I've noticed that so many people I know have a sad interpretation of themselves and I don't know why. I began to wonder what made me different. I suppose this is because I like myself. Seriously. I do like myself. Of course there are things that bother me or make me sigh from time to time but over 90% of the time I truly love being me.
If you don't like yourself, I have some simple suggestions. First start off with at least one body part that you like about yourself. It doesn't have to be an obvious one. Heck it can be one that only you can see. For example, I think my ankles and wrists are very nice and shapely. I think I have pretty toes, even if hair does grow on my toes, They are still pretty in my mind. You can like the color or texture of your hair, the way your eyebrow arches, or the way your teeth look. Once you have this one body part that you like, focus on it for a while. Take the time to admire this part. for at least thirty seconds but no more than a minute, ok? At least once every other day. Once you can truly appreciate the beauty of this appendage, feature etc, find another one that you like. Repeat as many times as necessary until the time you spend admiring these features is so great your head cannot comprehend the bad parts. This may sound prideful or conceited, but I disagree. Pride and conceit come from comparing yourself to others and thinking,"I'm better than so-and-so" How do I know this? Because everytime I get that notion in my head that my hair looks better than some one elses or my waist is smaller than somebody, God usually does something to snap me out of it, and its not pretty... Like organs shifting.
The point of this exercise is to help you see the real you. Heavenly Father gave us these amazing bodies that can heal, create, love and do. Simply appreciate your body for what it is! Also be fair to yourself. If there is a body part you find hard to like, think of what it is capable of. Sometimes feet aren't pretty, but can they function properly? can you walk and run with them? Does a Rubenesque build provide comfort for a child or other loved one?
Inversely, if you find a feature that you think is nice, excentuate it! Do you have lovely hands? well take the time to care for them, use lotion so they aren't peeling or cracking. Paint your nails if you wish. Do you have nice boobs? wear something that flatters your figure! If your a guy do you have broad shoulders? or a noble brow? (lol)Love your body and it will love you back! Also appreciate the intangible features, like creativity, love, intelligence, your poems, your paintings, the new time on your last run, your talents in music. Sometimes it is easy to take these talents, characteristics for granted especially if you have had them for a long time. Don't overlook a talent just because its always been there! All of these will make you feel better about yourself and more confident in life.
Finally if there is something you don't like, change it, but be realistic! If you focus on the wanting to change something too much, it does more harm than good. This leads to self-loathing or never being satisifed with yourself. At times like these its best to remember the serenity prayer.
God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, courage to change the things I can and wisdom to know the difference.
Just love yourself. Ask a close friend or spouse for help listing your good traits. They might come up with something you hadn't thought of...
And now for something completely different!
The movie Wolverine was good. I liked it. My only thought, it is easier to enjoy if you detatch your brain from any X-men knowledge you may have. Including the recent trilogy. It will be easier I promise and you'll like it better. I do think there was a lot of unnecessary explosions and killings and not near enough plot development. However I do want to see it again.