(sorry for any misspellings)
Name/Alias: Justine/Devi
Age: 17
Gender: Female
Would you prefer to be voted as a boy, girl, or no pref: No preference
Where you heard about this community: I was just searching through stamping communities
About You
Favorite Color: Purple or blue (darker shades) - They're calm and soothing, and also are colors that seems to me intelligent and philisophical.
Favorite Food: hmm... Steak. Steak and mashed potatoes. And for desert I love cake-batter icecream from Cold Stone.
Favorite Song (and why): Just one? You're kidding... OK, swrew it, I'm naming a few songs. Bohemian Rhapsody - I don't think this one even needs an explination, the song is just so fun, and so fun to sing along with. I mean who doesn't love this song? On My Own - I've pretty much loved Les Mis as long as I can remember, and this song is the perfect song that embodies unrequited love. La Vie Boheme - Its a fun song, and it basically is everything I love and respect and how I feel about life and things and...well if any of that makes any sense... Build God, Then We'll Talk - by P!ATD, I just love the beat, plus...I don't know, the subject of the song? I hate fake intamacy.
God! There are so many more songs though... *le sigh* Let's move on...
Strengths: I'm open-minded, extremely accepting (unusually so, people tell me), outgoing, crazy, intelligent, idiosyncratic (quirky), understanding, inquisitive, tenacious, empathetic, strong-willed, creative, enthusiastic, and curious.
Weaknesses: I'm stubborn, shy, lazy, procrastinating, condescending, self-conscious, have low self esteem, and have a bad temper. I have a terrible fear of heights (ironically, I love roller-coasters and climbing...i think it's the adreniline rush). Curiosity...Yes, I know I said its a strength, because it is, but it's also a weakness. I'm a bit too curious. One of the reasons I hate heights is because I'm afraid I could jump from the top of a building just to see what happens... that's not exactly a good thing... Oh, and I'm a pryomaniac...doesn't go too well with my avid curiosity...
What you love: Love. Heh. Love is a bond that brings friends, lovers, family, together in a magical way... I love my friends. I love rainbows...
What you hate: Bigotry, ignorance, intolerance, hate, the color pink, boredom, the expectation to bend to society's norms, rejection, sunburns
Hobbies & Interests: I love being with my friends. I love any and all kinds of art. Especially musicals, and musical theatre. I'm a self-described RENThead. I love sketching, singing (I practically do this nonstop, I can't help it, even if i had the worst voice in the world, I wouldn't be able to stop myself), reading, watching movies, watching tv, learning, discussing important things (wars, civil rights, events within the political world, how we can help the world), philosophy, psychology (which I plan on pursuing a career in), playing video games, and animals. I also enjoy spazzing over my obsessions.
Your dream: Well this coming school year, I'm trying as hard as I can to start a GSA at my school, and I hope with all my might that'll happen. My dream is to go to school in Manhattan after high school (and obviously live there). I want to become a psychologist. I badly want to meet my friend Katie in person (and we plan on living together during college, i hope that happens as well). I pray I'll find love some day (I mean, I know I have people who I love and who love me, but you know what I mean). I also hope I get to meet the people that inspire me and those I admire.
Optimistic or Pessimistic: Neither... I'm what I'd like to call a hopefull realist - It might seem pesimistic to some that I realize the world is a terrible place full of terrible people and many people in the world are complete idiots. You see, but this is a truth, a fact. I don't deny facts. I hope, and believe though, that people can change the world. Can make it better. In everything I do, I realize the odds, and they're usually against me, bad shit can and will come along with screw things up, but I don't give up. I still hope good things will happen, and always realize that life is full of good and bad, so good will come...
Mature or Immature: Mature - I mean, I definitely know how to goof off, but I'm ov
Summer or Winter: Winter - Summer is WAY too hot. I actually like Autumn best. All the falling leaves, starting to snow (unless of course, like me, you live in Florida -_-), cold, but not freezing.... Although, I do love the frozen-ness of winter. It can be so beautiful...
Morning or Night: Night - Its so beautiful. The stars, the midnight blue color. Even in say, NYC, night seems to carry this stillness and calm and silence...even when things around are busy. Plus, I come alive at night-time.
Outgoing or Shy: Outgoing - If you'll talk to me, then I'm outgoing and talkative and friendly and everything. But if you show me rejection and aren't receptive of me, then I stay quiet, and just people-watch like I love doing. But if more people would just be nice and not reject me, they'd get to see the real me.
Conservative or Risky: Risky - Its just so much more fun. I love a good dare, and can't turn them down. I love exploring. I love taking risks, its such an adreniline rush.
Lead or Follow: Lead - Not on purpose. I mean, I don't call for people to follow me... but they seem to. And I mean that in the literal sense, too. When I move, people sometiems follow where I'm going...it actually gets frustrating, because they don't move for themselves. But I'm definitely not a follower. I go on my own path.
Confident or Modest: Confident...ishness... - I mean, maybe it's not confidence. Maybe its just the fact that I don't let my disbelief in many of my abilities stop me from trying things, because I want to prove to others and to myself that I can.
Logic or Emotion: Emotion - Though I enjoy using logic, because its very useful, and fun for games and stuff, emotion is so much more important. I base my choices on my heart more than my head.
Can you put your trust in people? Why or why not?
Depends. Close friends, I put my trust in. I trust them with my life. But generally, I can't. I mean, I can trust people to do small every day things. I'm not sure why, I just have personal everyone trust issues.
Do you prefer working with a group or alone? Why or why not?
I prefer working in a small group, with friends. But if I was forced to work with people I don't know or don't like, I'd prefer to work alone. I don't want to work with people who make me angry. But I love being with people I care about and have a good time with.
Do you: Help people whenever you can; Wish you helped people but walk away anyway; or believe people get what they deserve?
I help people whenever I can. I like helping others. Its very fulfilling. Plus, the more you help, the more you're likely to get help when you need it. To quote Avenue Q "Helping other people out makes you feel fantastic!"
Do you act on impulse and instinct or do you take time to think things through?
Impulse/Instinct. Not so much instinct, as impulse. I have a terrible time controlling myself, and often act on impulses that get me in trouble, since i don't think things through.
What is your choice weapon and why?
Throwing stars from far. They're small, so you can easily carry them with you and conceal them. They also look cool. If close, I can use the stars to stab. And if I don't have them, then I'd use my fists.
What is one thing you believe in more than anything? Would you fight for it?
I believe in being yourself, and fighting against hate and ignorance. I've always fought against people about this. And this coming school year, actually, I'm gonna fight as hard as I can to start a GSA in my school (which could prove difficult, because I go to a private, Catholic school, but I'm gonna stop at nothing). And yes, I would fight for it and I do. Another thing I believe in that I'll fight for is love, and my friends, and loved ones.
If there was one thing you could change about yourself, what would it be?
I wish I could believe in myself. Like, there's stuff about myself, like talents and Other than that, nothing. I'm proud to be who I am.
(If you have three (3) clear pictures of yourself, provide them. If not, provide a detailed description of yourself)
I'm short for my age: 4'11". I think you can tell everything else about my appearance by the pics
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