Devillic Log: Naoto's Birthday

Nov 23, 2023 15:54

Naoto had had a birthday with his Devillic family, and a lovely outing with his lolita friends, but now is time for the most exciting birthday: the one with Kenta and Kenta alone! They didn't get to be *intimate* quite as much as the violinist would like, because neither of them really had their own space. But Kenta had asked the trio for him if they could have the apartment for the day and had gotten permission, so Naoto was excited indeed. And between knowing he was going to see Kenta, and knowing it was at the cat house, well, of course he's dressed up as a kitty as well for the day~

When he arrives, he knocks on the door.

With the apartment to themselves for the day, Kenta had put up a couple of cat-friendly birthday decorations, made sure to get a cake in, and set aside some money to get whatever takeout Naoto wanted for celebrating. He had also gotten his boyfriend a small gift, obviously, and was looking forward to celebrating the day with the other man.

When the knock came at the door, Kenta gave a quick look around for a little door-dashing kitty, didn't see him, then went to the door to let the birthday boy in. "Happy birthday~ Come in!" He said, ushering Naoto inside, revealing that they were both, appropriately, wearing kitty ears. Kenta also had his blue kitty contacts in (since the blues were Naoto's favourite~).

Naoto would be disappointed if Kenta weren't wearing cat ears, honestly, especially for something inside the house. He helps close the door quickly since he knows that's important here. Once that's settled, he throws his arms around Kenta's shoulders without even taking off his shoes or jacket, "Kenta-kun~ Thank you."

Kenta laughed happily at immediately having an armful of cute violinist. "You're welcome! What did I do?" He replied, happy that Naoto was happy, but not at all sure what he had done to gain thanks. He did get his own arms around the other man, though, and leaned in to give him a light, happy kiss.

"Thanks for having me, for my birthday party, at the best cat cafe~" Naoto replies. And he's also grateful Kenta had talked to the trio so they could have the run of the apartment, and have ~sex~ because he would have been too bashful to ask and he knows it. He is pleased indeed by the kiss, and gives a cute sigh when it's concluded.

"Well, then, you're very welcome~" Kenta reiterated, stepping back so that Naoto could get his shoes and jacket off, then carefully putting the jacket away once it was off. "In the theme of cat cafe~ Would you like some tea?" He asked, seeing no reason not to start there, especially as a few of the more curious cats were already coming out to check out the violinist.

"Yes, that sounds lovely,' Naoto replies, especially since he knows that sitting and enjoying some tea means they can cuddle, and also possibly cuddle some cats as well. He does nothing to help; instead he crouches down to scritch Balthier's ear, "Oh, hello~"

Kenta had no intention of *letting* Naoto help, so the violinist was doing exactly as anticipated. The host disappeared into the kitchen to start boiling water, then got the various teas to bring out for his boyfriend to choose what he wanted. Seeing the other man interacting with one of the twin kitties, he just smiled. After a moment, though, he spoke up. "Just wanted to ask: what kind of tea are you feeling? Ayase-san keeps a lot of different flavours in the house." He added, explaining why a choice needed to be made.

"Hmm?" Naoto looks up from the cat to see the options. "Um, the chamomile seems nice, thank you." Balthier apparently takes him speaking to Kenta instead of paying attention to him as an offense and wanders off, so the violinist heads over to settle on the sofa.

"Okay~ Coming right up." Kenta replied brightly, then disappeared back into the kitchen to work on making tea for the both of them. While he worked, he saw one of Yue's black cats hanging out on the fridge. He wasn't sure which one it was, but he reached up and gave the cat a familiar pat while he waited for the water to heat. Once it was ready, though, he got the teas ready, then headed back into the living room to deliver the drink to his boyfriend. "Here we go~ Hope you enjoy~" He said before settling on the couch next to Naoto, his own mug of tea held in his hand.

"Thank you," Naoto replies. He puts his tea on the coffee table right away as it is surely too hot to drink yet, and instead cuddles up shamelessly to Kenta's side. Birthday snuggles are the best snuggles.

Kenta grinned and got both arms around Naoto, after setting his own mug aside, so he could turn that cuddle into a full on hug. "Mmmm~ You're very welcome~" He responded immediately, then laughed as a curious meow came from near their feet. One of the twins, interested in joining them, he thought. "It's up to the birthday boy." He told the cat.

Feeling Kenta's arms wrap around him, definitely has Naoto in his happy place. He feels completely safe whenever he's with Kenta, and that's even more important to him than his boyfriend's looks, kindness or talents in the bedroom. That said, his response to the kitty is definitely to pat his lap in welcome, and happily start petting him when he does jump up.

Naoto immediately welcoming the cat made Kenta smile, but he didn't join in the petting. Instead, he kept his arms around his boyfriend and rubbed his hands in small, light circles where they were sitting. "Already getting the cat cafe treatment, ne?" He commented, loving that they could have this cute atmosphere without hiding at all.

"Of course," Naoto replies, getting an adorable smile on his face as the cat headbutts his hand, "I'll be happy when you get your own place, of course, but this place is pretty nice too."

"Mmmmm.... when I get my own place, maybe I'll have to get my own kitty too, just so you can always have kitty cafe vibes when you see me." Kenta replied, though, of course, he would love having a kitty just because he'd love having a kitty.

Naoto thinks that's a terrible reason to get a cat, but doesn't think that's actually why Kenta would consider getting a cat so he's not worried about it. "They are very... sweet? and relaxing?" Well, occasionally they dash by and startle him, but most of the time the feline presence is very soothing to him.

"Well, that part would be all up to the cat's personality, but I do prefer a more relaxed and sometimes cuddly, but sometimes aloof cat." Kenta replied, which was ironic because *none* of that described his little red buddy. Mostly because *he* hadn't chosen the cat, but the cat had chosen him (and Akio, apparently).

"Hmm, I guess so. How do you? Like... do people get cats and then just hope they like them? Or is there a way to know their personality?" Naoto wonders, having no idea how cat adoption works at all.

"Mmm... well.... I guess depends on how you get the cat? If you adopt one from a shelter, you can visit a few times to get an idea of the personality? If you adopt one off the street, I guess just seeing what it's like when it's around you? Adopting one from a breeder, though, as a kitten... won't ever know the grown up personality when adopting. Just choose a cute one at that point, I think." Kenta responded, most of this just being from his observations and what people of the internet had to say, since he'd never actually adopted a cat himself.

Naoto listens careful to Kenta, looking at him (all while not stopping petting the cat, of course). Sounds to him like, "... so adopting an older cat is kind of better?" With the kitten you wouldn't know what you were getting.

"I think so, but kittens *are* super cute, so there's something to be said for them too. And you can train them from babyhood. But yeah, I would prefer to adopt a cat that's out of kittenhood at least." Kenta agreed, then cuddled Naoto again, just because. "Would you want a pet cat?" He asked, just curious at this point.

"Umm... I do like cats a lot, but... Like if it was me by myself taking care of it? I think I'd be a little worried?" Naoto admits, not confident in his ability to singlehandedly raise and care for a living creature.

"That's fair. I wouldn't have thought I'd be good for that kind of thing either, but living here, cat-related duties fall to me sometimes, so I think I could, maybe, do it." Kenta responded thoughtfully, though he was glad to hear that Naoto would be open to a pet kitty, sometime in the future. Obviously *they* were nowhere near living with each other (Kenta didn't even have his own place!), but it was nice to know it was a fuzzy option someday.

Naoto definitely has the thought that they could definitely do it together, and then blushes at himself. Like, yes that seems lovely, but it's way too early to be thinking about living together, isn't it? Fighting through self-induced embarrassment he's quiet momentarily, luckily not a totally out of character thing for him though.

Given that he hadn't said anything that really required a reply, Kenta didn't exactly notice right away that Naoto had lapsed into silence. And when he did eventually notice? Well, it really wasn't out of the ordinary. So, the host just kept up the small, light circles with his hands and stayed cuddled close to his boyfriend while the cat on Naoto's lap purred away.

"Oh!" Naoto exclaims, as the cat suddenly stands up, stretches and leaps away. It's too bad, and had come from no where but... that's just cats, he supposes. He looks back to Kenta, shrugs and smiles.

Kenta looked at his boyfriend sharply at that exclamation, not sure what might have caused it, but immediately saw the cat doing what cats do, and chuckled warmly. "Cats will be cats." He said, returning that smile, before touching his forehead and tip of his nose against the violinist's.

"He surprised me though," Naoto explains, despite that having been evident. He smiles cutely at the host's sweet gesture, and then closes what little distance there was between their lips for a sweet kiss.

"Yeah, I know." Kenta replied, then happily engaged in that kiss. It always felt good to have Naoto's lips against his, and he loved starting their makeout sessions with sweet kisses, giving them space to move to deeper, and less sweet, kisses as they went. With his arms already wrapped around the other man, he just continued to hold his boyfriend close.

Naoto sighs, clearly enjoying the kiss as well. And unburdened by cats or worries about roommates showing up, he soon enough slips his way over onto Kenta's lap, enjoying that extra closeness. He always enjoys spending time with Kenta, but it's extra exciting on a day like today where they can be free to do whatever they want together~

When Naoto ended up in his lap, Kenta wasn't exactly surprised, but he *was* pleased. He adjusted his arms around the other man to better support him, and put just a little bit more pressure behind his lips. Not a lot, but just enough to progress their kissing from totally sweet to a little sweet and spicy~ He wasn't sure, exactly, what they would get up to that night, but he didn't think they were going to go *too* far with this just yet. So, he just enjoyed this kissing and the way that the violinist cuddled right into him.

Naoto matches the kiss, moving his lips naturally against Kenta's own. This level of kissing, something they had done even before their relationship got sexual, is wonderfully familiar. That doesn't make it boring, not at all, it's still just as exciting as the first time, but better because Naoto has fewer worries.

The familiarity of this situation actually made it even better for the host, somehow. Maybe because he didn't have to think too much about whether he was doing something Naoto would like, or if it was too much, or too little. He could just do things as he naturally felt like doing, and know that it was going to be received well. There was a certain thrill that came with the unknown at the beginning of a relationship, but there was an even better feeling of lack of nerves now that they were past that initial stage. He let his hands slowly rub along Naoto's back as they continued their easy kisses.

As those kisses continue, Naoto gets his arms around Kenta's shoulders, and one of his hands settles by the back of Kenta's neck, fingers brushing against the baby hairs there. His hands are slightly cold, and also with the surprising roughness from his calluses.

The slight cold, calluses, and just the sensitivity of the area, combined to make Kenta shiver pleasantly under that touch. "Nnn~" he moaned softly against Naoto's lips, enjoying the moment completely, and hoping his reaction wouldn't cause his boyfriend to stop.

Naoto had not been expecting that moan, and isn't quite sure how he'd caused it -- but he is much more comfortable doing such things with Kenta now than he once was, so it doesn't bother him too much. Instead he's quite happy that Kenta is feeling good too~

Kenta was glad that neither his shiver nor his moan had made Naoto stop or draw away. He gave another kiss, then another, to his boyfriend's lips, then slowly drew back just enough to ask, "More kisses? Or food?" Not that they couldn't have food later if Naoto chose kisses now. He just wanted to know if they should pause now, or not.

When Kenta moves back, Naoto opens his eyes to look into Kenta's. He'd kind of forgotten about food -- but that's probably a good idea to get out of the way before they lose track entirely, "Um... maybe we should eat?"

"Okay~ Well, then... what are you feeling? I was going to get us takeout of whatever you wanted, but kinda... forgot to ask as soon as you got here." Kenta admitted. He really should have asked right away, but he'd gotten distracted with Naoto comparing the apartment to a cat cafe. That was definitely his mistake, though.

"Oh," Naoto replies, clearly deep in thought, having not considered that he'd be choosing dinner that night even though it fully makes sense. After a long quiet thoughtful moment, he says, "Maybe Chinese?"

Kenta waited patiently while Naoto considered options. After all, he had sprung the decision on the other man, so he wasn't surprised that his boyfriend didn't have an answer ready. "Great! I think there's a menu for a Chinese place on the table there. I asked the other guys for recommendations for good places in the area. So~ We can pick what we want, then order!" Yeah, he could have looked up places on his phone, but this had been easier, and more likely to be good. Which was important for Naoto's birthday, obviously~

"Yay," Naoto says. he slips off of Kenta's lap in order to make this process easier. Many a gyoza is ordered, and some noodle dishes and vegetable dishes... and in the process Naoto remembers that he and Kenta had had a lovely time eating at a Chinese place near his house once before, which is a pleasant memory.

Once their order had been made, (and it might end up being enough for a small army, but Kenta didn't care) the host turned to his boyfriend once more. "So~ While we wait for food to arrive~ Do you want to play with more cats? Or sip our tea?" He didn't mention kissing more, but that was always an option. Just one they'd have to keep to a certain degree so they'd be ready to accept the food when it arrived~

Cats was the obvious answer, except, Naoto gasps, and admits, "I forgot we had tea!" He reaches over to get his mug, wanting to enjoy it before it gets cold. Besides, Chinese leftovers were great, either for if they get snacky later in the evening, or for the next morning.

That reaction made Kenta laugh lightly. Naoto was just too cute. "Yup, we have tea." He confirmed before reaching for his own mug and enjoying a nice sip of it. He crossed one leg elegantly over the other, not really even thinking about it honestly. It was something he often did while sitting around drinking at the host club, because apparently he looked good while doing it. "Cat cafe has to come equipped with warm drinks, right?"

"Or else it wouldn't be a *Cafe*," Naoto agrees sweetly, and enjoys a sip of his tea. He's glad that it's at a good temperature and not quite in trouble of getting cool yet. It was comfy and lovely, just as he'd hoped.

"So true. Though.... we seem to be lacking in cookies, or little cakes, to go with our tea. So sorry for that oversight." Kenta said with a smile, knowing that Naoto wouldn't really care. After all, it was all just a pretend cafe~ That said, they did have impending food, so that should make up for any food-related disappointment that might exist. He took another sip of his tea, then got his arm comfortably settled around his boyfriend.

"But those cafes wouldn't have good Chinese food coming, so this is ok," Naoto replies, hoping Kenta doesn't really feel bad about it. Also being able to be obvious with his boyfriend is better than any cafe.

"That is very true." Kenta agreed with amusement. "Can't think of any cafes that would even really be cool with bringing Chinese food in, nevermind delivering it to you~"

Naoto is quite pleased at Kenta agreeing with him and he enjoys that feeling of his boyfriend's arm around him until the food finally arrives

At the sound of their food arriving, Kenta leaned over to give Naoto a quick kiss to the cheek before getting up. He glanced around, just in case, but it seemed unlikely that Reno would come running at this point. Once he'd accepted the food, he brought it back to the coffee table. "The food has arrived~" He announced, then asked, "Want to eat straight from the containers? Or be civilized with plates and stuff?"

Naoto watches Kenta go get the food, and despite his clothes he's not prissy so he says, "From the containers is fine," and waves Kenta back over.

"Great!" Kenta agreed, happy to go either way. And if Naoto was comfortable with this option, it was certainly the one that would take less clean up afterward. He resettled on the couch with the violinist and started pulling out their food. Halfway through, though, he realized, "Oh! Do you want something to drink that *isn't* tea?"

"Oh. Yeah something else might be good with the food? " Naoto agrees his tea being more of a relaxing drink than a meal one... if that makes sense

"Beer? Or this alcoholic sakura drink? Or something non-alcoholic?" Kenta asked, already moving to get up, even with food only half out of the bags. He'd been given permission to offer out some of the pink alcohol, since there was still a bunch of it around, and he kind of thought Naoto would like it.

Naoto could be wrong but he feels like a strongly flavoured drink like the sakura one may not go right with chinese, "Um... beer's ok; or maybe cola if you have some?"

"Mmmm... let me check." Kenta said, disappearing into the kitchen. He *had* mentioned that this was all for Naoto's birthday tonight, so someone might have gotten some soda in. He looked in the fridge, and lo and behold, there was both cola and sprite, as well as a note attached to one of the bottles. The host smiled at finding unfamiliar handwriting, which was explained by it being signed by Akio. 'Didn't know what your boy would like, so went with the usuals. Feel free to doctor from the cupboard.' Kenta went to said cupboard and saw a couple small bottles of cheap vodka and rum. "Want a rum and cola instead~?" He called out to Naoto, already getting the soda out to put into glasses regardless.

Naoto is perfectly happy to wait, and really none too picky. He enjoys watching a pair of cats chasing each other across part of the cat highway of steps on the wall, looking back towards the kitchen when Kenta speaks, "Oh! A rum and coke sounds lovely, yes please."

Hearing that, Kenta poured a decent amount of the small bottle of rum in each glass, then brought out the rum and cokes for them. "Here we go~ Seems I've been accepted by Yue-kun's boyfriend. He left the soda and alcohol for us." He said, as he set the drinks down, then resettled on the couch to finish taking the food out of the bags.

"Oh, that's nice," Naoto replies, honestly, deeply feeling it to be sweet. Like here's Kenta, staying at his EX boyfriend's place, and the current boyfriend even gets along with him? Everyone just seems like nice people and there weren't any real PROBLEMS that caused the break up; no big drama, it just wasn't the right fit. "Make sure to thank him for me later, please."

"Oh, I sure will." Kenta assured his boyfriend. Not that Akio had ever been hostile to him, he'd just kind of gotten the feeling that the man had no real interest in interacting with him before this. With this, though, he felt that he was being accepted somewhat more by the drummer, and that made him feel weirdly happy. "Okay, that should be everything out." He commented, grabbing some disposable chopsticks to hand over to his boyfriend, as well as a pair for himself. "Shall we just dig in~?"

Naoto doesn't even realize how much of a 'prince' he is, having basically sat on the sofa and letting Kenta get everything ready - it's not that he's so spoiled that he feels people SHOULD care for him or anything like that, but people tend to and his awareness is a bit low. "Thank you, and yes -- let's!" He agrees with cute enthusiasm, separating his chopsticks and starting to eat.

Given that it was both Naoto's birthday, and Kenta was used to much more demanding 'princes' and 'princesses', the host honestly hadn't noticed that his boyfriend was doing almost nothing for himself. "You're very welcome!" He responded brightly, then began to eat as well, enjoying the various things they'd gotten, and occasionally finding his chopsticks nearly meeting the violinist's in one container or another, which almost always made him laugh.

The violinist DOES know that it feels good having Kenta care for him, and that's about as advanced as his thoughts on the matter have gotten. He enjoys the food too, especially those moments where Kenta laughs... Though he's growing increasingly concerned by the number of felines gathering around them as they eat.

When the fourth cat appeared, Kenta shook his head at them, then waved his chopsticks at them in admonishment. "Don't even try to pretend you're starving! Ayase-san and Yue-kun fed you before they left! I know! I saw it!" Of course, this did nothing but make the twins' heads bob to follow the path of his chopsticks waving in the air. The other two just stared at him, unimpressed.

Naoto can't help but giggle at the cats' heads bobbing in unison with each other as they hyperfocused on those chopsticks. "I'm guessing they're not allowed to eat people food?" He confirms when Kenta, although he was fairly certain, before appealing to the crowd of cats, "I'm sure it smells good, but this stuff isn't really good for you."

Kenta shook his head. "They're not supposed to. I hear that sometimes they get lucky with something that drops, or they might swipe something if it's left unattended, but nothing we're eating would be good for them at all. Even the meats are seasoned, or covered in sauces. None of that is good for them. Probably not great for us either, but we go into it knowing that." He added with a smile for his boyfriend. Not that Chinese was anywhere near the worst thing they could have ordered in, but still.

"Hmm, see, Kenta-kun agrees it's no good for you," Naoto replies, then turns back to eating, feeling like he needs to finish up so they can clear away leftovers to keep things safe for the kitties.

The fact that all four cats stayed seated, watching them (and especially their chopsticks) carefully, indicated that they didn't much care what the humans thought about this. And soon, they had a fifth, red, audience member. "Only missing one, now." Kenta commented with some amusement. He was kind of surprised that Reno had come out, but the food must have smelled *that* good.

"Mou," Naoto whines at them - certainly a side of him that few have seen, but he's frustrated that he doesn't know how to shoo them away or convince them of the 'danger'. When he finishes eating, he starts closing up any containers that are empty straight away.

Kenta just smiled at that cute whine, then went back to his own eating. It looked like the cats weren't going to pounce on them, so it was probably fine. Once they were finished, though, he started helping Naoto close things up. And only as they began to do that did some of the cats start to lose interest in the food and go off to do other things. Reno, however, came to rub up against his leg cutely. "Hello, Reno-chan~" He said, finishing closing the last container on 'his side' of the table, then lifted the red cat into his lap. "You're not normally this adventurous." He commented, stroking the cat as a little nose stretched in the direction of the closed containers.

"Oh, he's so cute," Naoto says, not having had this good a look at the red kitty before, and smiling at the needy way he was rubbing at Kenta. That said, the host has a cat in his lap now and thus legally cannot stand up so the violinist gets up to bring their things to the kitchen, throwing out empty things first, before preparing to put leftovers in the fridge. He smiles as he spots a kitty settling down on top of the fridge, "Aa, back to the warm spot~"

"Isn't he?" Kenta agreed. It was only as Naoto got up to put things away that he realized what he had done, though. "Oh! Hey! You're not supposed to be doing that!" He protested. But... it really was the law: kitty on lap means no moving until the kitty moves. Hearing the violinist talking to a cat in the kitchen, though, he had to chuckle. Loki or Lucifer... one of the black cats, anyway. He couldn't rightly remember which one was the fridge dweller at the moment.

"We need to clean it up so the kitties don't get into it, and you can't move," Naoto points out, a rare show of flawless logic from the musician. He opens up the fridge and puts the leftovers away. Then realizing this is a good chance to top up their drinks, he heads back to the living room to get their cups, refills their drinks, and then sits down beside Kenta, "there, safe."

That very logical response made Kenta laugh, but he didn't protest any further. When Naoto returned with their refilled drinks, he asked, "Did you add more rum? Or are we at mostly colas now?" Either way he was fine, but knowing before sipping would be good so he could prepare his tastebuds. All the while, he was continuing to stroke the red cat, who now had his front paws on the host's chest and was repeatedly headbutting him.

"I added more rum - but I wasn't sure how much to add so I only added a little bit, so they might be colas?" Naoto admits. He'd basically put in a small splash each so they're definitely pretty weak. But he had erred on the correct side at least. He's amused watching Reno clearly be obsessed with Kenta. Part of him wants to reach out and pet the cat, but he knows this one is shy and doesn't want to chase him away.

"Ah~ It was a small bottle, so I didn't put a whole lot in the first time either, so I'm betting it's fine." Kenta responded, ruined by a laugh as Reno's head smacked into his chin again. "Hey, hey! I get it!" He told the cat, then liberally rubbed the underside of his chin all over the top of the cat's head, which seemed to please the red ball of fur. "Wanna meet my boyfriend? We're celebrating his birthday today, and you're interrupting~" He told the cat, readjusting him so Reno could see Naoto. The red cat didn't tense or struggle as if he wanted away, so that was a good sign.

Naoto has a sip of his drink and it doesn't seem too strong, so he's satisfied even if it is definitely a bit weak. "Well, he is the cutest party crasher I've ever seen, so it's ok." Reno doesn't seem to shy away from the violinist at the moment, so he reaches out his hand, slowly bringing it closer to the feline's face so Reno can give a little sniff, or whatever.

Kenta grinned at that description of Reno, then watched as Noato introduced himself to the cat. Reno cautiously sniffed the outstretched fingers, then touched his nose directly to the tip of one of them before drawing back a tiny bit again. He was watching the violinist, so not completely at ease, but he wasn't trying to back up or get down either, so the host thought that was a good sign. "Try bringing your hand in low to maybe rub his cheek?" He suggested, thinking petting from above might make the red cat nervous.

The violinist was happy enough at Reno touching him sweetly, but listens to Kenta's advice and gives it a try. Slowly, he reaches his fingers further a little further, careful to dodge the cat's whiskers (he'd read somewhere that whiskers are super sensitive) and gently brush his finger tips against the ruddy feline's cheek.

Reno was watching the slow movement of that hand, and when it connected, he leaned his cheek heavily and suddenly into that hand, a small purr starting up. Kenta smiled at that reaction and resumed rhythmically stroking the cat's back. "Guess he likes you~"

"Phew," Naoto replies, having been genuinely holding his breath to see how the cat could respond. He keeps his fingers around the side of the cat's face, giving him little scritches. "I'm glad he didn't feel the need to run away again."

"Well, you've been over here a few times, and I'm sure I carry your scent on me a good bit of the time, so maybe he's used to the smell of you enough not to be scared anymore?" the host theorized. After all, he had no real evidence for how the cat thought, just his guesses based on this interaction. Meanwhile, Reno was moving his head around in such a way as to make Naoto's hand move into different areas, and his purring was getting stronger.

"Hmm, maybe. He seems to be having fun now though," Naoto replies, adoring the way the cat was nuzzling in against him, and trying to keep up the pets although honestly Reno's moving around so much it makes it a little hard for him to keep it up.

"He really does. That and he's trying to rub all his scent glands on your hand. Saying 'this human belongs to me'." Kenta agreed with a laugh, using a voice that he thought matched the cat as he 'spoke' for Reno. It was adorable how the cat's actions were working a bit against him, though.

Naoto blinks and the claiming that's apparently being done, "Eh? I thought he liked you? And your ex-boyfriend's new boyfriend?" Naoto apparently remembers the politics of the situation better than he remembers most of these men's names.

That question made Kenta laugh again, merrily. "Cats like to own *everyone* they like. He doesn't have to give up ownership of one of us to claim you." He explained. "And yeah, he likes me, and he likes Saito-san, and he likes Yue-kun and Ayase-san too, obviously. He's just adding you to the small pile of people he 'owns'."

"Awww, ok," Naoto replies, accepting it more as a possessive kind of friendship, and coming back around to finding it cute. He gets his hand in a good place to scritch behind Reno's ear, which the cat seems to enjoy.

Reno did, indeed, lean even more into Naoto's hand as it moved up to his ear, and only slightly adjusted his head so that those fingers were more fully behind his ear, and the rest of the hand above his head now. "Oooh~ that must feel so good~" Kenta commented, watching how the cat was reacting. He wasn't quite *jealous* of the cat, but he could totally go for some pets and head scritches himself~

Naoto's very pleased. The cat is purring, and at this point, basically half of Reno's head is literally in the palm of his hand. He likes cats but he's still not super used to them, and this is very satisfying. "He certainly seems to like it."

Kenta nodded in agreement. "He really does, doesn't he?" However, the red cat was absolutely, and firmly, still entirely in the host's lap. Accepting pets and claiming Naoto's hand he might be, but it seemed caution was still strong with the young cat. Still, it was a super sweet moment, and Kenta was happy that Reno seemed to be warming up to Naoto, at least a little.

The violinist doesn't mind at all, if Reno staying in Kenta's lap is what makes him comfortable enough to accept Naoto's pets, well, that just makes sense to him. Trying new things is always easier when you're otherwise comfortable, right? That said... he loves the cat cafe, but he wants to be enjoying time with his boyfriend too, so things are just slightly awkward.

Thankfully for the pair's evening, Reno could only take so much attention, and after the next pet he ducked his head out of the way, wriggled a little until Kenta let him go, then jumped down and disappeared. "And that.... is how Reno-chan says he's done." The host said with a smile. "So.... with a lack of small cats to pet, whatever will you do~?"

Naoto blinks, always surprised by the sudden ways of kitties, but not startled too badly. And a little bit pleased, honestly. He smiles over to Kenta, and asks, "Well... maybe I could take his place?"

THEN, he realizes that while that was what he wanted to say, now that he hears himself saying it it feels very forward, and blushes AT HIMSELF.

Okay, that was *not* what Kenta had expected of his shy, soft-spoken boyfriend, but he was *not* displeased. Not in the least. And that cute blush only made the uncharacteristic forwardness cuter~ "Oh~ Please do~" He responded with a very pleased grin. After all, it was Naoto's birthday~ He could have pretty much anything he wanted~ That it was something that the host would enjoy immensely too? Well, that was icing on the cake~

It may be embarrassing, but honestly... it's MORE embarrassing if he *doesn't* follow through now, right? And he so does want to be in Kenta's lap. Cheeks still incredibly red, he does shift over onto Kenta's lap. He's doing more of a side-saddle than a straddle, but regardless they are now very, very close. And he promptly hides his face in Kenta's neck to survive.

Kenta's arms went immediately around the violinist as Naoto settled in his lap. And, he very, very, very carefully did *not* laugh as his boyfriend hid his burning face. The skin was so hot that the host's neck actually warmed from the heat. Yeah, there was no way he was going to laugh, no matter *how* funny this situation was. Instead, he pressed a kiss to Naoto's shoulder and slowly rubbed one hand up and down the other man's back.

Honestly, Naoto is happy with this outcome. Kenta's arms around him are always appreciated -- and now he is essentially being pet, which is certainly what he asked for. Everything is sweet and nice, and the best part? He knows his boyfriend will patiently wait for him while he recuperates.

Kenta kept up the slow pass of his hand over Naoto's back, turning into rather rhythmic petting pretty quickly. Truly, the violinist had replaced the cat in his lap quite completely at this moment. And it was cute, so he definitely didn't mind. Honestly, he rarely had any kind of complaint about the time he spent with his boyfriend, no matter what they were doing.

As usual, given some time the violinist does recover -- and then he can just enjoy this wonderful position he'd found himself in. Cheeks finally cooled, he sits up more properly instead of hiding his face. As to the petting, he tells Kenta, "That feels nice~"

When that beloved face was revealed, Kenta smiled warmly. "I'm glad. After all, you wanted to be the kitty on my lap, right? And kitties get pets." He explained, even if this wasn't *exactly* the reason for the petting. After all, even if Naoto hadn't worded his request that way, Kenta just liked stroking his boyfriend's back when they were in a similar position to this.

Naoto smiles at that logic, "Yes, that's right." And he even has cat ears on today! He gets his hands on Kenta's shoulders, and leans in for a sweet kiss, very pleased with things now that he wasn't feeling embarrassed anymore.

Kenta returned that kiss easily, then gave the violinist another peck to the lips, followed by one to the nose, one to the forehead, and one to as close to the top of the other man's head as he could get. All the while, he kept up the petting.

The violinist's smile only broadens, until it's a sweet, earnest, beaming smile, accompanied with a small giggle at his surprise with those sweet kisses. "Kenta-kun~"

"What~? You're a kitty! I have to give you all the kisses I'd give a kitty, right?" Kenta responded, defending his actions. Not that he would kiss a cat on the mouth the way he would his boyfriend, but still!

"Oh, is that so?" Naoto replies, thinking those kitties are lucky - and not thinking how weird it would be if Kenta was kissing them on the lips, thankfully.

"Mhm~" Kenta confirmed with amusement. "Sometimes, if I don't give kisses fast enough, I'll end up getting head butted in the face~" He added, thinking Naoto would find this amusing, even though it was the complete truth.

Naoto giggles, not only at how cute that is, but then at the deeply silly idea of him headbutting Kenta the way a cat would. And while he's not going to do that -- he does lean in to nuzzle Kenta, as that's the appropriate version of that action.

And that reaction made Kenta almost giggle in return. "Too cute~ Too cute~ I'm gonna die of cuteness overload~" He said. Though, clearly, he was in no kind of danger at all, especially from Naoto cuteness. "Must. Kiss. Sexily. To. Survive~" He added, then attempted to capture the violinist's lips to do just that.

"Oh no, don't die," Naoto replies, sounding a little more serious than that statement deserved. And then they're kissing again~ And it's wonderful and deeper than the sweet kisses they'd shared before, and the violinist murmurs a pleased sound against Kenta's mouth.

If he hadn't already been halfway into his desired deeper kiss, Kenta would have absolutely laughed at that somewhat too serious response to his silly claim. However, with his lips otherwise (and much more happily) engaged, he wasn't even thinking about laughing. No, all his thoughts were on their lips, and the heat of their mouths, and just a little on his hands now petting in a rather more sensual way than before.

"Mm, Kenta-kun," Naoto murmurs between kisses, leaning up against his boyfriend with clear enthusiasm. All his focus is on his boyfriend, not on any of the cats roaming around the apartment.

Kenta wasn't caring about the cats either, but as they enjoyed more and more kisses, a thought occurred to the host. "Mmm~ Naoto-kun~" He half moaned, then drew back just slightly. "Hmm~ Not to ruin the moment, but just wanted to say this now: We can't do more than kiss and stuff out here. Otherwise Ayase-san will kill me. ...and probably not let us do stuff here again."

Naoto isn't expecting that break in the kiss, and tilts his head at Kenta as the host explains. It takes the violinist to process, but then he thinks he's figured out what Kenta is getting at, "... so, we should move to the bedroom...?"

"I mean... if we want to do more than kiss right now. Question is: would you like to keep going right now? Or pause for cake, and *then* move to the bedroom?" Kenta asked before giving Naoto another soft kiss.

The violinist, while it's lovely that Kenta is giving him options, certainly wasn't thinking about cake right now. He's pretty full from dinner, and wants the freedom that comes with the ability to progress from kissing or not. "Um... I think let's move to the bedroom, for now."

That decision made Kenta's eyes light up with delight. "Well, then~ Let's move~" He agreed, then gave the violinist another peck before loosening his hold on his boyfriend. The idea that Naoto was as interested in letting things progress as they would as he was? Yeah, that was almost as hot as when the violinist had asked to move into this lap. Actually, it was pretty equal. Super hot~

Ironically, Naoto is less embarrassed about this situation - but really Kenta had suggested the move and he was just agreeing, rather than last time where he'd been very forward. He carefully slips off of Kenta's lap back onto the sofa before standing up, and immediately seeking Kenta's hand with his.

Kenta absolutely took those hands when offered and got up off the couch. He had a sudden rebellious streak as he looked at his boyfriend, wanting to disregard the rules. But.... he remembered, almost immediately, that he only lived there due to the good graces of his hosts, so that would be a very bad idea. So, the streak fizzled rather immediately, and he gave the violinist's hands a squeeze before starting to lead the other man to the bedroom with a grin.

Not knowing the devious idea that had gone through the host's mind, Naoto smiles sweetly at the squeeze to his hand, and is easily lead to the bedroom. He laughs as they walk in and find Fujin sleeping on the bed though. "Oh, that's where you were..."

Kenta laughed as well, finding the elderly lady cat snoozing on the bed. "Sorry, Obaachan~ You're going to have to move~" He told the cat, moving to poke her in bum a couple of times, which earned him a look from the cat, and a yawn, but she didn't get up, or move any further at all for the first little bit.

Naoto feels confident in his ability to handle this situation. He gingerly scoops her up in his arms. She curls up into him contentedly. He carries her out to the living room, grabbing a soft pillow on the way. He puts the pillow on one of the shelves of one of the cat trees, and puts her down on it. She gives him a displeased look, but then curls up again in her new spot. "Sorry~ But we need the bed." he tells her, before returning to his boyfriend.

Naoto scooping up the cat made the host chuckle, but while the other man was gone, he took the chance to slip his shirt off carefully, so as to not dislodge his kitty ears, then arranged himself sexily on the bed to await his boyfriend's return. When Naoto came back into the room, he asked, "Got her all figured without too much protest~?"

Naoto closes the door carefully behind him, not wanting to accidentally catch a cat bolting through with the door or anything, "Yeah, got her a nice pillow and a nice perch... she'll forgive me, I think." and it's at that point that he properly notices Kenta splayed out shirtless and gorgeously on the bed and just. Stops moving. And talking.

"Oh, I'm sure she will~" Kenta agreed, though he wasn't really worried about Fujin so much. He was way more amused by the way that Naoto had just... stopped. He could say something.... or he could just wait for his boyfriend's brain to start processing again. So, instead of teasing, or saying anything at all, he just waited, smile on his lips, and basked in those lovely eyes on him.

Not teasing is usually the better way to handle Naoto honestly, and it doesn't take too long before he starts to walk towards the bed again. Thankfully, he hasn't registered how obvious he'd been or he'd be super embarrassed. He sits on the edge of the bed, "Kenta-kun--"

and he can't bring himself to say how hot the host looks, even though that's obviously what he's thinking about.

Kenta's grin broadened just a touch as his boyfriend approached the bed. The look in the other man's eyes spoke volumes, and all of them said that the violinist was enjoying what he was seeing. "Yes~ Naoto-kun~?" He asked, though he wasn't sure he needed a vocal answer too much. Instead of waiting for any kind of answer, he reached out for his boyfriend's hand and guided it to his chest, keeping his own hand lightly on top of the birthday boy's.

Kenta is wise indeed, choosing not to wait for a reply. Naoto lets his boyfriend draw his hand over to his chest, and he swallows thickly at that contact. He moves in closer, and gently presses his lips to the host's lips, and lets his hand roam slowly over that bared chest.

"Mmmm~" Kenta hummed happily as those lips met his. It was a soft initial kiss, but he wasn't complaining. Just left room for the kisses to grow, and deepen. And he was definitely enjoying the feel of that hand exploring his chest that way~ He didn't keep his hand on his boyfriend's for long, though, opting instead to let it travel up the violinist's arm and lightly massage Naoto's shoulder, hoping to entice the other man even closer~

Naoto is easily coaxed in closer by that touch on his shoulder, so easily he doesn't even realize that's what's happening. He still has one hand on Kenta's chest, but the other hand slides around Kenta's shoulders, all without parting their lips.

Oh yeah, that was actually even better than he'd been hoping for~ Kenta let out a soft sound of delight into their next kiss and let his own hand slide further along Naoto's shoulder. He kind of wished that the other man's shirt wasn't in the way, but.... there was lots of time for that. And this was very enjoyable for right now~

Naoto really isn't entirely sure how he ended up with such a sexy boyfriend, or what to really do with him -- but thankfully he just lets Kenta take control and the results always seem to end up pleasurable anyways. And with Kenta's pleased sound, it helps the violinist relax and feel like he's doing a good job too.

Kenta exchanged a few more soft kisses with Naoto before slowly deepening the next one. He was used to taking his time with his boyfriend, and enjoying the entire journey together. Sure, he'd engaged in a lot of rough and tumble sex, or just quick, get it done, in the back of a club, but this was something different than that. This was... maybe reverent was too strong a word, but he liked to know that he was doing all the things his boyfriend liked on their way to the main event. That said, after a couple more of the slightly deeper kisses, he drew his lips a little away to ask, "Would the birthday boy like to open his present a little more~?"

Naoto leans in quite naturally to those deeper kisses. Kenta's slow process with him really helps him to relax. Since they're kind of limited about how often they can do it, having sex like this - with Kenta, and fully aware of what he's doing, is still somewhat new for the violinist. He blushes lightly at Kenta's suggestion, but nods.

... and then doesn't actually do anything

That blush was adorable, but Kenta was worried he'd ruined the flow with his suggestion, since Naoto seemed to have frozen again. Sometimes it was hard to tell if moments like this were indecision, or nerves. He hoped it was indecision about *what* exactly the other man wanted to do, because he didn't want to be a cause of nerves for his boyfriend, but it really was hard to tell sometimes. Still, if the violinist didn't say something, or make a move in a minute or so, the host resolved to 'help' the other man again, similarly to guiding Naoto's hand when they first started kissing on the bed.

Like, Naoto gets that it's a sexual suggestion, and that it's about progressing what they're doing -- but he doesn't really know literally what Kenta is suggesting or what to do to achieve the effect. Sheepishly, he asks, "Um... how? Like, what are you thinking...?"

Kenta smiled softly at that sweet question. "Well, you can either work on undressing me more, or work on undressing you some." He suggested easily and gently. After all, this was all about them enjoying each other, and even moreso Naoto enjoying his little birthday party~

"Ohh," Naoto replies, although he actually doesn't quite get it. Like he gets how undressing Kenta more would be like unwrapping a present, but it feels a bit much to get Kenta more undressed when he's still fully dressed. He doesn't get how undressing *himself* is like opening a present, but that feels like a good idea. He sits back some, and starts to deal with his many layers.

To be fair, Kenta had really been referencing his own clothing when talking about unwrapping a present, so Naoto wasn't wrong there. But, when faced with the question, the host hadn't been able to fully squash his selfish desire for a bit of a gift himself in having his boyfriend lose a few layers. And seeing that that was the option Naoto had decided to go with? Well, he wasn't complaining about the view. Not one bit~

The way Naoto strips is not super erotic - he doesn't really have the necessary confidence in his bare physique, and he's focused on taking care of his clothes -- to the point where he gets off the bed to hang it up properly. Once he's got everything off the top, he returns to the bed, resisting the inclination to try to cover his chest since he knows Kenta wants to see.

While they didn't get to be together as often as the host might like, they'd been intimate enough times that Kenta was used to the idea that Naoto stripping was not *stripping* per se. It was just getting naked. He was okay with that, though. He knew that the violinist was still getting used to the whole sex while sober thing. Everything else was excess to that simple fact. So, just knowing that the other man was choosing to *get naked* to *have sex* with him made the whole thing sexy for Kenta. "You must be cold now, taking off all those layers~ Come back over here so I can warm you back up, ne~?" He suggested, holding his arms out for his boyfriend. Of course, the real reason was far more about getting his hands on all that lovely revealed skin, but it could be both~

Naoto nods, with no idea how adorable his little nod was. Even if he wasn't feeling chill, he would much rather be in Kenta's arms than just standing around awkwardly being looked at, so he dives right into those welcoming arms, getting his own around Kenta's topless torso as well. Warm and welcoming~

"Mmm~" Kenta hummed in delight, as Naoto's bare chest pressed in against his own. He rubbed his hands slowly up and down his boyfriend's back, then smiled at the other man. "You are so gorgeous~"

The violinist only really feels gorgeous when he's dressed in all his finery, and less so in a situation like this where he's topless. But somehow he can believe it when Kenta says it. "Mm, thank you." All the contact, between their chests, and those hands on his back feels amazing as well.

"You are so welcome~" Kenta all but purred, then grinned. "Can I kiss you again? Or are you enjoying the view a little~?" He asked, wanting to return to kissing, but not wanting to take away from Naoto's enjoyment of any moment tonight. After all~ It was the violinist's birthday, and everything should be how his boyfriend wanted it.

Naoto blushes at that mention about how much he's been enjoying the host with his eyes, although it shouldn't be a surprise -- and obviously with Kenta calling him gorgeous, the host feels the same way about him. "Oh, um... kissing sounds good."

"Alright~" Kenta replied eagerly before leaning in to press a kiss to Naoto's lips that reflected the eagerness in his voice perfectly. It just felt so amazing to reconnect with his boyfriend this way, even if they had only been 'apart' for a few minutes. It was just amazing when they could be together like this at all, and he was going to savour every second.

The violinist leans into that kiss, closing his eyes. There's a simple joy and comfort he feels whenever he and Kenta are together that is irreplaceable as a feeling. He can't get enough of it -- and seriously Kenta needs to get his own place so they have more opportunities to be together. His hand finds it's way from Kenta's chest over to the man's side and slowly slides down it.

Kenta's thoughts were somewhat similar, wishing that he had his own place so that the two of them could be together whenever they wanted. It was a fleeting thought, though, as that hand slid wonderfully down his side. It was always felt way better than it should when Naoto touched him like this, probably *because* it was Naoto.

Naoto may not be comfortable telling Kenta how hot he is but he *definitely* does enjoy it. Their lips part, and he kisses the host's chin, his hand finding its way down to Kenta's hip and holding on there.

That kiss to his chin made the host grin. He wasn't completely sure why Naoto liked to kiss him there, but he enjoyed it well enough~ However, that hold that the violinist had on his hip made Kenta moan gently. He'd never really considered his boyfriend as much of a top, but that grip... it gave him a little thrill that he associated with someone else taking the dominant position with him. He didn't expect it to actually *go* anywhere, but it was a nice feeling. "Mmmm~" He hummed pleasantly, but added a little more pressure to the touch of his hands along Naoto's back and side as well.

Naoto had been in the process of moving his lips towards Kenta's jaw, but then he blinks, shifting back just enough to be able to look at Kenta's face again, as that moan had taken him by surprise. He genuinely has no idea what he's done to get that sound -- though he's very much holding on to his boyfriend's hip then. Luckily for Kenta, this means the host gets a lovely view of Naoto's eyes closing in contented pleasure at those hands moving over his skin.

When Naoto drew back, Kenta was rather surprised so he opened his eyes to assess what was going on with his boyfriend. Just in time to see that lovely expression cross the other man's face. The host smiled at it, and when the peak of that enjoyment seemed to have passed, he quietly asked, "Why did you stop~?" Not that it was a problem if Naoto didn't want to continue with what he had been doing, but it hadn't really seemed like the violinist was going to only go from lips to chin, and nowhere else.

The violinist blinks, taking a moment himself to remember why he'd stopped. "Ano... oh, I was surprised you... you made that sound."

Yup, fully making out with his boyfriend but too shy to say 'moaned'. lovely.

That reason was not at all what he'd expected, and it made him blink in turn, then smile some more. "Was it so strange?" He asked, thinking that this couldn't be the first time he'd moaned when Naoto had done something he enjoyed. While he spoke, he slowly moved one hand up and down Naoto's back.

Naoto shakes his head, since that wasn't what he'd meant at all. He takes his time answering, knowing that Kenta will always wait for him until he's satisfied making his point - that hand on his back being extra reassurance of that fact. "no, I mean... I don't know what I did, this time, to make that happen?"

Kenta absolutely did wait for his boyfriend to gather his thoughts. It wasn't a chore, especially with the other man still held against him, and knowing why his moan had startled the other man was fairly important, in his opinion. So, when the reason came out, the host couldn't help but smile again. "Oh, I can explain that." He assured the violinist, then took one hand from Naoto's back to settle on the other man's on his hip. "When you clutched me here, it made me think of times when someone... mmm... topped me." He was going to say 'dominated me', but that really didn't jive with his idea of Naoto, and he didn't think his boyfriend would find that description a positive one either. Topping, though? That couldn't be objectionable, and it was still the right idea.

It's definitely rewarding to hear that the host knows why he'd moaned and is willing to explain it. Naoto listens carefully, truly wanting to understand the reason, as obviously he wants to make Kenta feel good. But the explanation he gets? Well he doesn't know what to do with that. Sheepishly, and hoping this isn't going to become a problem with their relationship, he admits, "I've never really thought about... topping...?"

That admission made Kenta smile softly. "Honestly, I hadn't thought about you topping either. I mean... before this, you hadn't really given me any feeling like you'd want to. And if you don't, that's fine." He hastened to add. Then... before he could think too much about it, he continued, "I have certain toys that I can use when I really get the urge." He enjoyed the feelings of both topping and bottoming, so it really wasn't that surprising that he had toys for when he couldn't get that sensation from the person he was with.

Naoto is somewhat eased by the notion that Kenta wasn't really expecting him, or seeing him in that position either, although he still feels nervous, hearing there's something his boyfriend likes that he can't provide. The toys notion doesn't fully soothe him, as... well, Kenta hadn't dated someone for a super long time before, so who knows if that's a short term or long term solution? He doesn't say anything, but clearly still seems unsettled and concerned about the situation. He doesn't have much of a poker face.

Given that Naoto was pretty much an open book to even someone that didn't know him well, Kenta could see that his words hadn't done much to help the situation. He curled his fingers around the violinist's, getting them off his hip as a consequence. "I like you, Nao-kun. I like you *a lot*. And I like the sex we have. You really don't have to worry if you never, ever want to try topping, okay?" He reassured the other man.

Naoto's shyness and anxiety ramp up somewhat at Kenta figuring him out so quickly (because he does not realize how terrible he is at cloaking his thoughts). "I... I do too. But..." He lets his fingers entwine with Kenta's. "I guess... I don't like feeling like you give me everything I want, and that... that I can't do the same?" And he clearly, deeply means that, as his eyes are slightly watery.

Kenta leaned in to peck Naoto's lips lightly and gave that hand a gentle squeeze. "No one can do everything another person wants. Maybe so far I'm able to do that, but I'm sure, sometime, there will be something you want to do, or try, and it will be outside of something I'm comfortable with, or what I want to do, and we'll find a work around, somehow. And that isn't just sexually, either. If it really upsets you, though, we can talk about it more, either now or later." He assured, wanting Naoto to know that he was taking his boyfriend's feelings seriously, but also that if the other man wanted to brush past it for now, that was okay. And, of course, if he wanted to talk now, that was fine too.

Everything Kenta's explaining makes sense to Naoto, but logic and emotions don't always work together, and Naoto's still upset. Maybe less actively upset, but it's not *gone*. There's a pout to his lips as he tries to think about what he wants to do. It's difficult - they don't get many opportunities to have sex, so he doesn't want to miss out on that, but being upset is definitely not good for getting back into the mood. "Hmm... I don't know...."

That indecision at least told Kenta that Naoto didn't want to just brush it aside. Or rather, that he probably did *want* to move past it, but couldn't. "Okay... then how about we talk about it?" He suggested, also feeling like pushing on to sex when his boyfriend felt this way was not a great idea. And definitely not a good birthday gift.

"I'm sorry," Naoto says firstly, feeling he's interrupted a lovely day with his unnecessary anxieties. "Umm.." He leans in closer, settling his chin on Kenta's shoulder while he thinks. Showing that laying off the weed has helped him get a bit sharper, he manages to connect the dots between Kenta saying they can find work arounds, and also Kenta having enjoyed Naoto's grip on his hip - the whole thing that had started this all. After some time quietly mulling things over, he asks, "Are there... things I can do? To like... give you more of the feeling of being bottom, without... actually topping you?"

Kenta would have loved to tell Naoto that he didn't need to be sorry, but he knew the other man wouldn't internalize that. So, instead, he just gave the hand still in his another small squeeze and waited for Naoto to gather his thoughts. What eventually came, though, was pretty surprising to the host. "Hmm? Yeah, almost definitely." He agreed, then thought about some actualities. "Mmm... well... you could slightly assertive things, like harder kisses, or grabbing my hip like you did... or straddling me?" He suggested to start.

Naoto was not expecting an immediate and positive response. He blinks and sits up a bit more to listen. It's funny how for most people, some simple assertive things would be very easy -- but for the violinist that's still going to be something of a challenge. "Hmm... I see... I'll try?" he offers. Thankfully he knows that Kenta knows that he's still getting used to clear-headed sex, so it might be baby steps at first.

Given that Kenta had never expected Naoto to want to do *anything* close to topping, the possibility of some of those related actions coming his way someday were rather exciting. Not that he would be disappointed if they didn't, but he couldn't deny his own feelings. He stayed where he was, laying on the bed, and smiled up at Naoto. "Okay." He agreed, then asked, "Do you want more ideas? Or is that enough for now?" He didn't want to overwhelm, but he wanted to give his boyfriend as many tools as he wanted to ease his worries.

"Aa... I think that's enough for now?" Naoto admits, as he already saw those more as 'things to work up to', although he adds, "But if there's a good opportunity for something specific, I guess, let me know?" Like if Kenta had an urge to be straddled and voiced it, the violinist could probably try, right? The violinist does seem to have calmed down some, at least he doesn't seem anywhere near so tense.

"Fair enough." Kenta agreed. "Do you want to see any of my toys, while we're kind of on the subject? Or no?" He asked, then added, "You might like some of them too, actually." Given that Naoto was 100% a bottom, at least at this point. Not that the other man probably needed them when they were together (or maybe he would end up enjoying using some together?), but there was a chance that, when they couldn't be together, Naoto might like playing with a toy like one he had.

If nothing else, this is a lovely distraction, as Naoto has not had much exposure to adult toys (no, not even in all the BL he was reading) so it takes him a moment to even realize that those are the kind of toys Kenta was talking about. And he definitely hasn't seen any in person. He blinks, then nods, "Yeah, actually... I'm kind of interested."
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