Today was my last full day of semester 1 at Highland. Tomorrow classes only go until 2:30 and the last block is just moving desks to the gym for Exams. I'm really going to miss Mr. Rajotte, he's just an amazing teacher and made Socials Honors easy to handle. Next semester is English Honors and Science Honors (English being the only Honors class I
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I am so completely not looking forward to my Math exam. The way my courses turned out I did all the math involving graphing back in September - November(?) so not only do I not remember what I did in that class I also have to re-learn everything from the normal math classes. I tried to do the first 30 questions on my practice exam and I understood
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No exciting happenings today, just did some schoolin' and postponed studying all night. Talked to Adie, which I haven't done in a while. She's an upstanding lass. Finally got around to watching Citizen Kane and was very impressed
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I feel like I don't know what I like anymore. It seems to be happening more and more often that something I've voiced positive feelings towards comes up in conversation and I fiercely attack it and vice-versa
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Well, I missed my chance to volunteer at the film festival. They filled up before I got my call in, so now I'm on the 'extras' list. I'm not too bummed, there weren't many films I wanted to see anyways
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I have a terrible fear of phone conversations. I'm supposed to call someone working at the Film Festival to see if they still need Volunteers but I get a real bad sinking feeling in my stomach whenever I think about it
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Today I realized I've spent more time looking at than doing work for this months paper, but that's alright because otherwise I woulodn't know that Daniel Radcliffe is often confused for Elijah Wood by fans
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