Title: Love Labyrinth
miika_daiscent Pairing: JunDa [Junno x Ueda]
Summary: Junno discovered something in YouTube.. and just read to know what happen next!*wink
Genre/Rating: Fluff-romance/PG-13
Disclaimer: I don’t own anything, and credit for the
snow_guardian for her awesome fanvid,
Beta’ed by:
18memories , Thank you Alyssa-chaan~ ILU..> <
A/N: this is for
despygurl and all of
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Comments 23
He preferred to hang out with that bunch of cute kids more than Ueda! Wait, cute kids??? Yabbaii~ his position would be in stake if Junno suddenly gets attracted to them!
LOL LOL. You know Uepi, to Junno, you're the cutest, bb. Don't worry *pats Uepi*
So, who says Ueda can’t do all those things?? Games? Easy! Sports? Ahh, it’s even easier! He’s the athletic one in KATTUN after all, besides Kame. So, he can do it! Tennis, golf or even billiard? Bring it on!!
Hell Yeah!! Bring it on!! Go, Uepi!!! Ganbare!! gyahahaha...
Do something to attract Junno!! Go out together to play Billiard!!
This is so real-like, Miichan. That's why I'm so amused when read it =))
You write Junno and Uepi like the real them. I can even imagining Uepi smirking over his own thought. hahaha.
And Yessshh. Junno finally found out about Snow-chan's fanvid! And he show it to Uepi? Wow!! I can't wait to read the next part!!!!
I'm glad you enjoyed it, amel-chan..><
Ueda's way of thinking is definitely hillarious~ XDDD
oh, come on~ he just too deep in love with junno, he couldn't help it!x3
Yep! he found snow-chan's fanvid.. wahaha~ he's just into YouTube rite? there's no way he didn't see it!*delusional fangirl
when the next part will be appear?
is he a straigh? i mean junno here?@@
please update soon ne.. ^^
Uhm.. this fic wouldn't be an angst, dear.. so junno WAS straight, but it's before he realized his feeling for uepi..^^
thx for reading n commenting ne~
JunDa FTW~ ><
I'm glad you love it dear..><
okaay.. I'll be waiting theen~ ^^
Spread JunDa <3
keep reading ne~
ehehe.. what they see would be reveal in the next chap..^^
Spread #JunDa LOVE!!<3
cant wait to see what happens
thank you so much for sharing
OMG..thank you so much..>///<
I'll update soon..^^
aah, iee~ ><
thank you for reading n commenting..^~
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