Originally, Matthew was going to be an army soldier. But, I could not find a used camo jacket anywhere...so....at the last minute (this past Wed.) I went to Johnnie Brochs (Local Halloween/gift store) and bought Matthew the costume that he's asked for the past two years. The Grim Reaper. I always said no before, b/c I wasn't ready for my little boy to be a scary halloween costume...and...I didn't want him wearing all black running around the streets in the black of night on All Hallows Eve. But, I've been working a ton of overtime and had a littel extra cash to spend and I gave in and bought the costume. It was 19.99 and Matthew actually gave me $9 of his own money b/c he was so excited that I had bought it for him. So, here they are. And Emily's friend Sarah came with us again this year to trick or treat.
The weather was fantabulous!! We went out at 7pm and came home at 8:20pm. Last year we were bundled in hats and gloves but this year we were blessed with a temp of 60 degrees! And no rain! This was the best weatherd Halloween since I've been taking my kids trick or treating.
Also, this was their biggest haul ever! But, this past week, I had told the kids that I would give them $0.05 (5 cents) for every piece of candy that they gave me to take to my office. They get to keep their favorites but they also have the option of cashing in the bulk of their stash. I have always disagreed with parents that pay their children $ for getting good grades. I do not think this is the same.
Here is my reasoning: Two years ago, my son had two cavities. While I had dental coverage for my children, I did not have the money to pay for my part of it. So, I put them off. The two cavities turned into needing stainless steel crowns instead of just getting filled. THAT cost me double what I would have paid if I had taken care of his cavities right away. Now, I have already dealt with the guilt as a result of my actions. But, since then he has had two more cavities, which we took care of right away.....but the previous crowns pretty much ate up the $ amount that insurance covers in the period of one year, so I had to pay more on the cavities fillings anyway. Emily, thus far, has never had a cavity. She and Matthew brush, floss, and mouthwash the same! So, I'm guessing maybe Matthew's mouth is just more prone to problems than hers. I don't know for sure, but I think that I've heard that dental issues/problems can be hereditary and I was in and out of the dentist numerous times as a kid. I was talking to my Mom about Matthew's dental issues a few weeks ago and she even said that I was a horrible dental patient. Regardless, several months ago I got rid off the fruit snacks, fruit rollups, chewy candy, etc. that was in our house. I have put a timer in the bathroom for Matthew to use when he brushes his teeth. I HAVE taken measures to stop his cavities. He is well aware of what he should and shouldn't eat and that he needs to be diligent with the care of his teeth and his mouth. But, I know I can only do so much. I also know that no matter how much he "knows", a pillowcase FULL of candy can be too much of a temptation for any 9 year old. So, this year I am giving the option of keeping the stash or cashing it in. Thankfully, Matthew was eager to cash it in. Emily, on the other hand, is still picking and choosing her favorites to keep before cashing in.
Matthew and Emily, both, had a friend sleep over last night and they are both still here. So, I told them that we would count up their pieces of candy that they are willing to give up, after their friends leave. So, to regroup, my reasoning is to save me money in the long run and to remove the bulk of the temptation from them.
I'll post again on Sunday to let you know just how many pieces of candy they chose to cash in.
Emily is a 1950s girl, Matthew is the Grim Reaper, and Sarah is a Zombie Bride.