This is to protect myself from possible public humiliation and stoning and from losing what little reputation I might still have and from being kicked out of school.
wahahahahahaha! same here same here. that's also why i f-locked my lj. XD
well then, a big welcome to the crazy family of Thrill Pair-obsessed fangirls known as livejournal. ♥♥♥
Actually was already a LJ stalker lurker since I got linked over through suteishichic's profile. You have absolutely gotta read her tenipuri fics, it blows the mind (although it's set before Ryoma appears, so no Ryoma. =/).
My first OTP was TezuFuji because of her fics, until the utter-cuteness of Thrill Pair cracked my brain overwhelmed my senses XD I still have a fondness for TezuFuji cos of them (I even downloaded her entire 1st 71-chapter fic (621 pages in Word). Her ongoing sequel has hit 88 Chapters and she's far from done. Utterly awe-inspiring.)
awww... sorry but i don't read TezuFuji anymore. ^^;; i used to... but i got traumatized after coming across some TezuFuji fics that made Ryoma such a horrible character.
and being someone who practically worships Ochibi 24/7 a Ryoma-fan (hah! understatement of the century!), i've decided to stick to Ryoma-centric fics and avoid not just TezuFuji, but pretty much everything else that doesn't concern Ochibi. ^^;;
Haha, it's ok, actually kinda expected it? (That's why I indicated that Ryoma-sama is quite glaringly absent from them ^_^) I like Ochibi-centric fics too! (the snark! XD) <3<3<3
I'd like to friend you -- I started reading some of your fic on and was impressed. I'm just dipping my feet into the madness of PoT, but am rapidly becoming addicted. ^_^
Friend me?fluffy_no2November 29 2005, 22:22:51 UTC
Hihi! I need friending ... I got here by way of the fuji_ryo community and desperately need fujiryo ficcies ... so in any case ... I am here in the name of peace and fujiryo fandom ... (otherwise known as my compulsive need to read fanfiction.)
Comments 145
wahahahahahaha! same here same here. that's also why i f-locked my lj. XD
well then, a big welcome to the crazy family of Thrill Pair-obsessed fangirls known as livejournal. ♥♥♥
Actually was already a LJ stalker lurker since I got linked over through suteishichic's profile. You have absolutely gotta read her tenipuri fics, it blows the mind (although it's set before Ryoma appears, so no Ryoma. =/).
My first OTP was TezuFuji because of her fics, until the utter-cuteness of Thrill Pair cracked my brain overwhelmed my senses XD I still have a fondness for TezuFuji cos of them (I even downloaded her entire 1st 71-chapter fic (621 pages in Word). Her ongoing sequel has hit 88 Chapters and she's far from done. Utterly awe-inspiring.)
and being someone who practically worships Ochibi 24/7 a Ryoma-fan (hah! understatement of the century!), i've decided to stick to Ryoma-centric fics and avoid not just TezuFuji, but pretty much everything else that doesn't concern Ochibi. ^^;;
gomen ne...
I love GS & GSD too! ^_^
Your icon... o_O LOL
Welcome to my journal! FujiRyo Forever~!! ♥ ^_^
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