On a great note, I got the job at the bank. On a bad note, my car got repossessed.
So the good news. I got hired on at the bank. I'm going to be a full time teller and I have a fabulous benefits package. I get full health coverage, vision and dental. They also have a Health-care Expense Reimbursement Plan, which means I can set aside money out of each paycheck for medical expenses, but I get a card with the full amount of how much I'm setting aside for the year already on it. And now, I don't have to worry about having cash on hand when I go to get prescriptions or if I have to go into the ER. They also have a company paid life insurance plan and a 401K. I get to work normal hours again. There are options to pick up overtime since the bank is open on Saturdays, so I can work them for extra money. And even better, all those fun monday holidays that they have stupid sales for are bank holidays so I get a 3 day weekend about once a month. Also, there's plenty of room for advancement in the company. I'm in training right now. It looks like it's going to be a good job for me.
And the bad news. My car was repossessed on Sunday of this past weekend. After I got pregnant and was unable to work I got a little behind in my payments. A word of caution to my friends NEVER USE TOYOTA MOTOR CREDIT CORPORATION. They called me before they repossessed my car, more like harassed me. They would call me five and six times a day. I'd speak to one person in the morning who would say that they were going to make a note in my account of them having contacted me and then I'd get 5 more calls that day. Finally I got a call from a woman that said I had to pay them $600. I told her that my grandfather had passed away last year and left me a decent inheritance, but I was having to wait for some of the insurance checks and accounts to be processed and let out of the will. Funny the money is left to me, but I can't just have it. I have to wait for the lawyers, the insurance company, the original signers of the Declaration of Independence and then the gods themselves to sign off on it before I can have it even though the money is technically mine. Anyway, I told the woman that I would have the entire payoff amount by the end of this month and if they could just give me until then, I would have a cashiers check ready to send. She said ok, I'll note that on your account. I thought that she meant I was going to have the time to get them the money. But no, I wake up Sunday afternoon and my car is gone.
What is even more frustrating is, come to find out, my mother has had enough money to pay off the car just sitting in checks waiting to be cashed from the inheritance money for awhile now. She knew that I was behind, because they'd been calling the house as well as my cell phone and she didn't say a damn thing. She knew that I wanted to pay off the car and that Toyota was bugging the piss out of me and she just sat on it. My mother does shit like this all the time. Don't get me wrong, I love my mother, but when it comes to dropping the ball. She's the worst. She never screws up on little things like, "Can you pick me up some red nail polish at the store?" She never forgets little things like that, even if she doesn't write them down. Something that I don't necessarily need, just want, she's fine. However, Giant, Life and Death, Livlihood Will Be Ruined level of importance stuff she just seem to slip her mind.
When I was in college, one semester my tuition bill came. Most of it had already been paid by my scholarship and there was like an $800 balance left. However, if it all didn't get paid then my classes would be dropped for that semester. Well, my mom got that bill, opened it, looked at how much it was, and when it was due. It came to my home address and not to my dorm, but that isn't all that odd. She didn't call me at school and let me know that it had come or when it was due and I wasn't coming home as much on the weekends at that point due to exams and a play I was working. She sat on the bill, when she had enough money to pay it, and it went past due and my classes got dumped. I got the opportunity to re-register for classes, but of course all the stuff I needed and the good classes were taken, so I had to take an entirely useless semester of BS courses so that I could keep my scholarship as a full time student. All because, she acted like an airhead. Basically she does this all the time.
Now I'm having to deal with driving a rental car that I hate, and put up with all paperwork and bs I've got to do for Toyota to get my car back, not to mention bad credit and I wouldn't have to if she had just thought. And what's worse, I have to let her handle most of the payoff. Since I'm in training and working banking hours, I can't go do most of the stuff for the payoff myself. I have to let her do it. Hopefully for once, she'll do things the smart way and I'll have my car at the end of next week.