Apr 30, 2008 14:44
I did indeed just submit a letter to the editor regarding the anti-foreign-car-driver screed in my previous post. I'll let y'all know if the Ann Arbor Snooze prints it. This is what I wrote:
So Mr. Lobbestael is “disgusted” by the fact that I drive a foreign car? Well, I am disgusted by an industry which resists change to such a degree that it actively alienates its potential customer base. When my husband and I began searching for a new car last year to replace my aging Jeep Grand Cherokee, American cars were not even on our short list of possibilities. We wanted a relatively inexpensive car with great fuel economy, and found what we were looking for in my Volkswagen, which not only averages 46 miles per gallon but cost less than $25,000. Show me one American car which can make the same claim. We would have liked to help shore up the sagging auto industry by buying an American car, but we were not willing to purchase a more expensive product with mediocre fuel economy in the face of rising gasoline prices, and we certainly weren’t going to do so to remain in Detroit-area car owners’ good graces. There is no law in this state that requires its residents to buy from the Big Three. We chose our car based on what was best for our family. I have no remorse nor regret about our decision to buy a foreign car. Those who choose to do so are free to remain “disgusted” by my foreign car, but perhaps they should first consider the factors which put me in that car in the first place.
The more I read this line from the original letter:
If they had any idea how repulsed we are, I can't help but think they would reconsider their decision to buy foreign.
the more irritated I got. So if I know just how "repulsed" the bimbo in the Grand Am next to me at the stop light is by my Jetta, I'm going to have some kind of epiphany and repent for buying a foreign car? Get on my knees in the street and cry, "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'll never do it again, don't hate meeeeeee!" Jesus H. Christ, get over yourself. I hardly think everyone around here is just seething with fury at the folks driving foreign cars. When I drove my Jeep I didn't give a rat's ass about the foreign cars I saw. I was more inclined to be jealous of their fuel economy, which was undoubtedly much better than the 13-14 miles per gallon my Jeep was getting towards the end.