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[Action] not_a_blueskid January 1 2011, 07:03:04 UTC
[All over town-!

Nicholas is staring down the bakery window with his arms folded around a pair of long sleeves. His journal is sloppily stuffed in the side of his pants, because who needs bags. After a moment of uncertainty, he points to the glass, and then speaks up to the orange-haired woman passing by.]

U-uh. Hey-every store here's free, right? All of it, right?

[Because if not, Sanji's a lying assface.]


[Action] mikangirl January 1 2011, 07:18:42 UTC
[Best insult ever That gives her pause, because well. Hey there, new-but-strangely-familiar kid. Sounds like the question she asked when she first got to Luceti, so she grins despite her mood.]

Yeah, it sure is. Take what you want.


Re: [Action] not_a_bluesbro January 1 2011, 07:23:26 UTC
[He folds his arms, still completely unsure. Whatever you want?]

...As much as you want, too? Y'really don't need to pay them anything?

Or... work for 'em? Or somethin'?


[Action] mikangirl January 1 2011, 07:32:37 UTC
[That rings a little close to home. Nami turns around fully to peer in the window herself, before smiling cheerfully at him.] None of the above. Want me to prove it?


Re: [Action] not_a_blueskid January 1 2011, 07:40:44 UTC
[The scruffy-headed kid stares for a moment, before nodding.]



[Action] mikangirl January 1 2011, 07:46:53 UTC
Okay. See anything you like?


Re: [Action] notablueskid January 1 2011, 07:48:23 UTC
...It all looks pretty good...

[He looks down.]

Which d'you like most?


[Action] I will return @_@ Need sleeeep mikangirl January 1 2011, 07:58:05 UTC
[Truth be told, she rarely gets anything from the bakery. Having your own chef is very useful, sometimes. Nevetheless, Nami points straight away to the first hint of orange she can see-- which looks delicious to her, anyway, a set of chocolate-iced cupcakes decorated with orange rind.]

Those. I'm a big fan of oranges. [Well, mikans, but close enough today.]


Re: [Action] o/ Nightnight~!! notablueskid January 1 2011, 08:01:30 UTC
[He leans in to stare at the choice-all of these look good, and wouldn't you know, he's got no quarrels with her choice. But there's still the question-]

Oranges... what're those?

[She said that in the plural, right? That was an object, right?

Added, in a low voice:]

Y'mean... the color?


[Action] <3 mikangirl January 1 2011, 22:30:49 UTC
You've never seen oranges before...?


We'll have to fix that. They're a kind of fruit. [And she taps her finger on the window again, pointing back at that rind.] Citrus, like lemons and mandarines and mikan. Though you might not be familiar with those, either. Hmm.

They're delicious, though. And very healthy. I prefer mikans to oranges, but they're still one of my favourites.


Re: [Action] notablueskid January 1 2011, 23:47:24 UTC
[O-oh, this is a lot of information to take in-]

We didn't have fruit... or anything like that...

They grow on trees, right?


[Action] mikangirl January 2 2011, 05:58:18 UTC
Yup. I've got a fruit tree where I live actually. Though it doesn't have a lot of fruit this time of year ... [Headtilt.] If you're curious, we could go down to the restaurant instead. The chef there still has some of them, I think.


[Action] TAKE TWO chibiremlover January 2 2011, 06:10:56 UTC
[It's at this point that a girlie looking boy pops out of the bakery with a bag hugged to his chest and a donut in his mouth. He blinks at the two of you before swallowing the donut bite he was working on.] Hey, Nicholas! How have you been!?


Re: [Action] not_a_blueskid January 2 2011, 06:21:52 UTC
[Nicholas blinks, surprised-he was in there the whole time?

...Geez, the girly kid had more nerve than he did, about going into stores. :|]

Vash-you... uh.

What'd you get?

[Pffft, answering your question? So not in.]


[Action] mikangirl January 2 2011, 08:55:52 UTC
[Oh hey, it's another kid who-- like donuts-- name of--

Staring back and forth between the two of you.]


["And Wolfwood?" Yeah, she's getting to that part, please hold.]


[Action] 1/2 chibiremlover January 2 2011, 16:40:00 UTC
I got donuts! Rem makes them sometimes! They're really, really go-


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