{Party} Smn / Drg / Pld / Sam / Thf {Bibiki Bay} (even though there are 7 pts there right now).....The rdm left and I'm replacing them with you without asking the rest of the party how much longer they have. We have been going for 5 hours now and most of the other members are more than likely disbanding without notice soon. Expect the party to last 30 minutes max upon you arriving. I hope you like member musical chairs. Our thf will be sure to melee right behind the pld 100% of the time making it impossible to give the pld ballad in battle without giving the thf it. The pld will still think there is some way your ballad can hit the summoner, magically jump over the thf, and hit the him. The pld will bitch at you as a result instead of the thf.
This entry failsmakochinJanuary 26 2006, 22:29:40 UTC
At least reject the right jobs. Your Nin War War or Nin War Mnk party aren't exactly offensive juggernuts at level 46. I bet if you give Mifaco a pool of jobs and allow him to pick any 5 of them to make a party with, he'd only put together a 3k/hr due to his retardedness. Having a frontline that's incapable of doing a distortion SC is not going to do you much good when most of everything that you're fighting at 46 is weak to distortion. (Beetles, Flies, Bats, etc.) There are probably only 3 jobs that I would avoid at 46, paladin, drk, and rank 3 drgs. Otherwise, thfs sams and smart drgs do great damage in this level range.
Comments 11
p.s. it's "life"
I used to put:
@xxxx HP: Jeuno
sub: WAR, THF
sky: O CoP: O
and I'd still get asked:
If I had /THF or /WAR, if I had sky, if my HP was in Jeuno.
OMG it must be the most awesome party ever because I don't even know what jobs are in it, where we are going, or what level everyone is!
{Party} Smn / Drg / Pld / Sam / Thf {Bibiki Bay} (even though there are 7 pts there right now).....The rdm left and I'm replacing them with you without asking the rest of the party how much longer they have. We have been going for 5 hours now and most of the other members are more than likely disbanding without notice soon. Expect the party to last 30 minutes max upon you arriving. I hope you like member musical chairs. Our thf will be sure to melee right behind the pld 100% of the time making it impossible to give the pld ballad in battle without giving the thf it. The pld will still think there is some way your ballad can hit the summoner, magically jump over the thf, and hit the him. The pld will bitch at you as a result instead of the thf.
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