...and you, you can read me anything

Jan 20, 2005 20:24

You might have heard of the new Airbus that's coming out. Tuesday night I had a dream that I, along with my 15-year-old brother and 11-year-old sister, had to fly one. There were no seats other than in the cockpit, so it was basically a giant flying warehouse. My brother was in the pilot's seat, since I had to provide the inital thrust for the plane by letting some sort of combustible gas out of these red balloons (which were located in the belly of the plane) and then lighting the gas. Lit a few of those and WHAM, suddenly we were airborne. Unfortunately we had left the plane's rear cargo hatch open, and thus the millions of iPods which were also in the plane were streaming out the ass-end and plummeting to the earth. So I made my way to the rear of the plane and tried to close the hatch, but I got sucked outside. I managed to grab onto the doorway and hang on for dear life while my brother somehow brought the plane in for a landing in my parents' backyard. And then my sister came running up to see if we were ok.

I have no idea why we were apparently trying to transport iPods, and I have even less of an idea of why I felt compelled to stop them from falling out of the plane. Needless to say I woke up with a severe headache due to grinding my teeth in my sleep.

Last night I had a dream that the left side of my new hat was severely curled up and I was desperately trying to get it back to its normal curve. Again I woke up with the ground-teeth headache.

Stress much?

PSU app is coming along. I got in touch with the teacher from LSU I had been trying to track down, and he's given me some nice, sobering advice about grad school. He's also agreed to write a letter of recommendation for me! I talked to the lady in charge of the MA program at PSU, which was also sobering. Apparently the job market is pretty bleak for MAs, even at the community-college level. Last night I talked to my English teacher from high school, Diane, who also happens to also be writing me a letter of recommendation; we got on the subject of girls, since Becky (remember her?) wants me to meet this red-headed English major friend of hers.

Anyway Diane says, "Don't worry, you'll find your soulmate one day."
"Aww, Diane, why can't you be my age?!" I mock-pleaded.
"I know," she laughed, "There must be some cosmic joke going on with us."
"Well, I'll tell ya what: once I hit 35 or 40, if I'm not married, I'll marry you."
"Oh no," she said, "I'll be too old to bear you children!"

I love Diane, she's awesome. I'm pretty interested in meeting Becky's friend, who calls herself Red, mostly because she's a redhead. Redheads will be my undoing, I swear. Also she sounds intelligent and apparently complains about stupid guys. That automatically gives her a +1 Charisma bonus in my book. Although I fear I'm getting stupider as time goes on; I got my ass handed to me in Literati (twice in a row!) by raspberryfixx the other night, and instead of trudging through The Name of the Rose, I've picked up and nearly completed Snow Crash. Granted I've read Snow Crash before, but still...

I don't know. I'm feeling dumb. Hopefully this year can change that.
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