Last night it was done. Barry said the L word. Lesbian.What? Barry said lesbian? What the hell does that have to do with anything? Why would you even bother telling the world
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So tonight Barry was over here watching RAW and then we watched The Simpson's and all that like we do every week. My mom is ordering pizza for Kelli and Barry, and I. She called him Richie. I didn't notice because I was watching t.v. but Kelli was like omgfreakout! I got a bit quiet for a bit but was like whatever. So still hanging out and
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So yesterday Barry brought Summer of to play for a bit. It was so much fun. Angela was over here, too. When we were getting ready to leave I was buckling her in her car seat and she says "Bye Grandma!" to my mom. Yeah... I was speechless. She is so smart... 2 1/2 and she can count to 20. She makes my ice heart melt a little bit. We went to
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