Title: Doubting My Decision
Fandom: Stargate Atlantis
Characters: Amelia Banks, Jennifer Keller, Ronon Dex, Rodney McKay
Prompt: 014 Green
Word Count: ~270
Rating: G.
Summary: I shouldn’t be one for jealousy.
Notes: Keller POV. Also, skipping Yellow for now as I think I’m going to leave the multipart stories til last.
The monster with green eyes... )
Comments 4
One qualm I have about this, though is that it's kind of vague as to why Jennifer is jealous. But then, I suppose that is the point. She has all these great things going for herself, yet she still can't help but feel jealous about Amelia's relationship with guy Jennifer rejected. Maybe a small detail like there being something in the way he smiled at her, or she smiled at him...
But then again I just thought everyone would be jealous of the girl Ronon was going out with ;)
Thanks for the thought. :D
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