First is a Star Wars "Death Star Truther" video, which is absolutely hilarious. The destruction of the Death Star was an inside job!
Click to view
Second is a link to a fan-made trailer:
What if HP and the Half Blood Prince movie was a teen rom-com? Third (and Fourth!) is my darling beloved Doctor Who is back in 2 weeks (SO EXCITE!) and we have not one, but two trailers!
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Also, spaceygoodness of the day: I have been terribly remiss, but for those of you in the mid-northern latitudes with an unobstructed and non-cloudy western view just after sunset, go take a gander and see if you can spot Comet PanSTARRS! The twitter feed for
Virtual Astronomer has a ton of pics sent in by people all over the world.
I saw it very briefly last week, but then **CLOUDS**. Blergh. (And sand in my shoes for nothing. Woe.) And it's been shitty weather here ever since. Maybe you lot will have better luck!
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