my weekend?
if you must know look behind the cut
journal of the mouse war
day -3
today war has been declared.
the mouse has invaded.
the damage is great.
sugar, flour, pasta,
chocolate, and more.
soon we go to war.
day -2
the supplies have been renewed.
soap, bleach, rags, traps...
soon mouse, soon we will defeat you
day 0
tommorow we go to war.
I find myself excited and yet apprehensive.
I can not sleep.
we know the enemy.
he is horrible.
he must be stopped.
the land will be ours again.
think of the chocolate.
day 1
the war has begun.
we split forces.
I assaulted the hutch.
apparently the enemy has only lightly scouted here.
a few markers. all of the pots in storage must be washed.
the enemy is tricky.
but vigilence has payed off.
he has left markers in the drawers.
laundry for the linnens.
the hutch is ours again!
we are triumphant!
our first front has been won.
the other front reports that it is taking longer than expected.
and I must move on to another front.
I am wary, yet still optomistic.
I have moved on to the second front.
I was not prepared.
the horror of it all.
the horror.
the enemy is heavily invested here
they have taken 3 drawers.
the distruction is horifying.
filters, rubber bands, wodden cat toys...
all lost.
moved in the heavy equipment.
the enemy will not win.
mechanized division has done it.
it is not over yet
but their markers are gone
soon the drawers will be ours.
the drawers are ours.
but the cost. the horror.
dust, markers, distruction, and the smell
will I ever be free of the smell?
another front.
the terain is familiar.
the last of the drawers.
and I am numb to the distruction.
tea, coasters, findings
even the tool-drawer.
I feel emasculated.
violated in the most masculine of areas.
vengence will be mine!
with a weary eye I watch the sun set.
the hutch and all the drawers have been re-claimed.
the second front is won as well.
even the holy tool-drawer is ours once more.
but I know, soon, we must move on and claim the rest.
the markers, dust, and more must be overcome.
and we will.
day 2
the forces are gathered.
we have the tools and the skills
today we assault the cabnit territories.
gods have mercy on us all.
the cabinets. the enemies stronghold.
our info was not complete
and the enemy has caused us to fall back.
the dust and bleach have overcome us.
we have regrouped. with the help of new equipment
we have started a new offensive.
the markers are everywhere.
but we still have trhe mechanized division.
major setback. perhaps all is lost.
the mechanized division is down.
we don't know how.
but it looks to be much messier now.
we have brought in new equipment
and it is finnally looking good.
there are less losses here than I feared
but alot more time spent in clean-up.
the cabinets are ours.
only one last front.
the pantry.
the area of most contention.
both sides claim it.
and the enemy gives us no choice.
after a long battle it is mine.
the markers are cleared.
the damage repaired.
the enemy gone.
the sentries have been baited and set.
soon the last of the enemy will be gone.
no more scurrying
no more squeeking
no more whispers of "cheeeese"
the campaign was long
and yet he was a worthy foe.
his stealth unquestioned.
his tenacity unmatched
so we must be vigilent.
they may return.....