So I took a course called Nutritional Anthropology...
So Tuesdays are my uber heavy days. My classes starts at 8:30 and they don't end until 4:30 today. I get up at 6 in the morning to go take a 7 o'clock bus. Despite it all, I kind of enjoy my heavy Tuesdays. I have my Nutritional Anthropology (Food and Culture) class, then (the hated) Introduction to Periodical Writing Class - which is just a load of bullshit-, next/best of all is my Japanese class (YAY!!!). Hence why I really don`t mind my heavy Tuesdays. I`m not sure why I`m even talking about that.
On a lighter note... JUST DOWNLOADED THE FULL VERSION OF LOTUS!!! Can`t wait to listen to it after this class... Also looking forward to Bartender... BARTENDER!!!!
On an EVEN happier note, I cant wait until I can get my new computer... A.K.A CHINESE NEW YEAR!!!