It's interesting. Reading other people's journal entries have made me realize something. There are many more people without mothers here than I first thought. Of course I know many statistics of one parent households, orphan children, and so on, so this really shouldn't come as any surprise. But coming face to face to with it just makes those statistics seem more real. As illogical as that sounds.
I'm an adult. I shouldn't be worrying about not having parents. I've lived a very full life already, more that what most weaviles could ever hope to achieve in a lifetime. I'm living the dream, so to speak.
The flip side of all that is hearing people gush over their mothers. I can't help but feel... jealous. If only a little. It is a normal emotion to feel for someone in a situation similar to mine, but I suppose I'm just not used to it. That is simply a consequence of surrounding myself with people.
Perhaps I'll take an evening walk tonight.