Name/Alias: Maric... Mars... Mar Mar. Marluxia. (Only because of my name having the Mar in it xD; ) D:; FLOWER...POWER? ... *Throws petals at you.*
Age: 21.
Gender: Male.
Would you prefer to be voted as a boy, girl, or no pref: Eh doesn't matter. CHOCOBO.
Where you heard about this community: Raped a friends' profile out of boredom.
About You
Favorite Color: Bahhumbug. A lot of different colors.
Favorite Food: Tends to vary. Chinese, Health food and icecream seem to be the top favourite picks at the moment.
Favorite Song (and why): Are you crazy? I couldn't pick a favorite song; there's too damn many. Hm Hm Hm... I guess currently I've been listening to plenty of rock, jrock and video game soundtracks but I can't really choose a song. It's unfair. How about favorite band? Enigma! People never know who the hell they are.
Strengths: Loyal to a fault and it takes a hell of a lot for me to be disloyal; I also take loyalty seriously. Kind, generous, I'm confident in a way that I throw myself into things and try not to think about it.
Creative and imaginative. I'm a patient person but I get impatient with people's impatience.
I like for people to lean on me, guess I like being a rock and a shoulder to cry on; a listener but I'm not too good with words or knowing what to say at times. The ability to pretty much be aloof and not worry about what's going on until it really needs my attention. I can be sincerely and geninuely happy for others.
I have the ability to listen to both sides of a situation but not really take sides; sadly even if I come down with my own point of view well... people tend to more or less take it as I'm taking someone's side.
Guess I'm deeply empathic, I know people off the bat most of the time. Used to think I was just being a judgemental asshole but I realise I'm right most of the time; family members and close friends of family tend to pull me to the side when meeting new people and ask what kind of vibes/feelings I get from people. and I'm secretive and know how to keep other people's secrets.
Weaknesses: I tend to grow distant from others when I get too close; I'm pretty much always going to have the point of view 'People always leave you in the end, it's better that way.' some might say that's a bad thing but I don't really agree, I've had one too many people leave me behind. Have hard time trusting, cigarettes (really should give them up)
I tend to bottle up my problems, emotions and even when friends ask me what's going on. I pretty much will not cave; private to a fault too. I can be socially awkward, at least online I noticed.
Offline if I'm moody, I can be irritable, don't want bothered... and well leave me alone. Thanks. ^_^ because sometimes if I'm moody, I'll lash out and I'd much rather not do that.
I can be a serious smartass sometimes, I've been told plenty of times 'I don't know rather to smack you or love you.' for things I've said. People to tend laugh while being underlingly pissed; it's funny. If I'm asked to be blunt... well I'll be blunt. >.o;
What else? Sometimes I can be overly quiet, people mistake me for being meek.
Other times I can pretty much get lost inside my head, and become recluse. I can go for days without seeing people.
I can be moody but I think we etablished that above.
What you love: Your mum. She's hot after she gets out the shower. ^^ Okay Okay.. my friends, I'd do anything for them if It were possible. family despite what assholes they are. Music would be one, definity music. I like my solitude. Final Fantasy (7) haha like you didn't see that coming, motorcycles, photoshop, sharing with others, forests and nature type things. Asian culture, forgien films and music. I love watching the sky when it's sunset or sunrise; makes me want to be part of the atmosphere. Being outside at night.
Ahh... hm. Being amazed, I like being amazed and kids are pretty damn nifty too but I don't want any. xDD I like when people can be deep too; I like when conversations go to the deep end despite how unserious I can be sometimes.
What you hate: I really don't like the word hate... but um Half-friends, people who use others, the selfish and vain. The extremely self-centered, parents who whine about their kids but won't really do anything about them, discipline wise. People who can't really see themselves and deny at all costs even if it means uncomfortable tension.
D:; Being over emotional; it sucks. Really.
Being thanked bothers me, I can't really explain why other than it makes me feel like someone thinks I'm being insincere about what I've done or said to be thanked. I dislike being touched but I tend to have a double standard; I'll touch you but you can't touch me.
Narrow mindness.
and not having privacy.
Hobbies & Interests: *takes a deep breath.* I do way too many rating communities. K... here we go. Photoshop, music, exploring, forests, motorcycles, final fantasy, anime, manga, video games. *throws hands up.* Whatever the hell I get into, I seem to like rating people. D:; and obsessing over Crisis Core. n.n Ahhh.
.... I mean. Ah hm. Currently all I want to do is travel, a motorcycle or old school jeep (none of that new shit) would be pretty damn nice. Voice acting. I'd like to do something with video games, or Anime for that matter.
Optimistic or Pessimistic: Hm, I consider myself a realist but some might call me pessimistic. I'm pretty optimistic for my friends though.
Mature or Immature: Eh... depends on the time of day, online or offline. Offline I can be pretty mature, too serious some would say. Online I probably act like a complete doofus, sometimes the doofusness comes out offline too and It scares the bejesus out of people. :D
Summer or Winter: Summer, though I tend to prefer fall overall.
Morning or Night: Hm... I'm up pretty late at night but also in the mornings, guess I prefer night overall but I love those mornings when you just wake up and it kinda feels like the world is at ease, there's nothing going on but peace. Kind of ethereal and surreal in a way.
Outgoing or Shy: Can't say I'm shy to be honest, but I'm not too outgoing either. Depends on my mood but overall I can be pretty well introvertive for the most part.
Conservative or Risky: I know when to be consertative and careful, and I know when to let go/be loose. I guess I'm more of a liberal in that kind of light.
Lead or Follow: Lead or Follow... this really depends; I'm not much of a leader at the moment but I could be if I wanted to be. I tend to follow my own beat and drum, not to say I can't follow directions because I can if I want to but definity following my own beat. A rumpa pum pum.
Confident or Modest: Hm... I guess I have some level of modesty; I'm not one for gloating or making myself look big but I can be pretty confident too.
Logic or Emotion: Despite how much my emotions can rule me at times, generally I tend to follow my logic. Guess it really depends there.
Can you put your trust in people? Why or why not? No. I generally can't and have a hard time trusting people, actions or words it doesn't matter but I'm trustworthy myself.
Do you prefer working with a group or alone? Why or why not? Hm... I have a hard time fitting in with groups, at least online for the most part. I'm pretty much a loner by nature, but I'm sure if some of my online friends lived around here that might be different. Who knows.
Do you: Help people whenever you can; Wish you helped people but walk away anyway; or believe people get what they deserve? Heh. I'm Mr. Nice guy here, which tends to lead me to people walking all over and using me.
I tend to help if I can help, I like to help others when I can and usually the first to do so. Like if a elderly person needs help in a store I'll debate with myself because I don't know if they'd be offended or grateful or if someone needs money to borrow; I offer though sometimes I'm a little hesitate with the people around here.
I'd like to be able to let my mind actually think sometimes; people get what they deserve but heh people are human so it's not a true statement unless... you know, you've been killing the innocent, molesting little kids and all kinds of other horrible things that make me shudder. I do believe in Karama however... if you treats others bad, hey expect things to get bad for you too. People really don't seem to realise this.
Do you act on impulse and instinct or do you take time to think things through? This really depends on me. Most of the time I try to follow my instincts and act on them accordingly; and then there's impulse which tends to gravitate toward me a lot then again I'm pretty cautious too and careful about using either one. I tend to weigh my options too so It's a mix I guess.
What is your choice weapon and why? Hm... I don't know. It would depend on what I can handle, what my strength is and how well I could wield a weapon. At the moment my upper arm strength is shit so I'd say maybe a staff and forced to be a magic user. =/ despite the fact that I prefer strength and a more on hand weapon than anything. Fists, Sword or more of a weaponary staff if I could.
What is one thing you believe in more than anything? Would you fight for it? I believe in friendship despite how distant I can be, I believe in fighting for my friends and fighting for the things I believe in. There's other things I believe in too and I fight for those day to day in my own ways sometimes hoping others see why I fight and not be so against it.
If there was one thing you could change about yourself, what would it be? I'm not really sure to be honest, I guess maybe the strength to get away from everything/everyone that holds me back... then again I'm not sure there. D:
Detailed bullshit it is then. Uh 5'9, 165 or so. Currently hair is blond. I'M A CHOCOBO. KWEH. KWEH. Greens please. I dunno. That's all you need.
This is sad; I had nooo idea this place was affliated with a community I mod... and there should be a Chocobo stamp. Totally. RATE ME A CHOCOBO. ... You'll never know if I'm being serious or not. *makes mysterious noises.*
Required ............ This isn't a piss test is it? Because I swear I thought It was herbal tea!
A GOLD CHOCOBO An Angel Vagina loving Centipede. A loving soul Unidentified Flying Object