OK. So I've been doing a LOT of reading on the whole VA Tech. shootings. It's a tragedy...at least 30 dead, including the gunman, Cho Seung-Hui. My heart and my prayers go out to the victims, students, professors, and families out there.
That being said, I would like to make one point perfectly clear here. I've been reading a lot of reports from various students, lawyers, etc., that state that violence in the media may have attributed to this atrocity. This is, in my opinion, the biggest crock there is.
There are millions of people across the world that watch these violent and disturbing movies, that listen to these rap and heavy metal lyrics, that play Grand Theft Auto and other various violent video games. A very small percentage of these people actually go out and commit these heinous crimes...murder, rape, thievery. The vast majority of us have the common sense to know better.
With the exception of the news and a few "based on a true story" deals, the violence in the media is fantasy. It's make-believe. I play various violent games. I have yet to go out and steal a car, run over some hookers, and bust some caps...and I don't plan on ever doing it. I use these games to let out the stress of the day...to relax. It's recreational, it's fun. I use music and movies in the same fashion.
All of you nay-sayers out there against violence in video games and movies, take a look at another angle. Look at how our children are being raised today. I was waiting in line at Wal-Mart not too long ago, when I heard a five year old kid say "Fuck you bitch, give me the candy." I turned around and saw that the child's mother was about 22. She did nothing about it. Had that been me, even today, I would've gotten grounded, a spanking, and then she would've told my father, and he would have added to my punishment. I'm not saying beat these kids, but we definetly do need to discipline them.
Parents need to step up and take the responsibility for raising their kids. Don't let them grow up wild. When they do something that they aren't supposed to, explain to them the first time that it is wrong, and that we shouldn't do it. If they continue to do whatever it is, discipline them. Time out, spanking, grounding...all of these are acceptable forms of punishment. Again, when I say "spanking", I don't mean beat the kid. I mean turn them over your knee, and spank them. One or two slaps is all that's necessary.
Gah, got off on a bit of a tangent there. It just so happens that this whole "let's blame violence on video games/movies/music and not on how people raise their kids" thing is a pet peeve o' mine. Enjoy the rantings of an Irvan...Peace.