square one

Mar 10, 2010 15:57

title: square one
player: iker casillas
rating: g
disclaimer: fiction
after the CL match with lyon
part of my table, prompt: spirit

There wasn’t anything anyone could say. Perhaps that was why the locker room was engulfed by silence. This wasn’t new, not by any means, but it didn’t mean that the loss didn’t hurt. Because it did. It was like being shot through a leg or arm for the first time. It was quick and you really believed you were dying (though of course one cannot die from a bullet to the leg) because you didn’t know better.

But Iker knew better and nor was this the first time he had been metaphorically shot. Nonetheless he was as quiet as the others, trying to leave as quickly as possible. The shower he took was less than five minutes, barely a rinse. He dressed without real concern for what he was wearing. Just as tried slipping out the room unnoticed, a heavy hand landed on his shoulder.

Raul stood before him, wearing an expression Iker was sure was on his face as well. He had so much respect for Raul, more than anyone he had ever met in his life. He was proud to call a man like Raul his friend and an equal. The silence only stretched between them as Raul offered a slight smile and a squeeze to his shoulder. And it was exactly what Iker needed. More than.

Leaning in, Iker kissed Raul’s cheeks lightly before turning and pushing the door open, leaving swiftly. Their spirit had dampened, undoubtedly so, but it wasn’t broken.

footie!fic, iker casillas

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