Title: Dead Giveaway
Author: Tess/
mihane_echoRating: Rated G for goosh and giggles
Word Count: 256
Spoilers: None
Summary: Wilf knows what's up.
Disclaimer: If you recognize it, it belongs to the Beeb and I'm borrowing it to play with. I promise I will return them (marginally) unharmed. ;3
Author's Note: Figures; complain about it and the muse delivers. ;D Written for
Weekly Drabble Challenge #3 at
doctor_donna. Prompt was lipstick.
It was the hastily reapplied lipstick that gave them away.
It wasn't as though he hadn't suspected. Donna was hardly ever home anymore, always off gallivanting with that wonderful man. Whenever she dropped in for tea, chattering happily about different skies and new worlds, she was glowing. Happier than she'd been in a long time. He had wondered, of course, what else had her glowing. But both of them denied, vehemently, any such notion.
Today had been different. He hadn't been able to guess at first, but he noticed certain things. Soft, casual touches while they were helping with dinner; the Doctor kept pushing her hair back for her, and Donna had a way of holding his arm that spoke of a familiarity far deeper than friendship. Furtive glances across the table while they ate, almost flirty. They finished each other's sentences as though they were of one mind.
After dinner, Donna had headed upstairs to grab a few things from her room; souvenirs from another galaxy, she said. The Doctor had excused himself to the bathroom.
It didn't occur to Wilf what they had been doing until they were coming down the stairs together a few minutes later, the Doctor running a hand through his mussed hair (which was wilder than usual) and straightening his clothes, and Donna smiling incandescently, occasionally pressing her lips together to even out the lipstick she had thrown on in a rush.
The old man chuckled to himself for the rest of the evening.
They thought they were so clever.