Knights of the Round

Sep 14, 2006 01:45


Name/Alias: Stacey, Re, Wiiburingu
Age: 16
Gender: Female
Would you prefer to be voted as a boy, girl, or no pref: For the sake of accuracy, no preferance~!
Where you heard about this community: I stalked it! From one of the other Final Fantasy rating comms.

About You

Favorite Color: Wine red, cos' its an awesome colour, kinda like my hair. Which needs dying again...
Favorite Food: Ack. ...Cookie dough icecream? Or maybe apple pie! I'm not sure.
Favorite Song (and why): Currently Mononlith of Doubt by After Forever. The lyrics don't sound it, but its fast paced and its got energy behind it. Its the song I listen to when I feel like I should be motivating myself. So, for instance... Right now I should be tidying my room, but I'm not because I'm on here typing this thing out, and I know I could get it done just as well later on. But if I listen to the song, it'll make me too jittery to sit on my ass. >> Oh, and How Much Is The Fish by Scooter.
Strengths: I'll get things done (eventually), when I'm not busy procastinating I can do things damned efficiently. It usually takes quite a bit for me to get angry, unless you hit the right buttons. Most things I can just shrug off, and I don't get stressed easily. :D! I can have the patience of a saint.
Weaknesses: And I can be as impatient as hell just as easily. Apparently, I can't read train timetables. I overreact to stupid things and not to the things that should probably matter more (8D), and I sink into a wonderful pit of sarcasm when I get pissed off. Which, while great fun, takes me a while to get out of it. Quite a few open-mouth-insert-foot-moments, too!
What you love: My camera, long train/car journeys, adrenalin, music, anime, pretty graphics, procastination, walking up mountains, pjamas, dessert, heated chocolate fudge cake with warm chocolate and caramel sauces with vanilla icecream, and buckets of paint.
What you hate: My camera, morons, the after effect of walking up a mountain when you're out of practice, having to worry about things and trying to sleep when its too warm.
Hobbies & Interests: Photography, archery, DDR, swimming
Your dream: Get myself a house or an apartment, then decorate the hell outta it.


Optimistic or Pessimistic: Pessimistically optimistic. X3 'Chances are, that there sheep is gonna butt us off the mountain. Hurrah!' I'm always second guessing any optimism I have and probably laugh while doing it.
Mature or Immature: Both? Immature except when its time to be mature, or when I feel like it- I love being an idiot, but not all the time. Specifically, when I'm around certain people or doing something specific? Or... something! There's one or two friends of mine that I seem to go out of my way to irritate, but its actually (usually) not on purpose.
Summer or Winter: I like later summer, just when its starting to cool down. That way I don't frazzle to a crisp or smush into a shivering heap.
Morning or Night: Twilight for me, thanks!
Outgoing or Shy: 'Shy' around strangers, outgoing around others.
Conservative or Risky: Depends on my mood. But, risky. >D
Lead or Follow: I'm too lazy to lead, but I can do it if I feel like it. :D Say, if I get impatient with the one in charge or something.
Confident or Modest: Ha, I'm usually confident, but I'm modest about it; I have a bit of a hard time accepting compliments sometimes. Well... Unless I know I've totally kicked ass.
Logic or Emotion: Both, damnit! I don't like losing my head to my emotions, so I try to keep said head screwed on so I can still think 'rationally'. But other than that, usually its more emotion than logic, cos' I like my logic abstract. <3


Can you put your trust in people? Why or why not?
Give it about ten years, then I might be a little more inclined. Otherwise, hell no! I don't like opening myself up to being betrayed, or putting myself in a situation where I could potentially end up betraying another.

Do you prefer working with a group or alone? Why or why not?
I'll work in a group with people I know and trust, when it comes down to it. If I don't know them/like them/feel inclined to get to know them, like them or trust them, then alone.

Do you: Help people whenever you can; Wish you helped people but walk away anyway; or believe people get what they deserve?
A bit of all of them. It depends on what they mean to me and the situation they're in. Chances are, if you're a good friend then I'll be more likely to help out. If you're not, I highly doubt it. If I really, really don't like the person there's a snowball's chance in Egypt I'll lend a finger to help. :D; And if it really was what they deserved, I'd be able to laugh at them. A lot. <3

Do you act on impulse and instinct or do you take time to think things through?
My rationality'll start trying to crawl its way out of the box I shoved it into fives minutes after I started doing the thing that I didn't think through, knowing my luck. :D 'Trying' being the operative word. Sometimes I'll kick myself enough times that I'll think it through beforehand, though. 'Wait, why the hell did I just DO that? Whaaat.' runs through my head quite a bit, as well as 'WaitaminutewhydidIjustsaythatoops'

What is your choice weapon and why?
Shiny is good.
Again, it'd probably depend on how I was feeling at the time. 8D; Like, there'd be times I'd feel more like shooting someone instead of bashing them upside the head. Something that could deal out extra damage as well as what it'd deal out just for getting hit with it, I'd probably love.
To clarify in an everso lovely and morbid manner, what'd be better than being shot in the foot than if the bullet just so happened to explode as well? Just as an example. X3
But, then again, if it came down to fighting I'd imagine myself to be more covert than out in the open, no matter what weapon I used.

What is one thing you believe in more than anything? Would you fight for it?
I'd fight for myself, oh hells yes (and yeah, that includes my freedom and all that generic stuff)! And for the few people I consider really good friends, of course. Otherwise? Nothing, really.

If there was one thing you could change about yourself, what would it be?
Lemme thing about this one. I have two things! But to choose one of them... Heh.
I'd like my height to be a relatively even number, so I'd an extra inch and a quarter!

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