So, last night, my ac adapter, officially bit the dust. It sparked and fizzled, at which point, I removed it from the wall outlet, and the computer, before lighting the entire house on fire, and hoping to preserve the rest of my computer
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I thought it was a law in NYS for a landlord to give at least 2 days written notice prior to entering a rented dwelling, with an exception in case of emergency. That way, this very same thing you described doesn't happen.
Might want to look into it and suggest to your LL that you'd like notice in the future.
Which, to me, makes no sense, because unless you've got a lawyer with you, you're never going to understand it. ANYWAY, we've suggested that we'd like more notice, and it very seldomly happens. As it turns out, he called Jenna's phone but she was at work, so she obviously didn't get the message until after.
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