Your dream: Novelist. Well; write down every novel I've ever thought up and started, edit it, make it
godlike, get it published, and THEN because a novelist.


Optimistic or Pessimistic: Pessimistic :D
Mature or Immature: Mature. Because mature people know when is a good time to be immature and joke around,
but at the same time, its knowing when to snap back into being serious.
Summer or Winter: As much as I like heat, I like winter. Every thing is pretty, gray, frozen and dead :D
Morning or Night: Night.
Outgoing or Shy: Outgoing. Half the people you see when your out in public you'll probably never see again
in your life. And if you do? They probably won't remember you. So, go ahead. Make an ass out of yourself or introduce
yourself. Ask someone to dance in line to get a pretzel.
Conservative or Risky: Conservative. I have a thing with comfort zones that I'm not willing to leave.
Lead or Follow: Follow. Henchman’s life; baby.
Confident or Modest: Hey, if you have confidence GO FOR IT. Don't make yourself like a pompous ass, but if you
believe in yourself CONGRADULATIONS, you deserve to go out there and do what you can.
Logic or Emotion: Logic. I dunno about you kids, but the only time I've acted on emotion, it’s turned out horribly
wrong. Logic is just my preference.


Can you put your trust in people? Why or why not?
No. People turn quickly for the smallest reasons, and I don't like the idea that
anyone can do that. It scares me, human nature scares me. I don't even
really trust myself a lot of the time, knowing how easily my mind can change.

Do you prefer working with a group or alone? Why or why not?
Alone. In groups I usually let myself get bossed around and never open my mouth, so I like working on my own.
That way, if I fail miserably I have no one to answer to but myself. It’s all good.

Do you: Help people whenever you can; Wish you helped people but walk away anyway; or believe people get what they deserve?
I'll usually help out when I can. Sure, they probably got what they deserve, but hell. People make mistakes and its
not my place to judge what they've done.

Do you act on impulse and instinct or do you take time to think things through?
I take time. The only times I've worked on instinct, emotions and impulse and what not never worked out really well.
I honestly think it pays off to stop and think things through enough to figure out WHAT your doing before throwing
yourself into the wind.

What is your choice weapon and why?
Probably a stick/rod of some sort. I don't think I'd be good with a sword, because I'm horrible with balance and poise
and what not. Sticks? Even if you have little to no prior knowledge of any form of fighting, fuck. You have a ROD.
You can flail and hurt something.

What is one thing you believe in more than anything? Would you fight for it?
I beleive in accepting things as they come to you, no matter how hard they suck. Things are going to work
out because they HAVE to. If they don't? You end up dead anyway. So just live life, and try not to be
a dick to a lot of other people on the way.

If there was one thing you could change about yourself, what would it be?
Plenty of things, I'm sure. Mostly physical stuff; I hate the way I look, I hate my voice; etc. But there’s
not much I can do about that, hm?

(If you have three (3) clear pictures of yourself, provide them. If not, provide a detailed description of yourself)

They aren't horribly clear, but you get the idea. Semi-tall, hair flares out at the ends, green eyes, roundish face.

one. & two. & three. & four. & five.
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