Want some advice from a random guy that just happened upon your site randomly? (yay random livejournal image feed at goldstarred.com!) ive spent a lot of time applying to universities & grad schools - when you get wait-listed, you should read that as "prove to us that you really want to go here." you need to start sending a letter per week. i would send one explaining how it's your first choice, and include an essay entitled "why i want to go to X." the next week, send a letter asking for a following. send another asking if they'll interview you by telephone, or if theres an alum in the area that you can talk to. send a postcard from your summer vacation, saying "just wanted you to know that im still interested
( ... )
thank you so much, whoever you are!!! I don't know if anonymous comment-givers ever see responses....The thing is, University of Chicago is my ultimate top #1 choice, and I've sent them tonssssss of stuff about myself (i.e. a binder-full, literally) but I'll definitely take your advice and just keep calling/writing/emailing/harrassing. It makes me really happy to know that random people out of nowhere can care so much to write a long, super-helpful comment like that....thank you <3
u chicago is renowned for its classical teaching method - that is, they force you to use and develop your critical thinking skills, whereas at many other colleges (even at the top, eg princeton) you can often slide by on rote memorization. if youre looking for something to write, you may consider researching their teaching methods and explaining in a letter that uchicago is your top choice for that reason - at the end of this college experience, you want your brain to be a well honed thinking machine, not a library of collected factual information. (of course, dont say anything that cheesy... :)
yeah, that's probably the biggest reason i love it (gargoyles and book stores coming in a close second, haha) I've left a message with my regional admissions counselor to make sure that all my "supplemental materials" were received and read, and I'm probably going to write some more letters. I'll be sure to focus on that! Thanks SO MUCH, and your metaphor wasn't that cheesy....
Those are all good schools, so being placed on their wait list is better than being rejected outright. If you go on the wait list for all five, there's a good chance you'll get picked up by at least one of them.
This post made me ache for you. I don't even know what I'd do in your situation, but keep pushing and pestering and being the I'm-Katy-Witmer-I-can-do-anything-I-set-my-mind-to self you are, and you'll get where you need to be. :) I BELIEVE IN YOU!!!!! ♥♥♥
I'm pretty sure he does. I think he said the food there's not that great (the food that they give you at the college, I mean) I'll ask him again the next time I get to talk to him. What are you going to major in?
I'm not really sure - I want to study a lot of literature and philosophy, but it sort of depends on where I go too, I guess. Like if I get into Northwestern I'll study journalism as well (because I applied to Medill) or if I get into Chicago I'll take this lit/philosophy major thingy they have. I guess I'll figure it out when I get there...
Comments 25
i was going to post "well now what do you do?"
but i loved anonymous person number one's idea that i don't have to ask that.
i love the idea that random people are reading about my life anonymously. it's so...indie-movie
I don't even know what I'd do in your situation, but keep pushing and pestering and being the I'm-Katy-Witmer-I-can-do-anything-I-set-my-mind-to self you are, and you'll get where you need to be. :)
I hope you get in to wherever you want to go!
I'll ask him again the next time I get to talk to him.
What are you going to major in?
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