Oct 01, 2007 11:44
So tell me, dear flist, what would you recommend if I asked you for novels and film recommendations for the 18th - mid 19th century? I don't care what genre it is, as long as it all happens between 1700-1850. I also don't much care if the books were actually written in that period or if they are modern historical fiction. Give me your recs,
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Comments 25
Oh Gods, that's a lot of series:D I think I'll try to get through Aubrey-Maturin first, or I'll get hopelessly muddled! That is, if I can stop myself from trying to read/watch all at once ;)
Thanks for the recs!
Unterhaltsam ist auf jeden Fall auch "Jahrmarkt der Eitelkeit" ("Vanity Fair") von W. Thackeray...das Buch ist nur so gespickt von scharfsinnigem Humor.
Bei den Austen-Romanen würde ich dir die Übersetzungen von Ursula und Christian Grawe empfehlen - die machen ihre Sache richtig gut!
My hands down favourite Euro-centric book from this period is Henry Fielding's A History of Tom Jones: A foundling. If you are in the mood for a fantastic and hilarious comedy? Awesome. Similarly awesome is the A&E 2-part miniseries of Tom Jones, if it's available to you!
I haven't read Fielding, I'll give him a go. Comedy is always good. And hey, what do you mean available? We're on the internet, everything's available if you know where to look. And if you don't your flist does.
Thank you <3
Oh man, Tom Jones is hilarious and absolutely adorable. And yes! Dude it'll totally be available one the interwebs, ahah! I forget that people don't mind watching things of their computer. I'm stodgy and fussy and prefer seeing stuff on TV, hehe! Hope you enjoy it! *MWAH*
All right now, I guess I'm going to finish Faust one day. Only didn't finish that out of protest. And I guess I'm gonna read the rest some day, too. But really, I'm somewhat of a sucker for prose and what glimpses I had of his prose didn't convince me of their entertainment value ;P
Yeah, I'm shallow, I know.
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