This is one of those 'don't close the lid, I am still alive' updates. I've been quite
lazy about writing this journal, mostly because I feel that there hasn't really been
much to write about.
I haven't been working lately, due to having some funky stuff going on with my joints,
something I do not really have any conclusive diagnosis for, even with having seen my
doctor and a specialist enough times. It is annoying, but it isn't lethal, and probably
isn't progressive either. It isn't going anywhere though.
So while not working, I've been playing games and reading books. I got the Orange Box, and
have now finished all but Ep2, which is currently suffering from an 'update', or then my
computer is just falling apart. With a 3 year old XP-installation, either one is possible.
Audiosurf is my current casual drug of choice, a truly inspired hybrid of a game that allows
me to enjoy much of my music in a whole new way. The fact that the game sends me an email
every time someone beats a highscore I've made means that I'll be driven to play it often.
It costs next to nothing on Steam so try it out, seriously.
I've begun a new zombie-themed roleplaying campaign now, since the first was such a success.
Campaign 2: Borstal, is set in the winter of 1979/80, in a borstal in Northern Yorkshire. It
is one of those settings where the contrast - or lack of - between what is within and what
is without, is key. The first session went frighteningly well really, people really getting
into their characters like they had played them for at least a couple of sessions already.
It definitely helped that all of the visual content this campaign needed was provided in one
neat package, namely the Alan Clarke classic:
Scum. It is a powerful film that I can recommend without reservation. There were two versions made, and both have their individual strengths.
The one big event I've had of late, was seeing
Buck 65 live at a club in Helsinki. If you aren't familiar with his music, I suggest you check it out at the first opportunity. It is hiphop, sort of, in the sense something like Morcheeba
is hiphop. It is hiphop by a white guy from Nova Scotia, who dresses like a trucker and
describes David Lynch as one of his influences. His sound is influenced by jazz, folk,
blues, avant garde, all sorts of things, and his lyrics often deal with memories of small
town life and retro aesthetics.
Seeing him on stage takes things to a whole different level though, and can not really be
described in a way that does him justice. Lets just say he is a great turntablist, a very
inspired dancer, and likes to show people funny cat videos from YouTube using his Powerbook.
He has a very Canadian sense of humor about the whole thing, all in all.
In my quiet little way, I think he is one of the greatest musicians out there right now.
Other than that, nothing new has really been going on. I just bought the collected works
of Kenneth Anger and have been diving deep into those lately, and it is pretty amazing
stuff really, so far ahead of the curve it is ridiculous. I've been watching too much
braincandy of late anyway, and it is time to up the classics content a bit like this.
But yes, I'm still alive. No, I probably won't get much better about posting in this here
journal, but you never know. Keep watching this space, it don't cost nothing.