I can't fucking take this. I have too much to do. Yea I know everyoen has the same amount of work. Whatever.I can't freaking do this. I'm not going to get any sleep tonight. So I sit and cry. MY dad comes home flips out on me. I continue to cry. I can't fucking take this. I just need something anything. I'm falling apart.I thought I was doing better. I'm not. I just have too much to do. One more freaking day. I'm having a freaking break down. Yea I'm definitely gonna get work done when I cant stop freaking out. I hate this. I hate everything. I want..I dont know what I want . i justh ate being sad. but that's all i am lately. i dont know what. freaking snap out of it marissa. what the hell is wrong with me. ahgdfgs fuck. i'm in such a bad mood. sorry if i'm mean to you. i dont mean to be, but that's what ends up happening. i wish i was in my bed. it's the only place i'm happy