Novel of Nothing!

Mar 16, 2005 01:22

(I originally started typing this on Thursday.)

Another beautiful day. I was worried because it was nasty and grey and rainy yesterday, but all of that was a distant memory by the time I got up this morning. That's mostly due to my staying up way past my bedtime last night and getting up way before my...get-out-of-bedtime?

I met up with Red at My Place last night to watch Dave Massey play (this is the Dave who's dating Becky). Compared to all the other Wednesday nights I've gone to My Place, last night was dead. There were maybe 50 people in there, which made it better for me, but not so much for Dave. He did buy me a Crown and Coke when I got there, though! Then Red and I danced at least once, and we ended up hanging out at the bar with Dave and the bartenders until 3am. One of the bartenders there is a whirling dervish of insults, a nonstop motormouth of hurled sexual demeanings and general assholishness. He manages to still be pretty funny and likable, though.

Which reminds me: while he was playing his particular version of Leary's "Asshole," Dave asked the audience, "How many ladies here love guys who are complete assholes?" and every girl in there cheered! Oy.

After an unsuccessful bid to get Red to stay at my apartment (oh yes, get those eyebrows arching), I got to sleep around 3:30ish and got up at 8, since I had a doctor's appointment at 9:15am. They were drawing some blood from my very living veins, and so I had to abstain from all food and drink (with the exception of water) for 6 hours before the test. Consequently, I didn't even get my morning coffee and I was dead at the doctor's.

Everything went well. Watching your blood spurt into three little vials as if it were an arterial spray when no artery actually is punctured is a cool thing indeed.

Then I ran to the pharmacy to drop off the prescription. My doctor has neat handwriting, which makes me feel like I'm carrying antimatter when I look at the little slips of paper he gives me. Then I ran to Starbucks and hated myself for buying a LARGE (fuck "venti," those pretentious bastards) burnt house coffee and a slice of pumpkin bread. Then I ran to the bank to deposit --- get this --- a $275 severance pay check from Cingular, which I got in the mail a few days ago. Remember kids, Cingular terminated me back in November 2003.


Afterwards I ran back to the pharmacy, picked up my prescription, drove home, and passed out for about an hour and a half. Then I got up, ate a sammich, and headed down to San Marco to meet Red for the photo shoot. That was a lot of fun even though I felt terribly self-conscious most of the time. I'd asked her if I needed props and she told me to bring my derby and some of my favorite books. So the pictures were mostly me wearing my derby and reading my favorite books, but she said they came out pretty well. That girl's fun to hang around. I can't wait to see the pictures! I mostly want them to send to my family, though.

Did I do anything Thursday evening? I don't remember. I had a migraine all day Friday, which made work a blast. BUT! My tax return got direct deposited, so that was some relief. I got invited out to Bourbon Street Station that night on my way home from work but the migraine took precedence. That night, I slept from 10pm to 10am.

Thanks to Craigslist, I picked up a cool coffee table, an end table, a queen size mattress, box spring, and rails, and a 9-drawer dresser on Saturday for $375 from the nicest woman I've ever met through the internet ever. She even threw in some candles and a lamp for free! I'm tempted to take her up on her offer of a Sony receiver and surround-sound system for $200 (perfect condition, she and her husband just bought a new set is all). That afternoon I bought a computer desk and a bookcase. That evening I met up with Wedge from Pen and we, along with Onyx and Dana, went to Dave and Buster's and had good times.

Sunday I wasted a beautiful day assembling furniture and rearranging my apartment. Pics soon.

Yesterday, Monday, I worked. Today, I worked and yelled at a coworker. My schedule is changing soon.

This entry sucks, I'm sorry. It's more like a Cliff's Notes of my last few days; I might flesh bits out in the near-future.
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