home from work. yayyy. time to make a to-do list. tomorrow i should go to the bank. let's hope i remember.. or.. not sleep in till 4pm >>;
Aa~ i love the fact that i can totally space out and be deep in my own thoughts when i'm working. Other than the usual train of thought(i won't go in to detail XD) i was thinking about my future~ or more like 'ok, what do i want to do rather than what should i do?' and of course, i don't want to end up doing something ho hum for the rest of my life. Apparently there's some course at red river i can take to get my credits needed to graduate and it's only in the span of a few months, so i can get that over with. Then.. then.. i think want to take that theatrical makeup course at wtc. Maybe i'll take hairdressing too, what the hell. i have too many interests -_-
i did my makeup like tatsurou this morning ^^;;
scary,no? yesyes~ but in the good eroguro way ^^
i still wanna get my lip pierced ;___; i wanna get it done by the guy at metamorph..ph..(same as the lareine song XD;; i can never spell it proper..) yea~ he just broke the world record for having the most piercings (i can't remember how many)
maybe today! but probably not..