(no subject)

Jun 19, 2006 03:27

Nabbed from megu_megu.

How many keys are on your keychain? Three.

What curse word do you use the most? Damn, if it counts... otherwise, shit I guess?

Do you own an iPod? Nope. Got my cd/mp3 player.

What time is your alarm clock set for? 8:30a.

How many suitcases do you own? Two.

Do you wear flip-flops even when it's cold outside? No.

Where do you buy your groceries from? Stop 'n Shop, King Kullen, and local places.

Would you rather take the picture or be in the picture? Be in the picture. I find I'm not in enough photos.

What was the last movie you watched? Collateral for the second time. It's not the greatest movie, but Cinemax plays it from time to time. I wonder if Rain Fall will be directed similarly when it eventually hits theaters. I'd like to think it will be done differently.

Do any of your friends have children? Not that I know of... unless JE and Bubbie count? =p

If you won the lottery, what's the first thing you would buy? A soda! XD

Has anyone ever called you lazy? hahaha... oh yeah.

Do you ever take medication to help you fall asleep faster? Yeah, alcohol. haha. Seriously though, yes, but nothing prescribed.

What CD is currently in your CD player? jpop/jrock mix.

Do you prefer regular or chocolate milk? Used to be chocolate, now I've got no preference.

Has anyone told you a secret this week? Not that I know of.

When was the last time someone hit on you? *shrugs* I don't keep tabs. =p

What did you have for dinner? A pasta/tuna/olive dish. Better than it might sound.

Do you wear hoodies often? Definitely in the Fall and Winter.

Can you whistle? Yup.

Have you ever participated in a protest? It's possible, but I can't say for sure.

Who was the last person to call you? My sister.

What is your favorite ride at an amusement park? Umm... Gravitron is a classic. Maybe the Free Fall, too. It's been a while.

Do you think people talk about you behind your back? Sure.

What area code are you in right now? 666... what?

Did you watch cartoons as a child? And counting...

How big is your local mall? The city is my mall.

How many siblings do you have? Two.

Are you shy around the opposite sex? Sometimes, sure.

What is your biggest regret? That my family isn't much of one, and it's noticeably affected me over the years. Also, I should have eaten more as a teenager! =p

When was the last time you laughed so hard your sides hurt? Maybe sometime last winter... can't remember.

What movie do you know every line to? All the silent ones with no inter- or subtitles.

Do you own any band t-shirts? Nope.

When was your last plane ride? Last Fall.

How many chairs are at your dining room table? What's a dining room? =p

Do you read for fun? Sure do.

Can you speak any languages other than English? Spanish, some Japanese.

Do you do your own dishes? Yessum.

What color is your bedroom painted? Light blue.

Have you ever cried in public? Sure, I've been a kid before.

Do you have a desktop computer or a laptop? Desktop, though I'm softening on laptops.

Which do you make, wishes or plans? Plans. Though I don't plan to make wishes, they jump on board, too, from time to time. =)

Are you always trying to learn new things? I try to.

Do you shower on a daily basis? I try making a habit of it.

Are you currently wanting any piercings or tattoos? Not right now. On and off, I toy with the notion of getting a tattoo. It'd have to be something significantly sentimental/symbolic and/or cool for me to get it.

Do you believe that the guy should pay on the first date? He can offer, but probably shouldn't force it. Splitting the bill keeps things even and noncommittal.

Can you skip rocks? Yeah, but I'm no expert.

Have you ever been to Jamaica? Nope.

What to snack on at the movie theaters? Skittles, Swedish Fish, and Jolly Ranchers!

Who was your favorite teacher? I can't decide between Professor Perret, Professor Bens, and Professor Lugowski. They all win! =)

Have you ever dated someone out of your race? Yup.

What is the weather like? It's NY summer weather... hot and humid, with bad air quality! One guess as to what makes it a 'NY summer.' heh.

Would you ever date someone covered in tattoos? Possibly.

Do you have an online journal? No, I'm posting this in the 'random junk' section of my mind's eye. Online journals are clever illusions meant to ensnare you.

What was your favorite class in high school? Creative Writing, aka... go to the computer room and do whatever for 40 minutes. Though I put it to good use.

Do you enjoy traveling via airplanes? I don't think I enjoy it, but don't mind it, either.

What personality trait is a must-have in your preferred gender? I don't know anymore. I guess being capable of adapting? Who knows.

Have you ever been attracted to someone physically unattractive? Probably not. Anyone I've been attracted to has been physically attractive.

When was the last time you slept on the floor? Last Fall.

What is your favorite alcoholic drink? Margaritas and jello shots.

Does your closest Starbucks have a drive-thru? They have drive-thru Starbucks? Ack...

Do you like your living arrangement? I'm comfortable with it, but it's not my long-term goal.

What is your mother's hometown? Wilkes-Barre, PA... and somehow, I will always want to laugh at that name for a town.

How many hours of sleep do you need to function? Ideally, seven and a half. If need be, I can function on nothing.

Do you eat breakfast daily? I try making a habit of it, yes.

What was the last thing to scare you? Something personal.

Are your days full and fast-paced? No, but they can still be productive.

Did you ever get in trouble for talking in class? Not really.

What is your favorite fruit? Strawberries and mango!

Do you pay attention to calories on the back of packages? YES... the more the better! =D

How old will you be turning on your next birthday? 23... is there anything special about this age?

Are you picky about spelling and grammar? I can be when I want to. Outside of things I'm editing, I try to be gentle with others.

Do you believe in life on other planets? Sure.

Have you ever been to Six Flags? Nope, never. I keep seeing the 'Buy 1 ticket, Get 1 free' ads on Coke cans, though, so that'll probably change this summer.

Who was the last person to piss you off? A co-worker, but only momentarily.

Do you believe that God has a gender? Nope, if God exists.

What was the last thing you ate? A strawberry yogurt with Nestle Crunch chips.

Do you get along better with the same or opposite sex? I get along with either sex equally well.

What did you dress up as for your first Halloween? Jeez... I have no idea... maybe The Little Prince? XD

How did your parents pick your name? My middle name is from a Spanish King's. I don't know about my first name.

Do you like mustard? Sure.

What do you tell yourself when times get hard? "Nobody said life is supposed to be easy," and "Just do better tomorrow," come to mind. A lot of stuff, though, not always shining beacons of optimism.

Would you ever sky dive? Possibly.

Do you sleep on your side, tummy, or back? Side and back.

What character from a movie most reminds you of yourself? None that I know of.

Have you ever bid for something on ebay? Nope.

What do you think of Angelina Jolie being pregnant? She got through it, and is a mother now.

Do you enjoy giving hugs? Depending on the person, sure.

Would you consider yourself to be fashionable? No, not really.

Do you own a digital camera? Nope, but I wouldn't mind having one anymore.

If someone you had no interest in dating expressed interest in dating you, how would you feel? Obligated to be honest, but not crush them. I know how it feels being on the other side of that.

What celebrities have you been compared to? Matt Damon, once, when I was younger.

Who is your favorite Star Wars character? Obi-Wan from the first trilogy, Luke from the second.

Does it annoy you when someone says they'll call but never do? Sometimes, but I'm guilty of it, too.

What books, if any, have made you cry? I don't know if a book has ever made me cry. Certain movies have.

Do you think you're attractive? Moderately, sure. There are better and worse out there.

What are you allergic to? Not a lot, anymore.

Are you a jealous person? I can be at times, but I'm not generally a jealous person.

What's your opinion on sex without emotional commitment? If it's mutually understood there are no emotional committments on either end, it's fine.

Do you ever feel guilty after eating meat? No.

If you were born the opposite sex, what would your name have been? No clue... not Jeffrina! XD
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