So I was being such a hardheaded person again last Thursday. At first, it was just drizzling so I didn't really mind walking without using my umbrella. I'm weird that way. I don't want to use my umbrella. As long as it is not still raining that hard, I wouldn't take it out of my bag.
So my co-teachers and I were already walking halfway to where we're going to ride a Jeepney when it started to rain heavily. I didn't have a choice anymore but to bring out my umbrella. sigh.
I don't like walking in the rain, especially when I am wearing sneakers. blah. It's just so uncomfortable to feel your socks wet (who wouldn't?!). So when I saw an FX coming nearer I hailed it right away glad to finally get out of the rain. I bid my co-teachers goodbye and hastily get in the vehicle (whew).
Did I ever tell you my eyesight isn't that good? lolz. I was supposed to ride FX with a sign card that say "PASIG PALENGKE" but instead the FX's sign board was "ANTIPOLO." OHMAAAAAAAYYYGAAAHH. (o.o)
Well, I don't really have to worry since I can still ask the driver to drop me off at Rosario, Pasig then I'd take another jeep there to Pasig Palengke. The problem is the drivers DO take their time waiting for passengers. Like oh-don't-worry-go-ahead-take-your-time-waiting-for-passengers-for-hours kind of waiting. and well, sad to say, my dad's waiting for me at home. They don't really sleep at home unless I'm safely back home so I was kind of feeling restless at that time. T-T
It's my fault for not looking intently at the sign board or even wearing my reading glasses. blah~ yeah. blame it on me. (-.-'')