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Mexican Ramen
Chapter 2
The next morning after everyone had taken turns cleaning up the mess Gackt had unwittingly created the night before, they all stood in the living trying to decide what to do about Gackt’s temporarily broken fingers.
“I did what again?” Gackt sat on the couch staring at his hands that had been wrapped up with layers of cut up Strawberry Short Cake sheets.
“Well, fust you did something like this,” Toshiya said. He gave out a sour sounding battle cry and poorly imitated Gackt’s master-like fighting skills. “Then, with eyes still not open, this.” He then began to attack and kick out at the built-in pueblo-looking bookshelf nearest to him. Somewhere around then is when everyone just sort of started tuning him out.
Rya suddenly notices the sheets that Gackt’s hand is wrapped up in and comes closer to him for inspection. “Hey, I have sheets like that too. Where’d you get yours from?”
Gackt’s eyes meet Rya’s, then to Takai’s. “Umm… I all my sheets are silk or satin.”
Rya reaches her hand out and touches the material. “But this is cotton.”
In the background Takai is slowly sneaking away. Everyone notices except for Rya and the still fighting maniac, Toshiya. Gackt sighs and hangs his head.
Mienaku polishes off the remainder of her coffee and slams it down on the Korean import coffee table. What was supposed to be a dramatic sound effect actually tuned into a horrible wood-smashing sound, as the table collapsed upon itself. “Oops,” she said with a shrug. “Toshiya, please don’t buy junk from some vendor who dresses up like a giant hotdog named Taco Bob anymore.”
Toshiya, who incidentally had dressed up as a boxer today, is now adding in special moves for “fighting” the bookshelf. He acknowledges Naku with a simple ‘Hai’, and then ducks his head down as if the bookshelf had just swung back at him.
Mienaku, who had been temporarily engrossed with Toshiya’s fighting, shook herself out of it. “Okay, well, what bothers me is about how often this is going to happen. Do you always sleep walk and hurt yourself?”
Gackt looks to the ceiling for a moment or two before replying. “ I don’t know.” His eyes then cringe. “Oh, I have an itch. I can’t touch me.” Looking awkward, he starts rubbing his back on the couch.
A fast pace thudding drew nearer as Takai runs back into the room. “Oh! Let me help!” Diving onto to couch she slashes out her claws and begins to back rape Gackt with her razor talons.
Rya, who had found safety under the couch from the form of the previous flying Takai, peeks her head out. “Don’t be greedy, Tai.”
“Yea,” chimed in Mienaku. “We can take turns. I dib Monday through Friday!”
Takai’s mouth drops down. “You hoe! No way in hell!”
Turning her head slightly to the side, Mienaku smiles sweetly. “ Awe, such talk like that will make those wrinkles in your face so much worse.” She turns away to talk to Gackt who is wondering what they are dibbing.
Toshiya stops boxing and walks over to Rya. After a second she notices that he is now sporting a nurse outfit. “Ooh. That was a nifty trick,” she replied with a wink. “You gotta teach me that one sometime.”
Smiling back at her he whispered, “Rya, didn’t you want a day?”
“Nah,” she whispered back. “I’ll just sneak in at night when they’re sleeping,” she said with an evil smile on her face and tapping the tips of her fingers together.
“Rya! Double dosage now,” Takai commanded with one palm held out.
Rya trots up to Takai with a syringe full of a dark caffeine serum and wearing a nurse outfit. Takai catches a glimpse of the outfit from the corner of her eye and does a double take. She looks over Rya’s new getup and then glances to Toshiya who is wearing now Rya’s clothes. “That was quick.”
“What was?” Amai appears from out of nowhere and soon leaves to go measure Toshiya’s waist, height, etc. She says nothing to him as she does this and Toshiya, who must have thought that this was a new game, starts giving her new ideas of what else she can measure.
“Oh! Measule how fal it is flom my ear to my knee.” Toshiya exclaimed with a little too much joy.
Takia rolls her eyes and then turns back to her original objective, Naku, with syringe in hand. She squirts a little bit of it into the air to see if it’s good to go. Silently, she stalks over to Naku.
“So, you dibbed me, light?” Gackt meant ‘right’, but that’s Japanese Engrish for you.
Before Mienaku, or Naku, or Miku, what ever you want to call her, could answer, Takai plunged the syringe into Naku’s neck. Now, most people would have noticed something like this, but Naku had been hyped up on taking this crap for so long that a swarm of twelve-foot mosquitoes could have attacked her and sucked her dry without her noticing. In fact, afterwards, if she didn’t notice the huge holes in her skin, she would probably wonder why she felt so funny.
Stepping back, Takai tosses the syringe behind her, which makes a thud sound, followed by a girlie scream. Looking back, she sees the syringe sticking into the wall right next to Toshiya, who is checking his side and laughing now.
“It missted me Yeesss! Yeesss!” Toshiya sang performing his celebratory ‘yes’ victory dance.
Rya watched Toshiya for a second longer before deciding to mimic the dance. Unfortunately, no sooner had she grasped the dance did she end up slipping on some caffeine sprinkles on the floor. This catches Naku and Gackt’s attention, but before they can turn around to look, Takai dives onto the floor next to Rya and shoves her over to the side.
“What was that?” Mienaku asks.
Trying to look her part, Takai replies, “I was so devastated about you being unfair and getting Monday through Friday, well, I guess I fell in broken heartedness.”
Looking puzzled, Gackt gestures towards Rya and asks, “How did Rya get on the floor?”
Grabbing Rya’s shoulders, Takai pulls her close to her. “She shares my pain.” Rya rubs fiercely at her elbows and gives Takai “the look”.
Mienaku narrows her eyes at Takai. “Fine. Even though I know you’re probably lying…” She pauses to look around. “…About something…” Stretching out the sentence, you could tell that she was buying time to think of something, but in the end, she ended up shrugging and finally let the thought go. “I’m in a good mood, so I’ll give you one more day. But that still gives me one more than you.”
Hearing a low, drawn out moan, everyone turns his or her attention back to Gackt. “I hope my hands heal soon. I wanna be the one who touches myself.”
“I know of someone that can heal you, su-pa saiyan fast!” Toshiya exclaimed, throwing his pointer finger towards the sky.
“A doctor?” Rya wondered.
“Duh, what else. A faerie?” Mienaku lashed back with her arms crossed.
Toshiya turned his head back to see Mienaku. “Actually yes!” The lights then dramatically turned off, thanks to side effects by Rya. “You see, in Japan, there is a myth of a mystical, magical farie that can heal you if you only believe in him,” he says in his most dead sexy voice. Suddenly changing moods from sexy to ultra perky, he adds, “Should I call him?”
“Please, burst your bubble away.” Takai added in her most sweet voice.
Two hours later, or in Naku’s time, 12 cups of coffee later, the Mexican doorbell sounded off to “la cucaracha”. Toshiya answers the door, this time in a maid’s outfit. Upon opening the door, his outfit is almost perfectly imitated by the woman- man- woman-man- woman-man standing in front of him. Toshiya flings the door wide open and embraces the gothic dressed maid before him.
Meanwhile, caught by the attention of the Mexican doorbell, everyone stampedes to the front door to see whom it is, with the exception of pissy Takai, taking up the rear.
The beautiful man with a hint of smile attempts to make a decent, slight bow with Toshiya still clinging to him. Gackt suddenly intervenes and asks Toshiya politely in Japanese to give Mana-sama some air. (How everyone understood that, is unknown. Perhaps it was some of that good ‘ol Mana magic.)
Toshiya, still grinning from ear to ear, backed up.
“Ohhh. He’s pretty.” Rya turned to look around the group with a pathetic pouty face. “Can I keep him?”
Mienaku hits Rya over the head with a rolled up newspaper. “No.”
Rya snapped her fingers together. “Drats. Well, you can’t blame me for trying.”
“But I can.” Amai says with a quick laugh in Rya’s face. Rya jumped back in surprise and fear. Surprise because Amai appeared from out of nowhere and fear from the expression on her face. Somehow Amai had managed to smile, look pissed, and yet happy about it all, in a not so friendly way. No one could blame Rya for her reaction for no one could ever figure Amai out. For Christmas the whole group was planning on putting together whatever pesos they could to get her a proper straight jacket. One she wouldn’t be able to escape from.
“Agghh! Don’t do that,” Rya cried standing on one leg with her hands clutched near her face.
A small giggle from Mana brought everyone back to their guest. Without trying, Mana had just won everyone over by that lace-gloved hand covering his mouth from his tiny giggle.
Rya sighed. “That was beautiful,” she said as if it was love at first sight. “Yea! So many bishonen all in one house now!” Again she clutched her hands together near her face, but this time with a dreamy expression.
“Mine!” Amai practically spat out loud to the group. Now standing next to Mana, she just stood there with a crazy look on her face and made tiny chuckles to herself.
Mienaku was the first one to comment. “Is that the letter ‘A’ on your forehead?” She asked Mana in disbelief.
Amai hid the marker behind her back as fast as she could, but not before Gackt got a good glimpse of it. “It’s pelimanent!” He exclaimed.
“Peli-what?” Rya asked scratching her head.
“Permanent. They can’t say their ‘r’s,” Takai informed sighing, having said this many moons before.
Mana’s eyes averted upward as he took his gloved hand and wiped it across his forehead. He then brought his glove back to look at it. His face was puzzled and most of us knew why. Not only does a black glove not show a black mark, it just so happens that permanent marker doesn’t come off. O, may he have fun with that and may Amai be blessed with the ability of running faster than Gackt can do his convulsion dance.
Surprisingly, without turning the bowels of hell rage on Amai, Mana simply turned his head to look at her. But it was too late. Faster than anyone could track, Amai had quite easily mastered the technique of vanishing into the air, some strange universe, or maybe even the underskirts of Mana’s dress. No one really knew.
“What the hell,” Takai remarked.
Everyone bustled around then trying to help. Mana was shown his new quarters, then Toshiya and Gackt offered their advise on how to get the mark off, seeing that they wore and knew more about makeup more than the girls. Yes, sad, but true. Mienaku offered to make dinner, seeing how no one wanted to wait around for Gackt’s four day cooking. And as healthy sounding as Butabara sounds, it may be oh so magically delicious, just not as much for those with heart problems. After dinner, Magical Farie Mana gave his first rule to be followed to heal Gackt.
Gackt was sitting on the couch, in his normal pose with legs spread in an ‘I don’t give a damn’ way or ‘world, look at the package I’m packing’ way. Either way, he looked almost comfortable, that is if you ignored the huge strawberry Short Cake mittens. Rya and Mienaku were on either side of Gackt, already offering their services to help touch him. Rya had an arm, and Naku, oddly enough a shin. Toshiya sat in the middle of the room in an over-sized Santa outfit, playing with two boxing battle robots. Meanwhile, Takai sat on the couch opposite of the other, with her feet up, taking up the whole couch and Mana stood in the front of the room before them all with a mark of an A surrounded by a freshly scrubbed, red skin.
“First rule,” Mana said saying his ‘r’ perfectly. “There will be no smoking in the home.”
Gackt scowled. Toshiya looked up, still playing, but the silence extended until the head of one of the robots popped up.
“Nani?!?!” Gackt said with a held rage. “Nan de yo, baka yaro?” Translation: What is this, stupid bastard? To us non-smokers, this first rule made Mana almost god-like for trying to save our poor, dying lungs.
“Second rule,” Mana continued. “Swearing will not be tolerated.”
“Shit,” Takai said under her breath. It escaped all but Magical Faerie Mana’s very magical hearing, as he soon turned his attention towards her. Takai’s eyes widened in surprise at his hearing. “Uh, I wasn’t finished. I was going to say Shitake.”
Rya apparently thought the whole situation was very funny and not only ended up sharing her laughter, but a tiny friend that squeaked out as well. Upon this accident, she quickly stomped her foot down on the ground. Still laughing she replied in between breaths, “Sorry, frog.”
Gackt glanced at her, not really sure what just happened or what was so humorous.
“Third rule. Any expels must be kept to yourself and only yourself.” He spared Rya the look that he had given Takai and Gackt. Rya continued to chuckle through the silence, adding in the occasional snort until Mienaku reached behind Gackt’s head and smacked her with a newspaper that seem to materialize out of thin air just for the purpose of silencing her.
“Hey!” Rya retorted, rubbing her head.
“Fourth Rule,” Mana sighed rubbing his temples. “No violence, of any amount, for any reason. I’m not on call to fix every bump and bruise, or any affliction caused by something other than one’s own fault.”
Rya leaned in close to Gackt, and whispered, “Wow, not only is he cute and is his English good, but he sounds really smart too.” She lowered her voice another octave. “I wish I had dibbed him.”
“Uh, Rya,” Takai said with her eyes looking around the room. “You do realize that if I heard that from over here then so did…” But the sentence was never finished as a mad blur of color raced through the air, over Takai, and flew straight toward Rya. The mad dash of color landed on the back of the couch, causing the furniture to flip back with all previous occupants going along for the ride. The girls went down screaming in surprise while Gackt went down silently, hands held straight up in the air, as if nothing mattered but saving the hands that could maybe once again be able to touch those special parts of himself.
Once the couch had landed on it’s back Mienaku scrambled away, Gackt had turned himself into a rollie pollie and was wheeling away, while Rya remained the only one still spazing out, but not without cause. It turned out that the speed demon blur had been a speeding Amai, who landed so hard on the couch near Rya that the force had knocked it back. Amai now stood looming over Rya. She didn’t have to say ‘mine’ this time. It was written all over her face.
“Agghh!!” Rya finally cried. “Creepy!!” She immediately covered her face with a nearby pillow. Yea, as if that could save her.
Oddly enough though, something did. Mana walked, or floated, pick your poison, quietly over to where Amai was blasting her mega heat wave and with a simple touch to her chin, he brought her head slowly around to look at him. Amai went still and quite, almost too quite. If her chest hadn’t been moving, we’d have pronounced her dead. Dead. Dead, dead, dead.
“Fifth rule,” Mana said still holding Amai’s chin. “For the safety of others, please no running in the house.”
Amai just stared back. Mana stared back for a moment longer then used her chin to nod her head in agreement. He then let go and lightly strolled back to his original post. Amai, who apparently took Magical Faerie Mana’s very magical words to heart, went to go sit quietly in the corner of the Mexican room, drawing in her sketchbook. As for the rest of the group, they quickly were becoming believers in Magical Faerie Mana magic. For if he had just that much magic in one hand, imagine what those lips could do. Or maybe it was just we girls thinking that. Then again, we could be wrong.
“Why does it seem that you are giving us rules to follow in our own house?” Mienaku asked Mana as she tried to put the couch back in its original position.
“I’m sorry that it seems that way to you,” Mana said with a slight smile as Mienaku sank onto the couch next to Gackt once again.
“Yeah,” Takai added, “and how come all of us have rules to follow except Toshiya?”
Turning she glared at the clueless Santa impersonator as he continued to play with his robots.
“Really?” Mana asked cocking his head to one side thoughtfully. “Well if you see it that way then I will have to give him one as well to make it equal. Toshiya,” he said trying to catch the wayward guitarists’ attention as he was trying to knock the heads of his robots off.
Looking up at Mana with a dimwitted grin Toshiya asked, “Hai?”
“Try not to run around in the nude, okay?” Mana asked.
“Hai,” Toshiya answered as he went back to playing with his toys.
As he turned to leave, Mana was stopped by Mienaku’s cry of, “That’s it?”
Without turning he answered, “I could always make it a rule that there is to be no more than one cup of caffeine consumed per day.”
At everyone’s cry of “NO!” Mana continued out of the living room and down the hall to his room. Obviously the thought of Mienaku without her daily dose of three pots a day was enough for everyone to forget about Toshiya getting an easy rule.