I don't know what everyone in AdventChildren was whinin' about.. Geostigma was just some dirt.. All they needed was a bath. Whatevarz. <--Ignore this.
Is it wrong that I would like to molest
http://kingdomhearts.rpgplanet.gamespy.com/kingdomhearts1/media/wallpapers/06s.jpg ? *makes creepy groping motions*
Hmmm... I should CosPlay. No wait you need motivation and a sense of priorities & focus. Eh.. forget it.
Err.. I can't be a good girlfriend. I'd never want to go out with my courter.
I really should stop eating cheese. I'm lactose intolerant until I see cheese. It's making me sick, but.. it's yummy. Why?! Why have you forsaken me so cheese?! Damn YOUSE!!
Okay I need more than 4 (or more) hours of sleep.
Okayz! SHOUT OUTZZZ!: Whudjawhizit NekOgami! Hey DifferentSleep, Uhm.. let's watch some Avatar together! Yo Aldmer! Squookas! <-Have fun with that. AlanNegative!! Update wench! *cracks a whip* DIDIMAO!