Knights of the Round~

Sep 24, 2006 13:07


Name/Alias: I won't tell you my real name, but I have lots of nicknames. Demyx, Larxene, Roxas, "What's your name again?", and the [Emo] Companion. >____>; Please don't ask how I got any of these nicknames.
Age: *shifty eyes*
Gender: Female, last time I checked.
Would you prefer to be voted as a boy, girl, or no pref: Both. If both isn't possible, thennnn male please. (I have nothing against the girls, but I feel like I relate more to the males.)
Where you heard about this community: I searched for FF7 communities and found this.

About You

Favorite Color: Blue. And for the sake of argument, black and white are too.
Favorite Food: *thinks* I like anything you'd eat for breakfast. Except meats.
Favorite Song (and why): Hmmmm. I don't have one. (In other words, too many.)
Strengths: Is this supposed to make me feel good about myself? Cuz it's not working. D: Anyway. Umm... I'm extremely loyal, and if someone ISN'T loyal, I get fed up with them. I'm creative; that's just about the one thing I'm proud of in myself. According to other's, I'm intelligent. I think I have the potential to be smarter... I just think too much. x__x I'm curious, in both senses -- I'm strange, and I am drawn to the unknown. Finally, I don't like asking people for help. I take what I can get and rarely ask for anymore. Asking people for help makes me feel like no matter what I ask, it's too much. Even if it's nothing at all.
Weaknesses: I have an EXTREMELY short temper, but I don't take it out on people. I'm cynical/sarcastic/skeptical. I'm pretty sadistic, until blood is involved (I hate blood); I love messing with people's heads if I don't like them. I'm lazy. Moody as hell. Also, I'm extremely critical. I rarely throw insults, but when I do, they are extremely critical and accurate. I'm also stubborn, and I could also go on listing everything that's wrong with me but that would waste your time.
What you love: nature, animals, drawing, volleyball, my friends (family? hate 'em.)
What you hate: DISLOYALTY, arrogant bastards, know-it-alls, teacher's pets, ...pretty much, people in general (XD), wasting things, and then there are my pet peeves. I have too many of those. >___O I'm very full of hate.
Hobbies & Interests: volleyball, photoshopping, drawing, Japanese, etc. etc. userinfo kthx.
Your dream: I want a real true friend. One who would be by me through thick and thin and is like a brother/sister to me, and understands me. I want someone who I could trust with my life and who could trust me with theirs. I don't care if I have a lot of friends. I'd have one close friend than a lot of not-close friends.

Other than that, I'd also like to satisfy my curiosity. I ask a lot of questions that can't be answered.


Optimistic or Pessimistic: I have an optimistic mask, and can find the bright side to just about *any* given situation, when really in truth I am unrealistically pessmistic.
Mature or Immature: No one is ever really mature. People SAY I'm mature. I think I'm a little of both.
Summer or Winter: Winter.
Morning or Night: Oh, night, no competition! I don't get along well with the sun.
Outgoing or Shy: 1,000% shy.
Conservative or Risky: Conservative, until you mean politics. Blegh.
Lead or Follow: People say I should be a leader. I'm responsible, book-smart, apparently I help people, and I'd rather take the fall for a group of people than have everyone suffer (because I feel guilty. I really enjoy watching people suffer). Those people overlook my insecurity, pessimistic tendencies, and the fact that I am the laziest thing on earth. In other words, I'm a follower. With slight potiential to be a leader.
Confident or Modest: I am just about the least confident person on earth, but if I pick "modest" I wouldn't be very modest now would I?
Logic or Emotion: Hmmm. Both.


Can you put your trust in people? Why or why not?
No. If I put my trust in someone, they don't put that trust in me, and then I don't feeel a reason to trust them and all the trust goes away.

Do you prefer working with a group or alone? Why or why not?
Alone. No one ever respects my opinion in a group, and I'm sick of that. Also, this way, I do what I want, and no one gets in my way. If I do have to work with other people, I prefer to just work with a single person, if any at all.

Do you: Help people whenever you can; Wish you helped people but walk away anyway; or believe people get what they deserve?
A mix of the last two.

Do you act on impulse and instinct or do you take time to think things through?
I don't just think. I over-think. Which makes me seem quite stupid; I think too much about something, my brain malfunctions, and I do something dumb. I do prefer to think things through, though; but I have decent impulses and sometimes I think I should listen to those more.

What is your choice weapon and why?
Hmmm. Cunning, and perhaps a sword.

What is one thing you believe in more than anything? Would you fight for it?
I think I'm still searching for that thing.

If there was one thing you could change about yourself, what would it be?
Hrmmm. You know? I'm extremely indesicive. I won't be able to choose. I'd like to say I wish I was less indesicive, but I also wish I weren't so fucking lazy, had a sense of direction, and weren't so spacy at times.

(If you have three (3) clear pictures of yourself, provide them. If not, provide a detailed description of yourself)
Details = MAH SWORN ENEMIES. Take what you'll get from this, mmkay?
Short-ish; About 5' 4". SCRAWNY AS FUCKING HELL. wavy, dark hair (extremely dark brown, but I get some red in there. Naturally, I mean.), pale skin, lots of bruises and scars and whatnot, hazel eyes. That descriptive? D:

Required (For the time being, until the participation of this community speeds up, members will be required to vote on at least 5 other applications before they can be stamped. Below, post the five links so we can verify)
Everyone else is either stamped or has enough votes to be stamped.

Um... have fun rating me...? *nervous laugh*
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