"Sweet and lightly floral?" Keiji asked, giving what he would imagine with that description. At the offer, the singer nodded. "Sure!" Just because he was pretty sure he wouldn't enjoy a full drink of it didn't mean he wasn't game to at least try it. Taking that offered sip he had to chuckle afterward. "Yeah, I think I'll stick with my beer." He decided.
"Citrusy sounds good. The rest? Not so much." Kaiya responded with a grin, then took another small sip of her own drink, enjoying the much sweeter, and definitely not hoppy taste.
"Less floral, more candy," Mikoto admits, and watches with amusement as Keiji tries a sip. It's honestly the reaction he expected, but at least there's no mystery, "Mhmm, and that's why we brought beer for you."
Setsuna chuckles, and admits, "Well, beer is kind of an acquired taste. I don't think anyone enjoys their first ever sip of beer."
"Appreciated." Keiji responded with a slight lift of his can. "It wasn't awful, but definitely not something I could really drink a lot of. Honestly, I don't really like anything overly sweet anymore. Probably because I haven't eaten or drank anything like that in years." He admitted. First because such things hadn't been available at all for him, then because of his job.
Kaiya just shrugged at that explanation. "I guess.... I'd rather just drink sweet things instead, though~" She admitted. Maybe, one day, she would care to try acquiring a taste for beer or wine, but for now she was liking her cooler and didn't see a reason to push herself to like other alcoholic drinks.
Mikoto resists making a comment about himself being enough sweetness for Keiji, out of consideration for Setsuna and Kaiya, but is thoroughly tempted. He must admit, "It'll be a scary day if my weight starts actually depending on my eating habits because I know they're terrible."
"Frankly, that's already a mystery," Setsuna teases his friend, although clearly the large amounts of physical exercise Miko gets in addition to his naturally slim body type seem to be the most likely causes. He shrugs at Kaiya, admitting, "I couldn't care less whether you ever decide you want to try it or not."
The very image of what could happen in that eventuality made Keiji burst out laughing. "I bet you'd still be super cute, just rounder." He said with a twinkle in his eye. Truth was, if that ever happened, he was sure that everyone else there could help Mikoto modify his diet to help him keep whatever silhouette he wanted.
Kaiya giggled at the whole situation with Mikoto, just because it was true that no one really knew how he was so thin already. However, if that did happen, she would absolutely commiserate with him, because she knew how it had felt thinking she was getting fat and couldn't fit her clothing anymore. It had been awful thinking she would have to modify her diet drastically to fix her weight. That response from Setsuna about the beer, though, made her smile and lean in to give him a quick peck on the cheek. "I know." She said, but those two words held such confidence in the fact that she knew he would never expect her to do something she didn't want to do, rather than just being a statement about this one thing.
Ok, this time the blond can't resist though, definitely full of innuendo as he suggests, "Well~ If nothing else you could help me with my *exercise* routine, ne?" Followed by, of course, an innocent giggle and a sip of his drink.
To be fair, Kaiya had lost the ability to fit some clothes, but alterations had helped, as well as it being a more 'permanent' change in body shape. Setsuna smiles at that kiss, understanding through her words that she felt the freedom he wants to provide her. He has another sip of his beer, which is as good as advertised in his esteem, then suggests, "Are we going to start thinking of photos soon then?"
And Keiji absolutely picked up on that innuendo, choking on the sip of drink he'd just taken. "Y--yeah." he agreed, the first try at that word sounding rather rough after choking on his beer. "We'll join Akio-kun's gym." He added with a teasing grin for his boyfriend, knowing *exactly* what 'exercise' Mikoto had been talking about.
Kaiya also knew what 'exercise' the blond was insinuating, and she totally blushed when the bassist's words, and their implications, truly settled. She tried to pretend she hadn't heard/understood, though, and took a larger drink of her drink. "Are we going to take a bunch of selfies and stuff while we drink?" She asked, latching onto her boyfriend's question instead.
Mikoto is only capable of being *so* good, after all. He snorts at the gym idea, it being so outside the realm of something he was likely to do as to get a rather rare quality of laugh from him, "Oh lord, save me from that."
Setsuna's pretty used to Mikoto making comments like that, so he's probably the least thrown by it. "Well, at some point we want to take pictures, right? Selfies, and probably some actual shots of our outfits? Some nice couple-y shots would be nice too." When you're on a date, it's hard to get shots like that aside from selfies, but as a DOUBLE date there are other people there who can help.
Oh. That snort was so adorable! Keiji decided right then and there that he needed to find ways to get as many of those adorable laughs as possible in the future. "We could take some dance classes. You'd dance circles around everyone, and I'd stumble my way through, but it could be fun." He added, walking back his joke to something that might actually happen instead.
"Of course!" Kaiya agreed immediately. "And I want pictures of all four of us too!" She said definitively. Of course she wanted cute couple-y pictures with Setsuna, but she also wanted pictures with Mikoto and some with her brother too, and then the two couples together, of course. Really, she just wanted *all* the pictures.
"Dance classes could be fun," Mikoto has to admit. He's a good dancer, but he's only ever just copied dance rehearsals of kpop videos, so he doesn't know how it would apply to a class, and certainly his dance likely doesn't fit into any particular 'style'. "Maybe pilates? I think it's like... yoga but less zen and more exercise-y?"
Though he can't imagine doing yoga in a class. It's too lovely doing it at home.
"Of course," Setsuna smiles indulgently. They could set up a timer for a group photo, or perhaps politely pester someone kind who happens to pass by. He's down for all of it. He doesn't have an innate love of being photographed, but he does love looking back on photos and enjoying the memories, so he does think they're important.
"Hmmm.... Pilates would also be good. I've been told they would help me keep my natural flexibility too." Keiji agreed. Not that he had the money to join a gym at all at this point, but it was a nice little fantasy to imagine. Also, this was all assuming that Mikoto's eating ever caught up with him, which didn't seem likely at the moment.
That immediate agreement made Kaiya smile back brightly. "Yay~" She enthused, "I like all the pictures we take on our dates~ They remind me how much fun we had each time."
"Yoga and dancing are also good for flexibility," Mikoto says, and Keiji has had *plenty* of evidence of that from the blond's own actions, "And you don't need classes for these things. There are lots of videos on youtube for things like this." He's comfortable enough with yoga to typically just run his own routines, but sometimes he uses videos, and all his dancing comes from mimicking videos.
"Just what I was thinking. I try to remind myself to take photos of good things, because it's so nice to come back to them later," Setsuna agrees. He ordinarily wouldn't've taken a bunch of photos visiting home, but he'd done so last time for kaiya, and now he's very glad to have them.
Given how close they were all sitting, it was pretty much impossible not to overhear the other couple, so Kaiya butted in, "I've asked him if he wants to do yoga with me, but he always says no!" That said, she turned back to her own conversation with a smile. "Pictures are always fun to look back on! And with digital photos, you don't even have to pay anything... well, other than the device... to have them and look back on them!" She did like physical photos, like the one she and her brother had of their mother, but processing pictures took money they didn't have extra of, so she just enjoyed the copious number of photos she had on her phone instead.
Keiji opened his mouth, but didn't get a word out before his sister put in her two cents, and what did come out of his mouth afterward was a sigh. It was true: he had turned down her offers. But it was because he was embarrassed somehow at the thought of doing yoga next to his sister. When she went back to talking to Setsuna, instead he said, "I'm not really much of a dancer. I've been taught some classic dances, like waltz and such, for using certain stances or moves as poses in photoshoots, but that's about it." And even then, he wasn't very good at the actual dances. He just knew how to make it look good in a static photo.
Mikoto giggles at Kaiya happily piping in about her brother's lack of interest in yoga, but it's not like the blond needs Keiji to be interested in that activity anyways. It had just been a suggestion. As for Keiji's dancing experience, he dismisses it, "That's totally different; you're doing that to focus on the look. The fun part of dancing and yoga is just how it feels." And given Mikoto has expressed that he doesn't like the feeling of people watching him do yoga, despite usually loving people looking at him rather reinforces his point.
"And these days, we have phones maybe not for the purpose of taking pictures, but they're better than even older digital cameras," Setsuna admits, so there really isn't a barrier to taking them, just for him he needs to remember to take them.
Keiji offered a chagrined half smile at that explanation. "I think I've been too conditioned to worry about what I look like every time I do something." He admitted. "I don't know how to just.... let go and not care if I look dumb?" After all, his entire job depended on him looking elegant or sexy whenever he did something, even if it was uncomfortable or would otherwise look stupid.
Kaiya nodded enthusiastically at Setsuna's observation. "Mhm! And it feels like an infinite number of pictures can be on there! You can just keep taking them and taking them. And if room starts filling up.... then you just go through and delete any that weren't that great." In her experience, there were always a few that didn't turn out well, and weren't fun or funny either, that could go.
Mikoto raises an eyebrow, as he thinks Keiji's overthinking it. Unfortunately, his example for something where Keiji likely doesn't think about how he looks is a little risque, so he leans in to whisper it, "Hmm? Do you think about what you look like when you're doing *that* with me?"
He's pretty sure Keiji hasn't really watched *real people* have sex before, and it is not 'sexy' in the way of porn or a magazine spread, not at all.
"Yeah, storage devices have really out stripped the size of photos, thankfully. I do remember a time where you had be a bit more sparing with things, but that's not really the case anymore," Setsuna admits. He also has a habit of taking a photo to send someone as a one time joke and forgetting about it so if he looks back through his phone there are occasionally truly random things.
That whispered question made Keiji blush red enough that no one else would have *had* to hear what it was. "No! But I probably will *now*!" He hissed in reply, trying to keep his voice as low as the blond's, but not sure he was succeeding.
Thankfully for the model, his sister wasn't paying much attention to him now and missed that flaming tomato that Keiji's face had been. "Oh? I don't think I ever had a phone that couldn't hold all the pictures I took." Kaiya admitted, though truly she hadn't had a smart phone for all that long. She'd had an old flip phone for emergencies, but it hadn't even been able to take pictures. It had been that basic. It was *just* a phone.
The blond laughs at the idea that Keiji would think about it now, and makes his actual point - "so you already have activities you do where you don't think about it. So you are capable of not thinking about it. It might be for the best to tap into not caring sometimes." Obviously, it's an important skill for modeling, and also for being lead vocals in a band where appearance is one of their goals.
"I remember a time before smartphones," Setsuna explains. And he had definitely filled up a memory card (that would seem laughably small by modern standards) on one of those early ones.
Keiji childishly made a face at his boyfriend's suggestion, though that was mostly to help cool his embarrassment from earlier. "I guess I can try." He replied, though, hoping that he would be able to keep not caring about how he looked during sex. Honestly, he always thought Mikoto looked sexy while they were together, so he had just assumed they looked sexy together. Now... he wasn't so sure. But if he thought about it, he was worried it would make their time together feel less good for both of them. After all, he was no stranger to sexy not equalling practical. "I guess if I'm just dancing by myself, it doesn't have to look good." He added, since he certainly didn't care how dumb he looked when he was alone and no other eyes were on him (unless he was practicing in a mirror for the purpose of looking good, of course).
That reply just made Kaiya giggle, and her eyes sparkled before she announced, "You're so ooooooold~" She teased, totally not meaning it, as the big grin on her lips would testify.
Mikoto doesn't mind the childish expression at all. He's been known to make them, and it represents Keiji not caring how he looks in the moment so that means he wins. "You don't have to try with me either, if you don't want to. You could just try on your own if that makes you feel better." Mikoto definitely thinks that anyone who enjoys watching sex would enjoy watching him and Keiji together, but it's definitely not the most aesthetic or beautiful thing. Which doesn't matter because it feels amazing.
Setsuna knows she's joking, but mimes getting shot in the heart and falling over from the barb just for fun, "Oof!"
Setsuna pretending that her 'shot' had hit made Kaiya burst out laughing truly, but she reached her hands out to him to help him back up, even though she kept laughing the entire time.
Keiji smiled in relieved thanks at Mikoto, hearing that the blond didn't mind if he didn't let go of needing to look good just yet when around the bassist. It wasn't that he thought Mikoto would like him less if he wasn't always aware of how he looked, it was just that he *wanted* to look his best for the other man. And it was hard to let go of that. The fact that he would give his boyfriend toothy, not properly pretty smiles, though, showed that he would give up the aesthetic look at times just because he didn't feel actual pressure to look perfect all the time. However, when Setsuna fell over like that, his eyes shot worriedly over to the other pair until he saw his sister laughing. "What are you two doing?" He asked, a shadow of a laugh in his own voice, as it seemed they were doing something at least mildly silly.
Setsuna allows himself to be pulled back up by Kaiya, with a big, borderline goofy smile on his face, just happy he'd made her laugh so much. He enjoys a sip of his drink, clearly still amongst the living, thankfully. He then exaggerates wildly for Keiji's benefit, "Your sister is brutally teasing me about being a decrepit old man."
Mikoto giggles at the scenario, firmly ignoring that he's not that much younger than the chef.
Kaiya was still giggling, drink settled safely on the ground and hands in her boyfriend's, as he explained the situation in such an exaggerated manner. "It's your fault~ You said you remembered a time before smartphones existed, and that's clearly when dinosaurs existed~" She continued to tease.
Hearing both of those explanations, Keiji also had to laugh. "I mean, I'm not sure I disagree with her?" He said. Being only three and a half years older than his sister, he knew that such a time wasn't *that* long ago, but it certainly wasn't a time that he could reliably remember.
"I remember those times! Mikoto does too!" Setsuna protests, 'deeply offended' that this is being compared to the dinosaurs.
Mikoto blinks, "Don't drag me into this. Everyone knows Kaiya-chan and I are twin sisters and thus I couldn't possibly be old enough to remember such a thing."
Kaiya just continued to giggle, almost uncontrollably now, as her 'sister' chimed in. "Yeah~ Miko-chan and I are both young~ We don't remember times that were so long ago~" She added, but then cuddled her boyfriend. "It's okay. I still love you, even if you're old~" She said it the same way that she would if she were teasing her brother, so the 'love you' didn't cause any tripping or blushing, nor did she really realize she'd said it. She'd been avoiding saying it for so long, but it just slid out as part of reconciling after teasing so much.
Keiji smiled at Mikoto's assertion, totally not even considering contesting that statement. Fact was: sometimes he forgot that Mikoto was older than him. Not often, but sometimes. So he could absolutely get behind the idea that the blond was the same age as his sister, at least for this silly moment.
Setsuna's laughing pretty hard now. Mikoto is no longer 'just' Kaiya's 'sister', but now her *twin* sister. He gets an arm around her naturally as she settles in against him, mostly taking that 'I love you' in stride, as it sounds more natural and less like a huge confession moment.
Mikoto *often* forgets that Keiji is younger, just because the model comes off as the more mature one somehow.
Being all happily cuddled up with Setsuna again, Kaiya snagged her drink and took another sip before settling it back in its safe place while she enjoyed having that arm around her.
"So, how did we even come to this discussion of the time before smartphones anyway?" Keiji asked, just a little curious where the teasing had stemmed from.
"We were talking about photos, and keeping photos as memories. And how it's so easy now. And this youngin suggested that she's never really run out of space on a device because of photos," Setsuna replies, returning the gentle teasing, and also having a sip of his drink.
....ok, Mikoto definitely remembers that, but is pretending to be 16 so he doesn't say anything about it.
"Oh! I've definitely run out of space on my phone, but that was more because of apps and videos than photos." Keiji responded, thinking that this line of reasoning wouldn't make anyone old or not. He also wasn't 100% sure how that would get to the time before smartphones.
Kaiya just stared at her brother. "How many apps do you have on your phone??" She asked him, clearly shocked that he had enough to take up all the space on his phone that way.
Videos, Setsuna could see, apps? Well, a model probably has to care more about instagram and stuff like that, he supposes. He doesn't realize he hasn't properly answered the whole story about getting down to digicams but that's alright. Attention is now on Keiji and his apps anyways.
Keiji blinked at the sudden scrutiny on him for his comment. "Well, it wasn't *this* phone. It was my old one." He partially explained, "And it had, like.... language apps, and instagram, and a couple of games, and things like that? I'm pretty sure they just got bigger and bigger every time they updated." Honestly, he didn't know how apps worked, he just knew that his phone had let him know at one point that he was running low on space, so he'd had to delete things.
"Oooooh~" Kaiya replied, though she still didn't think that that explanation explained how his phone had gotten so full. Probably a lot more videos than he'd realized, or maybe large music files?
Mikoto is also skeptical that it was apps, since it's usually music and videos more than anything, but he's not going to bother about it. In fact, now that they're not teasing each other about their ages, this topic has bored him. So he suggests, "Speaking of photos though.... let's take some!"
"Yes!!! Let's take some! I want some of all of us together too!" Kaiya piped up, making sure to repeat this now that Mikoto and Keiji were both listening. She was sure they already wanted pair photos, but a 'family' photo was something she really wanted.
Keiji chuckled at his sister's enthusiasm. "Okay, what photos should we start with, though? Just some of us drinking and stuff here?" He suggested, since he didn't think they wanted to move just yet.
"Yeah, sure," Mikoto agrees. "Want me to go see if I can snag someone to take a family photo, or start with pairs?" The blond is definitely the most shameless one here, and therefore the best candidate to harangue strangers.
Kaiya smiled brightly at Mikoto describing the photo of the four of them the way she had in her head. "Family photo first!" She put in decisively and excitedly.
Keiji laughed a bit at his sister's immediate decision. Still, it made sense: get someone to take some photos of the four of them together first, then they could take care of taking triples, doubles, and singles themselves.
"Ok! Wish I were dressed like a girl today...." Mikoto replies, just because getting a stranger to help would be even easier if he were a girl, at least from his experience. That said, he's petite, non-threatening, cute and energetic, so it's not too hard to get someone to help. In fact, the second group of people he'd approached, a pair of girls, one of whom was rather alternatively dressed, quickly agreed to help out. He passes them his phone then goes back to the picnic blanket to sit with everyone else.
While Keiji understood part of why dressing like a girl would have been easier for Mikoto in such a situation, the model was happy that Mikoto had decided to dress the way *he* wanted, not what was more convenient for a date or whatever. And seeing the blond grab a couple of alternatively dressed girls, he smiled. Maybe he was super generalizing based on their looks, but he thought that women in that sort of style and community was often more open to gay guys, so maybe that would work out well for them taking photos all together too.
When Kaiya saw the girls coming over with Mikoto, at first she had thoughts similar to her brother's, but with the additional thought that girls dressed like that were more likely to be into visual kei, and therefore cooler with guys kissing, on stage at least. But that thought turned into 'what if they were Devillic fans?' would they recognize Setsuna? Would they recognize her brother?? She really hoped not! She tried not to let her nerves take over, though. Chances were, they wouldn't know either band (or wouldn't recognize either frontman offstage - Mikoto she was less worried about because he looked a lot different out of costume than in, at least to her), and it would all be fine.
It doesn't seem the girls recognize any of the band members, thankfully. They take some pictures of everyone on the picnic spread, and then some pictures of them standing up by the trees. Then Mikoto swaps with them, taking one of their phones and taking some pictures of the pair with the trees in the background as well. Once they have enough family photos, and Mikoto's satisfied the girls by returning the favour, he heads back to the picnic blanket with everyone, "There~"
When it seemed like the girls hadn't recognized any of the band members, Kaiya relaxed and enjoyed having their photos taken, making some that were serious, some that were silly, some that had the pair standing next to each other, some with them all mixed up, but all of them reflecting how happy they all were together. "That was so great! Thanks for asking them, Miko-nee-chan~" She gushed, then asked, "Can we look at the photos now? I wanna see how they came out!" She added, then moved so she could look over the opposite shoulder from her brother.
When Mikoto returned, Keiji subtly got his arm around his boyfriend, but making it more seem like he was supporting himself while leaning in to see the photos on the blond's phone. "I hope we got some good ones, but it was a lot of fun, even if they all end up being awful." He decided.
"Well, we know if nothing else *Keiji-kun* will look good in the photos, since apparently he is always worried about how he looks," The blond teases, in reference to their earlier conversation. He passes the phone to his little sister so he can have a drink while everyone looks through the pictures. The truth is, they're a good looking group overall so it would be rather hard to take that many photos and have them all turn out terribly.
"Sometimes the awful ones are the best," Setsuna jokes, still nursing the one beer he's going to drink today.
"Of course~ I bet he went all ~model~ as soon as the camera came up~" Kaiya agreed, accepting the phone and holding it out so everyone could see while she swiped through the images. For most of the non-silly ones, it really did look like Keiji was using his model powers. For that reason, and because they all looked relaxed and happy, she kind of preferred the silly ones. "I think this one is my favourite~" She said, pointing at one where she and Mikoto were in the center and Keiji and Setsuna were on the 'outside' and the four of them were making a small heart inside of a bigger heart using their hands and arms. It had been complicated to get right, but it was so cute how they were all laughing in the photo where they had finally gotten it right.
Keiji was looking at the photos as they passed by, and he couldn't help but notice the same thing his sister had: the serious ones he looked like he was a little too polished next to everyone else. They silly ones they all just seemed on the same wavelength. "Oh, that is cute!" He agreed with his sister's choice. Honestly, he hadn't been sure that they'd gotten a shot of it actually working. The previous few shots had certainly shown their various failures quite well.
"Probably~" Mikoto agrees with a giggle, but he thinks it's adorable that Keiji just *models*. He thinks the 'serious' photos do look nice, even if Keiji's giving a bit extra, but the silly ones are wonderful too. He's deeply pleased that the stupid heart picture turned out, "I mean, that's wallpaper contender, right?"
Setsuna laughs, "That's like.... if a family valentine's card existed, this is what we would put on it." He's thinking of the family Christmas cards Americans send out.
"I definitely want it on my phone background~" Kaiya responded decisively. It was just that cute to her. Setsuna's idea made her gasp in delight, though. "Oh! I love that! I have no one to send a valentine's card *to*, but I love that idea~"
Keiji just laughed at everyone's reaction to the silly heart photo. "I've never heard of Valentine's cards, but if they were ever going to exist, I think you're right that this would be perfect for that." There was just so much love and happiness evident in the image.
The Valentine's cards Mikoto knows of aren't like this, but it does somehow read as a 'family' Valentine's card photo. He has some of his drink, pretty amused, then asks, "Alright. We can take our own pictures for the rest, so what do we want to do next?"
"I mean, I don't think it really matters what order we take photos in?" Setsuna asks, knowing they at least want pair photos but they should have plenty of time.
Keiji half shrugged as he settled a little more comfortably next to Mikoto and took a relaxed sip of his beer. "I'm not too worried what order we take them in either. Does anyone have a specific pose they want to do, or anything?"
"What about candid shots while we sit and drink and talk and stuff?" Kaiya suggested, since it seemed like most of them were still enjoying their first drinks. Also, candid photos or each other seemed really nice, and they could all dump the photos into a shared google drive or something later.
"Alright," Mikoto replies, though they were mostly done eating, and there's a limit to how truly candid they may be since they know about it. he definitely wants more posed pictures later, but this is fine too. He has a sip of his drink.
And Setsuna gets out his phone so he can be ready to snap any photos that he decides he wants to take.
And Kaiya took the chance immediately to get a photo of Mikoto taking that drink, a big smile on her lips. Then she caught a photo of her brother looking at the blond with such a sweet expression. She was pretty sure he wasn't even aware he was looking at Mikoto like that, honestly.
Keiji, meanwhile, wasn't as quick to get his phone out to capture cute or embarrassing moments of everyone else. He wasn't as used to taking photos of other people as he was having photos taken of him, after all.
It's for the best, honestly, cuz if they *all* had their phones out, then all they would catch are pictures of each other taking pictures. The blond is amused at the whole other couple getting their phones out, and as such doesn't bother with his own yet. Instead he looks to Keiji, asking him where he thought would be a good spot for couple photos later. Get Keiji busy and distracted, use his modeling know-how, enjoy his drink, and try to ignore Kaiya and Setsuna taking pictures of them.
Kaiya kind of had the same thought as Mikoto, but in her case, she actively wanted to get a picture of Setsuna taking a picture of the other pair. Mostly because she was feeling happy and silly and thought it would be a funny picture. While her boyfriend was paying attention to the image he was capturing of the other men, Kaiya turned her phone on *him* and got what she thought was a cute picture of him.
Keiji did his best to ignore his sister and the other singer snapping shots of them as well. He hadn't thought they would just kind of sit there and take pictures of him and Mikoto that way, but more like grab shots they noticed naturally, but whatever. It was kind of amusing in a way. When Mikoto asked his opinion on places for couple photos, he gave a few answers that he thought would look nice, including one where Mikoto leaned back against one of the cherry trees and he leaned his forearm on the tree above the other man's head, kind of looming over him. He knew it would look great, especially knowing they could get the other pair to take shots from a few angles. He also enjoyed his drink while they talked, and actually *did* forget about Kaiya and Setsuna for a little bit there.
Once they've had some more to drink, Mikoto stands up and reaches his hands out for Keiji, "Then, let's try some~" he suggests, wanting to see Keiji's photo ideas realized. And more than one passerby is confused trying to figure out whether this is some kind of actual photo shoot or not, although given the lack of real proper lighting it definitely isn't. But the blond has an awful lot of fun taking couples shots with his boyfriend -- thankfully without thinking of the implications of any of that.
When Mikoto stood up and put his hands out for him, Keiji settled his drink in a safe spot, then took those proffered hands to help him get up. "Alright~" He agreed easily. "Can you guys help us take some of these?" He asked, handing his phone to his sister before moving off with the blond to work on taking some of the shots he'd described. It wouldn't be a wonder if people thought this could be a real photoshoot. Keiji was bringing all of his model energy, and when he gazed at his boyfriend, he didn't even have to work at getting the right expressions of happiness, excitement, or love in eyes. After all, the expressions he normally affected were just of emotions that he felt naturally with the other man.
Kaiya accepted her brother's phone with a grin, then hopped up to follow the pair and take pictures of them with both her phone and Keiji's. She did look at Setsuna, though, "Are you coming too~? Or.... do we need someone to hold down the blanket?" She thought everything would probably be fine, but she knew her boyfriend would know for sure.
"It should be fine," Setsuna agrees, standing up and heading over to take some shots with his own phone as well. This is Tokyo; it's not that weird to see a picnic blanket with no people for hours, that someone has set up early in the morning to save a spot, and it's respected and nothing goes missing. At some point he stops actually taking pictures, just enjoying watching, especially with the way the unofficial couple looks at each other.
Mikoto has a lot of fun, living his model fantasy, and more than once having to resist the urge to just grab Keiji and kiss him. By the time he's kind of done with it though, he's wanting to settle down and cuddle again. Apparently, not really being able to get together for a week or so seems to have given him some clingy feelings.
Kaiya dutifully took lots of pictures of every pose on both phones. To her eye, Mikoto and her brother looked really, really good in every pose. She knew Keiji was doing modelling stuff, but she was also pretty sure that he wasn't having to work *too* hard at any of it, and Mikoto looked like he was having a lot of fun too. When the pair seemed to be done, though, she looked over at her own boyfriend. "Do you want to do photos together now? Or wait a little?" She asked, happy to do either, but if they wanted to do it now and not try to take all the photos themselves, she thought they should wrangle at least one of the other guys before they went back to being all cute together on the blanket.
When it seemed like Mikoto was tired, Keiji relaxed, then rolled out various muscles in his body as he stood there, trying to get out some of the kinks that he had re-aggravated by pulling on modelling muscles. It wasn't too bad, but he could totally do with a soak in a bath later. Still, he waited to hear the verdict of whether the other pair were going to do couple photos now as he retrieved his phone from his sister. No use getting comfy on the ground if he and Mikoto were needed to return the picture-taking favour, after all.
"I think it's up to them," Setsuna admits, aware that the other couple were listening, and he looks over to them. If they're tired and want a break, that's fine by him. Otherwise if they do it now, they'll be done all the photos and have some relaxing time.
Mikoto is thinking pretty similarly to his best friend, actually. He wants to cuddle Keiji -- but he doesn't want to interrupt cuddling him either, so it seems better to do it now. He has a drink while he decides, then recommends, "Let's do it now; I'll take the photos, and Keiji-kun can direct."
Keiji was a little surprised to be volunteered to direct the poses for the other pair, and it was honestly a little uncomfortable thinking about directing his sister's interactions with her boyfriend, but then he thought to himself: just pretend they're other models. It's not like you're going to have them do anything risque out here anyway. And so, he nodded, "Sure, sounds good. Let's do it!" This time, he held *his* hand out for Mikoto so they could head over to a few spots that he thought would be nice for the pair in their more traditional look. The first spot was actually a bench that somehow didn't have anyone directly behind it under the overhanging tree. He directed how the pair should sit, what feeling he wanted from them as they looked at each other, meticulously placed their hands together between them, then arranged his sister's feet just-so, so that the camera could see her geta, but none of her actual leg was exposed.
Kaiya had never actually been in such an intense situation before, and she actually started to giggle a little as her brother positioned them exactly the way he wanted. And while the position itself was mildly uncomfortable, she trusted her brother's vision and went with it. The easiest part was gazing into Setsuna's eyes with adoration. As if she ever looked at him with any other feeling!
Mikoto is endlessly amused that Keiji had taken the suggestion to be the director WAY more seriously than the blond had imagined, especially to the point of physically moving them -- but the pictures he's snapping look amazing. Kaiya looks pretty, mature and somehow very classical and traditional despite that amazing hair, and Setsuna completes the picture wonderfully with his less traditional looks.
Setsuna not only enjoys the process, but when the model starts directing them quite professionally, he realizes his is actually an opportunity to get better at modeling, which is one of his many duties as front man for Devillic, so he pays pretty careful attention.
At one point, Keiji caught the amused expression on Mikoto's face, but had no idea that it was prompted by him taking his duties far more seriously than intended. He thought it was just amusement at the whole thing in general. He directed the pair in a couple of extra renditions of that first pose, then asked them to move back over to the tree their blanket was under. He didn't want to possibly have other people in the shot he wanted to make, and doing it in their spot seemed the best way to make that happen.
Rather than the more aggressive lean-in he had wanted with Mikoto, he had Setsuna stand with his back to the tree, then Kaiya stand in front of him with her back to his chest. Then he asked the other singer to lightly wrap his arms around Kaiya's waist and for his sister to rest her own hands atop her boyfriend's. Then, he moved in to position their faces so it looked to the camera like they were looking at each other, though really they were probably looking more at each other's ears. "Trust me, with the angle the camera is at, it looks right, even if it looks silly to you." He assured them. Then, once they had that position down, he asked Setsuna to let go of Kaiya with one hand and reach up toward the blossoms. "If you can touch one without stretching, even better. If not, just toward it." Then, he asked his sister to curve her arm on the same side as if following Setsuna's reach, but not obstructing the view of his arm with hers. Then, he directed them both to look in the direction of the blossom they were 'reaching for', and he moved in to fine tune the look again before stepping back so more shots could be taken.
The first new pose totally made Kaiya giggle, but she focussed on the ear cuff that Setsuna was wearing to give herself something to direct her expression at. Other than the head angle, though, it wasn't as difficult as the first pose on the bench had been. The next pose, though... it felt all kinds of unnatural! Was this what modelling was like?? But she was interested to see how the photos would turn out, so she did everything her brother asked, and did her very best to realize his vision, and she was honestly surprised she didn't even wobble once. Probably because she had Setsuna supporting her the whole time, honestly.
Setsuna feels like he's learning a lot from Keiji's coaching, and it's also just fun. Getting to support Kaiya, knowing they're going to have some lovely photos out of it too? A great way to pass part of the day. He can't quite reach the blossom without stretching, so he hopes the photo still works out as planned.
Mikoto is spending this whole time trying not to distract everyone by snickering because everyone is very serious. The photos are pretty easy to take, thanks to Keiji's clear directions.
Again, the resident model directed them through a couple of slight movements, and then he looked up at the branches above him. *Could* he reach that? Yeah, he thought he probably could. "Okay, I'm going to try something, and it might not work out, but.... try to look amazed? Or maybe, Kaiya look amazed and Kajimoto-san, look amused? Whatever works in the moment. And Mikoto-kun? Be ready to just blitz shots." He advised. Then, he reached up, just grabbed the end of the branch above up, and gave it a shake, causing a flurry of blossoms to fall down in front of the pair.
It didn't take any acting at all for Kaiya to look amazed as the petals began to fall. She was sure she wasn't doing it anywhere near as prettily or gracefully as her brother might have, but she reached out for the falling petals and began to laugh in pure delight.
Mikoto, luckily, is a person who spends a lot of time taking photos on his phone, so he's able to quickly swap to the mode that will take constant photos as long as he holds down the button before Keiji makes it rain.
Setsuna is not entirely sure what Keiji's planning, and ends up with his genuine reaction, which is laughing in pleased surprise, then looking over to Kaiya to see the joy on her face.
Being completely real and organic, the chances of getting a good photo out of this, even with constant shots being taken, were low. Too much of a chance for petals to get in the way, or for expressions to be awkward, but it just seemed a shame not to at least give it a try. Once the small flurry was over, though, Keiji went on to direct the pair into one more very posed photo, and one that would be rather difficult to maintain for any period of time. "Okay, last one, I'm thinking staging you two walking along the park path? We can try with you actually walking naturally, but I think we'll get a better shot if it's a still that *looks* like you're moving." He advised, but left it up to the pair what they wanted to try.
Kaiya frowned slightly at that description. "It sounds like it would be really hard making a still pose *look* like we're walking?" Not that she doubted that he could make it happen, she just thought it would be difficult and tiring if they could just actually *walk* to get the right look.
Setsuna is sensitive to the fact that Kaiya is wearing geta, and also that they have plans to go for a walk later (as they're a rather famous cherry-blossom lined boulevard extending from this park along the riverside), so he looks to Kaiya, and says, "Up to you, Kaiya-chan." If it's going to be too much work, then he's sure the natural photos will be fine.
Mikoto gets a soft smile at Setsuna immediately putting Kaiya's needs front and centre.
"Mmmmmm....." Kaiya gave it some actual thought, but then decided that if the still shot was likely to give them the photo her brother was thinking of right away, rather than trying actual walking over and over again until they got it, it would probably be better just to try it his way. "Okay, pose us, Kazuya~" She told him, then sent her brother a grin as he rolled his eyes at her. Honestly, the pose was about as difficult as she'd thought it would be. She had to put all her weight on her back foot, though her front foot was also resting on the ground. Keiji said this made it look like she was mid step, so she just believed him. He also directed her to cast her lashes down, as if she were shyly accepting a compliment, and have a generally sweet, pleased expression. *That* had taken more direction because apparently the expression on her face was *too* pleased? He also directed that she should be holding Setsuna's hand, their fingers laced together, but somehow even that felt awkward because her brother even wanted their fingers to look a certain way! This picture better be worth it!
Keiji moved on to direct Setsuna next, asking the other singer to be facing forward, but glance over as if looking at Kaiya, a subtle grin on his lips, as if happy with the reaction from whatever he had apparently said. However, Setsuna was definitely *not* looking at Kaiya. To actually do so, the other man would have had to move his eyes far too far to the side, and that would just not be attractive. Looking in that general direction, but not too much, made the onlooker assume where Setsuna was looking. "Okay, now.... hold that." He said, then scooted out of the frame so Mikoto could get the shots.
Setsuna had had this sort of 'cheating' where you're looking thing explained to him by his bandmates. You need to do the same thing then, making it seem to the audience like you're looking at someone while actually still showing most of your face. The pose is not comfortable - the hands especially feel weird, but it isn't quite as painful as he'd been expecting.
Mikoto gets the photo from a couple different angles, then shows his camera screen to Keiji for approval. Without snickering, miraculously.
Keiji looked at the phone when Mikoto turned it toward him, then smiled. "Okay! We got it! You can relax now." He told the couple. He didn't really have any other shots he thought would be really nice with the way they were dressed, so he didn't hustle them to another location.
Kaiya immediately put both feet fully on the ground again, then shifted her hand in Setsuna's to actually be comfortable again. "I never want to be a model." She said, though there was no venom in her voice. If the photos turned out stunning, she would totally let her brother play living doll with her again, she just didn't want to have to do it all the time for a living. However, the experience had been really cool, and she thought she might have picked up a couple of ideas for the future when she needed models for her work.
Setsuna laughs, squeezing her hand now that it's wrapped properly with his, and slowly leading her back to their picnic blanket, "Modelling always looks so glamorous, until anytime you learn more about what they actually do, huh? I think learning some of this stuff will help with Devillic though."
Now that he won't ruin any photos, the blond grins at Keiji, "It was pretty fun watching you take control and order everyone around, Keiji-kun~"
Kaiya smiled at that squeeze and happily headed back to the blanket with her boyfriend. "Yeah... modelling is way harder than it looks." She agreed, then blinked at Setsuna's other observation. "Oh yeah! It probably will, huh? You have to do promotional photos and videos and stuff where you have to basically be a model too." She thought about that a little more as she resettled on the ground next to her boyfriend and took a sip of her half-finished drink. "Maybe we should have my brother direct more photos for us so you can get more practice?" She suggested, then looked over at Keiji and Mikoto as the other pair returned to the blanket as well. "I wanna see the photos we took~"
Mikoto's words, combined with that grin, made Keiji blush a bit. "Well, you did say I should direct the photos..." He replied, only feeling the slightest bit sheepish. Had he taken it all too far? But Kaiya and Setsuna didn't seem upset about it, so it was probably fine.
"I need to be *enough* of a model to get some good shots, at least, even if I don't have to perfectly do it," Setsuna agrees, since it is an aspect of his new profession. The idea of Keiji giving him some coaching isn't a bad one, especially since he had finally managed to properly make friends with his girlfriend's brother (after something of a rocky start).
Mikoto giggles, and settles down on the blanket before quietly explaining, "I meant like 'hey try sitting on that bench' type directing, not the full professional gig. But it was fun to watch, and I bet we all got great pictures because of it." He unlocks his phone again, ready to start going through and trying to find the best shots.
"True.... but since the other guys have more practice at it, I guess you have to catch up quickly so you all look 'right' together?" Kaiya suggested, thinking that with the amount of work that had gone into what they had just done, if one of them had known what to do and the other hadn't, the pictures might have come out looking a little funny. Thankfully, they'd had her brother there to literally position them. When Mikoto got his phone back out, Kaiya scooted closer to her 'sister' so she could see what shots they'd gotten.
That explanation made Keiji blink, then laugh a bit. "Oh. I see. I guess I misunderstood." He admitted, but since no one had protested him literally making the other pair near-properly model, he wasn't going to apologize for it either.
Mikoto's pretty sure his tone makes it clear that it's amusing and no one is bothered, and everyone's looking through shots. The blond fully gasps as one of the petal pictures turned out perfectly, at least as far as he can tell, and he shows his screen to Keiji.
Setsuna lets the others sort through the photos, nursing the last bit of his beer.
Keiji absolutely had not had any faith that those petal photos would turn out at all, but when Mikoto gasped and showed him one that actually *had* turned out, he gasped as well. "I can't believe that actually turned out!" He exclaimed excitedly. Sure, it wasn't model perfect, but there had been zero chance of that honestly, and the joy and delight in the other couple had come through beautifully. "I'm kind of jealous that we didn't do a shot like that." He admitted, though it would be difficult without someone else to shake the branch for them.
Kaiya was watching as Mikoto went through the photos, but she didn't even get to see the gasp-worthy photo before the phone was moved closer to her brother. "Let me see! Let me see~" She requested, doubly excited to see the photo after Keiji's reaction to it.
Mikoto laughs at himself for showing his boyfriend before showing the subject of the photo. He turns his phone so Kaiya and Setsuna can see, "Look! You look so precious!" Actually it lowkey looks like a wedding photo, but that's not something he's going to say out loud right now.
Setsuna is surprised by all the gasping, but he definitely loves the photo in question as soon as he sees it. If no other pictures turn out at all, it was worth doing all the crazy posing even just for this shot, "That's breathtaking."
"Oooooooh~ It's so pretty!!!" Kaiya agreed, super excited that one of the petal photos had worked, and had turned out so well! "That was such a good idea!" She added, beaming at her brother.
Keiji laughed lightly at that reaction from his sister. "Glad we could make it happen! I really didn't think it would work..." He admitted. He honestly hadn't made the connection to the shot looking rather wedding-like, but he did think that it was a picture that made it look even more that Kaiya and Setsuna belonged together. There was just such joy and happiness in that shot that just couldn't have been faked.
That photo is going to be Setsuna's phone wallpaper as soon as he gets a copy of it, that's for sure. He finishes off his beer absentmindedly, then gets out a cold gingerale for himself as he's already had his alcoholic beverage for the day, alas.
"You miss every shot you don't take," Mikoto replies sagely, definitely feeling like he's stolen that quote from somewhere but unable to recall from whence it came. He keeps going through the pictures, since they'd taken a lot.
"True." Keiji replied, then reached for his beer to take a drink while they continued to look through the photos. There were a lot of them, after all, and there were a lot, a lot, of the petal ones to go through at the moment. 99% of them were what he had expected, though: obscured, blurry, out of focus, unfortunate expressions, or otherwise unusable images. When Mikoto got back to the first one, though, he commented, "That one's not bad either. Nowhere near as good as the other one, but the way that the petals are only at the top of the frame and they're both looking up is neat."
Kaiya had stopped looking at the ton of petal ones, expecting there to be nothing good in them. "Non-alcoholic time?" She asked Setsuna instead, noticing his new drink choice. Her own drink wasn't anywhere near finished. She was just enjoying sipping it and savouring being allowed to have an alcoholic drink out in public with her little family.
"I unfortunately finished my beer," Setsuna agrees with Kaiya's observation. He would enjoy more of that flavour, but doesn't want to get inebriated in any way, so it is what it is. "Are you enjoying your cooler?"
"It is pretty good," Mikoto agrees, although he thinks he can see a shade of the couple not quite knowing what Keiji was going to do still which made it less than perfect for him. Not that that matters, 'less than perfect' is not much of a complaint. He's feeling clingy though, and since Kaiya and Setsuna aren't looking at his phone anymore, he starts heavily leaning on Keiji while he keeps checking photos.
"Ah~ I see~" Kaiya responded understandingly, then smiled at that question. "Yeah! It's tasty~" She responded happily. "Also.... it feels kinda.... exciting?" She was aware that saying so made her sound at least as young as she was, but it was the way she was feeling, and she thought Setsuna would understand.
When Mikoto leaned against him, Keiji got his free arm around the blond and continued to look at the photos on the other man's phone. He was surprised that Kaiya wasn't looking anymore, but he guessed she expected they would let her know if there was anything really exciting, or she was just hoping to look through them herself later. Still, if it meant that Mikoto could cuddle all up next to him, he was not at all going to complain.
Setsuna chuckles, since that was youth speaking -- but also he understands. And he hadn't been entirely sure that Keiji would be down for letting her drink, even though there's nothing illegal about an underage kid drinking in their legal guardian's presence. This is a perfectly safe way to enjoy some spirits, "I'm glad you're enjoying it."
Mikoto is feeling greedy - leaning against Keiji like this just makes him want more. He wants to hold him, kiss him, bring him back to his apartment and do other things together too~ The blond may be too physical to go a week without seeing the model in person. He finally finishes sorting through the photos, and starts them uploading to a shared google drive folder -- that casual use of unlimited data that shows wealth in a way no designer bag ever could.
That easy acceptance of her feelings made Kaiya smile, and she scooted over a little so she could lean against her boyfriend, similarly to how Mikoto was leaning against her brother. "How's the ginger ale?" She asked in turn. She had tried the beverage before, but it wasn't one of her go-tos for drinks.
Seeing those photos start to upload was something that was actually kind of shocking to Keiji. That was definitely something *he* wouldn't be doing until he had access to wi-fi. Sure, he probably could have used the blond's phone as a hotspot, but he would never even imagine asking to do so. "Looks like we got a lot of good ones." He commented, then pulled his own phone out. "Want to see the ones Kaiya took of us with my phone?" He offered.
Setsuna gets an arm casually around Kaiya, it being something they do so much at home that he doesn't even think about it. As for the gingerale, he admits, "I like gingerale a lot - it has the refreshing, fun fizziness of a cola without being quite so sweet."
"Mhmm, but... I'm not surprised. Beautiful people in beautiful clothes taking pictures in a beautiful place? Hard to mess up. And we had a *director* to help us refine everything too," he adds, tone lightly teasing. The blond perks up at that suggestion, "Oh, of course~ gimme gimme."
"And no caffeine~" Kaiya added, thinking this was also a selling point for the drink, even if she tended to like sprite or a fruitier soda over a ginger ale. That arm going around her was so familiar and comfortable that she just leaned into it fully and gave a soft, contented sigh.
Keiji nodded along with Mikoto's thoughts on the pictures, but had to laugh at that almost demand from the blond. "Okay! Okay!" He agreed, still laughing, then got his phone out and passed it to the other man so he could flip through those images as well. He hadn't even looked at them yet, since they'd immediately moved on to doing photos of the other pair after they were finished with their shoot.
"Mmhm, so you can drink it well into the evening," Setsuna agrees, which is an important feature for sure. She definitely has a fruitier palette than his, and he doesn't know if some of that is being a teenage girl, or if it's his more practiced chef's palette, or just natural differences.
Mikoto wouldn't be so bratty with someone he wasn't close to, since he'd be worried they might take him seriously. Keiji's laugh is the correct response. He takes his boyfriend's phone, and happily flicks through more photos. His expression gets softer as the reality of the expressions on his and Keiji's faces start to sink in.
"Ooooh~ That's true!" Kaiya agreed, not having taken that idea to its logical conclusion before then. "Though.... probably not good to drink a lot of sugar before bed either, so maybe don't drink too much too long into the evening~"
Keiji smiled as well, looking at the photos with the other man. While he might be able to direct good poses, it looked like his sister had a good eye for shots that he hadn't specifically asked for too, since she had captured a close up of their faces, the two of them looking into each other's eyes, and it was exactly what he would expect out of a romance anime, or something.
"I don't know about the mass produced stuff, but if you get a good gingerale it has some ginger and can help with the stomach," Setsuna points out. He's not sure the coca cola version has much real ginger involved though.
Mikoto, if anyone should be looking closely, has a faint blush on his cheeks, seeing it presented so plainly how much they like each other, just by seeing how they genuinely look at each other. He hadn't been *trying* to make this kind of expression, it's just the reality of what he felt. And thus, he's quiet too.
"Oh yeah? That's cool! So it would be helpful when you have the flu, or something?" Kaiya asked, thinking that would be really useful, actually. Not that she got sick all that often these days, but it was still nice to know that there was something that would help. Then... "Would putting mashed fresh ginger in hot water work the same, do you think?" She asked, thinking that would be easier, and cheaper to get, but hopefully do the same thing.
When Keiji glanced at Mikoto, he did notice the faint colouring on the other man's cheeks. They were too close for him not to notice. But, he would never dream of pointing it out. The way that the blond was just looking at those photos that displayed their true feelings for each other so clearly, and not just flicking past them, told him that the other man was enjoying looking at them, and saying anything at all, about the pictures or the current expression on his boyfriend's face, could bring about the exact opposite feelings, and that was not what the model wanted. So, instead, he just kept quiet and enjoyed looking at each picture, whether Mikoto paused on one for a long time, or thumbed through them more quickly. He could always look at them more closely himself later if he wanted to, after all.
"I mean, it's no replacement for *medicine*, but if you have to get some kind of soda, it won't hurt," Setsuna explains. He'd use it more like if you're at an amusement park and you've gone on a bunch of rides and you're eating junk and your stomach is feeling a little strange. He chuckles at her suggestion of putting tea in water, and gently informs her, "You've just described making ginger tea - at least in the simplest, most basic form."
By the time the blond has gone through all the photos, his chest is feeling very full. Later when he reflects on this, he'll note how the whole experience has him feeling happy and not scared. But it had been a surprise to him, so he's left slightly speechless. But... Keiji's right there, so he just gets an arm around the other man's waist and leans in against his side.
"Well, yeah... but some medicines for upset stomach taste gross." Kaiya protested, thinking that a sweet soda would be far preferable to icky tasting medicine if it could do the same thing. And with the ginger tea she could add sugar or honey too to sweeten it. She blinked at her boyfriend pointing out that she was reinventing tea, though, then giggled. "Oh. I guess it would be, huh?" She agreed.
When Mikoto finished with the photos, Keiji accepted his phone back, then took the second to catch a couple of cute candid photos of the other pair, since he hadn't had a chance to do that yet. It looked like they were having some kind of cute conversation, and they were cuddling about as much as he and Mikoto were, and it was just an adorable little scene. When Mikoto cuddled into him more, though, his gaze drifted back to the blond and he gave the other man a light hug.
"True -- but yeah, it's probably better for mild tummy weirdness than actual illness," Setsuna advises. He helpfully adds, "If you are making your ginger tea, you want a sieve to make sure you get all the ginger out or else it can end up quite spicy."
Mikoto smiles up at Keiji when hugged, expression still quite soft compared to usual. He's really tempted to kiss Keiji, but isn't sure how his boyfriend would feel about that in a public place like this one.
"Oh no! Spicy tea probably wouldn't help with the upset tummy, huh?" Kaiya responded, thinking that tip was very helpful indeed.
Keiji smiled back, and couldn't help but think how incredibly cute Mikoto looked at that moment. He was definitely feeling the urge to lean in and kiss the other man as well, but.... he remembered where they were, and that they both definitely looked like guys, and.... he remembered that the reason Mikoto had gone to the trouble of looking like a girl on previous dates was so that they could do those things without many repercussions while out in public. So... he resisted.
"Probably not," Setsuna admits, although the spice coming from ginger, it probably wouldn't be the worst. But yes, the chef is bringing the good advice, as usual.
Mikoto can practically feel Keiji thinking about it too. He lowers his lashes and glances away. Needing something neutral to discuss, he asks, "Do you need a new drink?"
"Well, maybe I'll try it next time my stomach feels icky." Kaiya replied with a half shrug. As she felt quite fine now, though, there was really no reason to keep thinking about it. So, instead, she nursed her drink a little more. "So.... are you looking forward to all your other hanami celebrations?" She asked after a bit.
That demure way that Mikoto lowered his lashes was weirdly alluring to the model, and rather than reducing his desire to kiss the blond, Keiji actually found it rising. So, when the other man asked him a very normal question, it took the singer a second to process it. "Ah... sure! That would be great." He agreed before really thinking about it. Thankfully, his drink actually *was* done, so he wasn't going to awkwardly have two on the go for not paying complete attention.