99 god damned questions

Sep 20, 2005 23:48

1. What time is it? 10:53 PM

2. Name as it appears on birth certificate? Steven Joseph Karpan

3. Nickname(s): Steve, steve-o?

4. Do You Drive?: yes...

5. Single or taken?: taken

6. Chinese zodiac: i have no idea

7. All hair colors: brown/grey

8. Eyelash color: black? i dunno, but apparantly they're long

9. Height at age 12: how the hell should i know? like 5'5" or something?

10. Shoe size (wide, long, �): 13

11. Glasses, contacts or neither? Glasses, man I want that laser surgery so bad

12. Braces?: No, lucky i suppose

13. Wished Piercing/tattoos?: I used to want tattoos, but its not gonna happen ever

14. Birthplace: Palo Alto, CA

15. Current residence: Fremont, California

16. Siblings name and age: Curtis, 25, Lisa, 29? Im not sure, I dont talk to her cause she sucks

******HAVE YOU EVER******

17. Gotten super wasted?: yes

18. Gotten so drunk you don't remember what happened?: Or as I like to call it, "time travel"

19. Drank 5 liters of beer in 2 hours?: I drank sooo much beer at nicks birthday, then again when i had a keg for those other peoples birthdays, jon, parini, and whats her face

20. Had an Irish carbomb: Probably, but I cant keep track of all that crap that nick tried to make me

21. Skipped school by peer pressure?: Have skipped to see concerts in college, did once in high school to go to lunch

22. Bungee jumped?: nope, to fat now, but i would have tried it previously if the oppertunity arose

23. Kissed someone not related to you 30+ years older than you?: okay, only kissed 3 people, none of them old and gross

24. Kissed someone of the same sex not related to you?: no

25. Made out with more than two people in one day: no

26. Hit your head somewhere and been knocked out?: Never knocked out, but hit hard and cracked my head open when i was little

27. TP'd someone's house? I think I did, when I was little

28. Won something of value?: not that i can remember

29. Asked a stranger out?: No, I barely asked anyone out, let alone a stranger.

30. Been rejected by someone?: I dunno, I guess being broken up with is being rejected. People are so fucking stupid sometimes, they just cant be happy for anyone else if they are with someone they geuinly care about and like.

31. Been in love with someone who didn't know it?: No, she knows it

32. Been to over 5 funerals? : I think ive only been to 2

33. Used a lighter?: yes'm, used to smoke, a bad habbit

34. Been on stage?: I was in Fiddler on the Roof! that was fun, even though i got suckered into it


35. Pasta: I like most anything on pasta, and like most pasta's

36. Ice cream flavor: Coffee with almonds!

37. Store for clothes: The fat guy store mostly

38. School subject(s): Shop class, lunch

39. Breakfast cereal: Basic 4

40. Number and why: I dunno if i care really

41. Book and why: Youth In Revolt, it's the funniest book I've ever read, funny nomatter how many times I read it.

42. Horror Movie: I dont really like horror movies, cept Army of Darkness, Evil Dead 1, Evil Dead 2

43. Candy: Snickers, fruit flavored stuff

44. Black Soda: black soda? Dont really like soda, only Dr. Pepper on a rare occasion.

45. Color: Black, blue

46. Vacation spot(s) that you like: I liked Hawaii, and i likve disneyland, and pismo beach, although ashley resents that we only go to the last two

47. Sport to watch on tv: NASCAR

48. Sport to play: I dunno, not really the "sports" kind of guy, just auto racing

49. Fruit: mostly any really

50. Sound: I dunno, i really like the sound of a car starting after i have the engine out, or the heads off, i know it sounds stupid, but i love the satisfaction of fixing cars, especially ones that other people couldnt fix

51. Fast food restaraunt: Carl's Jr, Sonic

52. Cartoon Character: Homer Simpson, Bryan Griffin, The Comic Book Guy

53. Holiday the first half of the year: I dont really care about holidays cept christmas i suppose, but now more than ever, I'm really apathedic about it also, but the stuff is nice

54. Name for a boy: James, but not Jim, sorry

55. Name for a girl: I dont know, she can decide (ashley, not the girl)

******DO YOU PREFER******

56. Chocolate, strawberry or vanilla?: Vanilla

57. Boys or girls?: Girls are confusing, boys are stupid, you lose either way really

58. Long relationships or one night stands: Never had a one night stand, so the first one

59. Dogs or cats or horses?: I want a dog, but they are alot of work, so cats, they're easy

60. comedies or scary movies: comedy, i'm a fat guy, we are a jolly people, seriously, be jolly or lose weight, your giving us a bad name angry fatties!

61. Silver or gold?: Silver, hence all ashley's jewlery

62 Croutons or bacon bits?: Croutons


63. Potato: Mashed?

64. Tomato: Dont really like em so much

65. School: Done, cept the random classes like i have tomarrow, but i get paid, so its cool

66. Grass: I hate mowing it, but i like it, its better than my dirt farm

67. Cow: steak!

68. Canada: Strange Brew

69. Mouse: i have a fancy wireless one!

70. Hand: scar-ey like scars, not scary, im not scared of hands

******THE PAST 48 HOURS, HAVE YOU******

71. Watched a movie? No

72. Talked on the phone?: yes

73. Cried?: no

74. Threw up?: no

75. Drank a glass of water?: lots, its pretty much the only thing i drink

76. Gone to the bathroom?: who doesnt go to the bathroom at least every 48 hours?

77. Read a book or magazine?: yes

78. Watched tv?: yes

79. Looked in the mirror?: yes

80. Taken a shower?: yes

81. Taken a picture?: no

82. Listened to music? yes

83. Hugged or kissed someone?: no

84. Done your hw?: N/A

85. Told someone you loved them?: yes

***DO YOU BELIEVE IN....******

86. Heaven?: Yes

87. A one true love?: Thats a hard one, I mean, its just so fairy tale you know?

88. Aliens? not so much

89. Fun for the entire family? nah, someone isnt going to have fun, thats the way it is

90. Freedom of speech?: the idea of it, yes, do we have it? of course not

91. Love?: yes

92. Magic?: like, magic tricks sure, thats what they all are, fuck you david blane and cris angel *thats the fucking dumbest way to spell it ever*

*******SOME RANDOM STUFF******

93. Last movie you saw in theatres? Aristocrats

94. Are you listening to music right now?: yes'm, Nerf Herder - For You

95. What color shirt are you wearing?: Boxers

96. Do you like your middle name? It's fine

97. What is the best thing since sliced bread: I dunno when sliced bread became availible, i think cars were around before that, so im gonna have to go with tivo

98. What color is your backpack?: old school black jansport from like freshman year in high school, with patches including a nifty tom 50 patch!

99. What time is it now? 11:35PM ( I kept writing it like 11.35, i did that at the top also *shakes head*)
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