PotC reading diary

Jun 13, 2007 09:30

Here's the first part of my PotC reading diary: everything I've read up till now. Most of it is very long, long or at least middle sized, there are a couple short stories at the end. So far, I mostly kept to well recced stories and authors and exclusively to Sparrow/Norrington (usually called them Jack and James).

Now with the disclaimer: These are neither recs (or anti-recs) nor reviews - they are not detailed enough for one and I didn't intend them to be in any case. This is a memory aid for myself, to keep track of what I read, where to find it and how I liked it, most written down right after I finished something. The opinions expressed are entirely subjective, can change at any moment, and make no pretence of being anything else.

I have tried to remove most of the essential spoilers I included for myself, but if there's still something you think shouldn't be there, let me know.


Your Move series by pir8fancier:
Jack and James play chess, which leads to playing another game. Supposed to be unfinished, but doesn't feel this way - resolves everything.
Bloody brilliant, as everything else I've read by pir8fancier.

The Matter of Rules series by L.M. Griffin:
Jack and James meet at Turners engagement party, Norrington is stalked by females. Alcohol ensues. In next story, Norrington steals the Pearl to force Jack to give him information about another pirate.
Excellent. Found backstory about Lark somewhat confusing (during reading) but looking back it seems pretty clear. Sometimes erratic use of grammar. Still, excellent.

Moonverse series series by Firesingwriter:
Dauntless is in tight spot, James lets Jack take him ‘prisoner’ in order to gain the help of the Pearl against another pirate. Lots of smut ensues. Five stories in the arc, didn't read the fifth because of its summary and how the fourth ends.
Very good. Changes of PoV sometimes confusing, maybe because I'm used to visual markers that indicate them. Didn’t *quite* buy into the quick development of the relationship, but it makes sense in the time frame given (a week or so). But lovely, lovely smut. Not excellent, but very good.

Caribbean Cartography by Dee/cupiscent:
Jack gains a letter of marque and embarks on a mission to retrieve a ship stolen by the Spanish with James. The Spanish are not pleased.
Disappointed. Style jarring, though one gets used to it. Too sudden attraction, James is way too nice to Jack at the beginning. Didn’t buy into James’s character changes. Maybe just didn’t like James’s voice? Abrupt ending - doesn’t feel finished.

A strange Lull by marinarusalka
Pearl and Dauntless on a small island after a storm. An annoyed Norrington and an amused Sparrow. And a Duke that gets out of hand. Short-ish
Bloody awesome and funny and something enjoyable for in between. Not a relationship development story, more an interlude.

The Pirate Vindaloo by elessil and hippediva:
Jack and James are impressed on the Chimaera and travel to Bombay. Long, first chapter dragging, but otherwise really, really good. Very detailed, vivid, excellent OCs, good resolution.
Excellent, despite the first chapter. Good writing, well balanced between plot that makes sense and believable characterisation. A very long, very gratifying read.

Marooned by viva_gloria
AU - England loses a war against France - how does this affect Jack and James? Jack is marooned, James is fighting. and later looking for Jack.
Nice - lovely style, good writing, actually liked the smut in this one. Accomplishes what it set out to do, but not *quite* satisfying. Would have liked something deeper, more detailed, but still - beautiful in its sparseness. Didn't like the supernatural element here - maybe too reminiscent of DMC - but it's not overpowering.

Moves and Motion by R. Cooper/rispacooper
Jack wants James and hunts him, James doesn’t want to acknowledge that he wants to be hunted, but still plays the game and so it goes. Includes flags painted on ships, Jack in dresses, tied up and drunk James in Tortuga.
This was… interesting. Didn't find it exactly good, but didn't think it was horrible either. It would need a good beta, a bit of cropping here and there, some more coherent and continuous thoughts and such, but I still went on reading. Mere stubbornness?

Jjail by Firesingwriter
Here or here (read ETA).
Jack and James in Spanish jail together, James is to be hanged in the morning, Jack has an idea, smut ensues. James isn't very good at being kept prisoner.
Bloody brilliant. Excellent doesn’t cut it, not even close. Must have been tired when reading the Moonverse, because that one must be brilliant, too. Being by the same author and all.
ETA:I first read it in the Savvyslash archive and there it ended on a point that nearly broke me, but made sense, somehow. Supposed to be a working draft. Just saw that my alternative link doesn't end there but goes on - to a happy ending maybe? Not quite sure if I want to find out myself.

Loose Lips Sink Ships by Webcrowmancer
Will and Elizabeth decide that Jack and James rather like each other. They set out to convince both. J&J end up in the brig and later in a bed.
It could have been great, but in the end it was just a bit of light-hearted mediocre to badly written fun PWP. The writing was especially jarring in the beginning, but it got better over time. It seems to be well liked by other, though. Maybe the style just didn't work for me.

Going Price by Arsenicjade
Will, Elizabeth and James vanish and The Governor asks Jack to find them. Slavery.
Difficult story, difficult subject. Arsenic's writing is flawless and gorgeous, as always (though the style was a bit difficult to follow, compared to some HP stuff). Was feeling very ambiguous about it after finishing, looking back it seems better and better.

Guardian Angel by manic_intent/anyasy
Post DMC - Jack is dead but returns as a guardian angel, of James obviously, to prove himself.
A funny nice story, with the last four or so chapters being remarkably worse than the first. Too packed and too rushed and it didn't do the somewhat unsteady writing any good. Very enjoyable and fun reading for the first chapters, but only pushed through to the end out of stubbornness.

Sparrow/Norrington by havenstar
Written before the second film came out, with all the info available then. James is not in the Navy but drinking in Tortuga and elsewhere, there are chests and Davy Jones and voodoo and all.
Very good, excellent even. Shouldn't have liked it, what with all the second film based plot, but damn - it was such beautiful writing and the characterisation was so lovely and it felt so… unhurried, even though a lot happened. Very pleasant reading.

Damned by God and Men by Clarence
Jack finds out about an impeding attack of the Spanish and helps James defeat them to get a pardon and a letter. Jack also pursues James and James is unwilling to give in. And there the Navy vs. Army business.
Excellent plot, good ideas, interesting characterisation (didn't always buy James, though) and a writing that's way too verbose. Too much navel gazing in first person POV. The battle was really, really good, though. Very captivating. Maybe the best part of the fic.

Gentlemen's Relish by viva_gloria
James stumbles over Gillette and Groves after those arrested Sparrow who was bringing the Turners a wedding gift. Short.
Interesting, started out as PWP, but is really a bit more than that. Didn't quite believe in Jack's characterisation though. Writing again very nice.

From Hell: Judgement Day by viva_gloria
There are two previous parts, about Will and Elisabeth. Haven't read them. Don't know how far connected and if necessary for understanding
"A man so evil that Hell itself spat him back out." Last chat with Norrington on the day before Jack is to be hanged.
Hmmm. Okay, definitely disliked this writer's Jack, though he was better here. And like Norrington. And like the style. But don't like Jack. Argh. Must read more to decide.

reading diary, potc

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