This will probably be the biggest picspam of my own art in the whole of ever for this journal; I'm such a procrastinator... ^^;
Ten likes to lick stuff. I have a ginger kitty who's the same way. Thus,
Hee. One of my favorite Runaway Bride scenes.
The Doctor loves his TARDIS. ;3
These next few I did for an art meme on deviantart, so its a bit random. This first one answered the questions "Who's your favorite Doctor" and "Whats your favorite pairing?"
"Who's your favorite companion?" That would be the irreplaceable Donna Noble, thank you very much. <3
More Doctor/Donna for the meme, and the Master makes a cameo.
This pic and the above were to explain why I liked Donna with the Doctor: she doesn't take his crap, but she's there to catch him when he falls. Yay Midnight!hug. Also, dark!Ten.
End of meme was "draw the tenth doctor," so I drew him going, "AGAIN?"
Somehow, I can't remember exactly, I found myself on
bellanut's picspam where she noted a few similarities between Mal Reynolds of Firefly and the Doctor, similarities with which I agreed, hence the following image. ;3
(Btw, for you Browncoat Whovians,
bellanut's picspam is