Okay, so I have had the worst case of strep throat ever!
I woke up Friday morning with a sore throat; no biggie, figured I'd dose myself with Robitussin & sinus meds, and be good to go. By noon on Friday I had at least a midgrade fever--my face was burning up but the rest of me was freezing--and before bed Friday night it had gone up to 101.5--not too concerning in children, but pretty high for an adult, as I've been told since. Needless to say, I ended up not going to work Saturday as scheduled. By mid-afternoon Saturday I had my temp back below 100 and kept it there for at least a few hours. My throat continued to hurt; chicken noodle soup was difficult to get down, and while dinner was tasty Saturday night--Marc cooked up some alfredo pasta and chicken (with Cajun spices added to the sauce for him, Amber, and the kids)--I couldn't even finish my first helping because it hurt too much to swallow.
I was okay going into ritual Saturday night: my throat hurt, but my temp was back down closer to normal. By the time ritual was over, I was an hour or so late for taking the Tylenol I've been using to control the fever, and it was back full-force. Good news, one of our Covenant of Horus members at ritual just happens to be a nurse in mudane life. She took one look at the back of my throat with a flashlight and informed me I had strep or tonsilitis or both--and so bad there were black spots in with the mass of white, and when I looked at it in the mirror with the flashlight, my uvula was attached to my right tonsil by bacteria--, and that I needed to go to the doctor first thing in the morning. At which point I went "fuck", cause at the time, I was broke until my paycheck would hit my bank account on Tuesday (today) or I would have gone that morning without needing to be told to--I just don't get fevers that high so it had me concerned enough as is. Fortunately, Marc is awesome and just happens to have a federal tax refund burning a hole in his (bank account) pocket, and gave me the money to cover my copay at the CVS Minute Clinic and the meds prescribed.
I'm honestly doing better; I've been more than 24 hours without a fever over 100 (I'm pretty sure I was in the 99s last night, but I am many evenings even when I'm not sick), I'm currently drinking a barely edible Ensure nutrition shake to make up for the lack of solid foods (I was pretty much limited to chicken broth, applesauce, and ice cream for a full two days, because even chicken noodle soup and soft-scrambled eggs hurt too much to repeat), and while my throat still hurts, it's not as bad and I don't feel like it's going to completely close in on me, which it seemed it would at one point (but never did, or I would have headed straight for the hospital! Gotta forestall the mommy hens I have on here, dontcha know!). I am back at work, talking softly (and thus avoiding answering phone calls unless it's sent back to me as a children's department call), and hoping to eat soft solids for dinner on my lunch break--mac & cheese, my usual microwaveable lunch/dinner for work. I also intend to go through the entire 6-pack of Ensures over the next 2-3 days to help my body replenish the necessitities (I even got the high protein kind, so I'm probably getting more protein over the next couple days than I usually get in a couple weeks! Most of our meals tend to be carbs cause that's cheapest).
I really gotta talk to my doctor to see what it would take to get my tonsils removed; I've had strep (and probably tonsilitis, too, though when swelling of that area goes down after a couple days without getting unbearably painful [like this weekend] I don't go to the doctor so it has never been diagnosed for me) entirely too many times over the last few years, and if I get my tonsils out, that potential illness goes away because strep actually grows on the tonsils (and uvula apparently, but if it can't start on the tonsils it won't jump to the uvula), not the throat. Blech. Wish I'd known that a little sooner and I would have asked about removal long before now;
The good news, however, is that I was well enough to do class last night for Owl Wood Circle (my coven for those not keeping up!), which made me happy because we (I should probably say they since I and Marc were technically the teachers!) learned about and made talismans--and the first one I made for myself was for good health!!
Hope everyone else is having a decent week so far!